37 - Ashes

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Katherine's knuckles were white as she gripped the hilt of her sword. She followed behind Jordan as the two of them crept towards the temple. The smell of smoke and sweat clung to her leather armour, and a thin coating of ash coated her leather boots. Crackling fires were spreading throughout the city, most started by the civilians themselves. Dark plumes of smoke drifted into the sky, casting dark clouds through the sky. Katherine could only imagine what the surrounding towns must be thinking. It was possible that Tom could see the smoke from his home. She hoped he was safe.

Katherine and Jordan entered a courtyard next to the main hall, stepping over some rubble. It was empty, as she had suspected it would be. A smaller, boxed off area was to the left of them, and the ground underneath was hard. Training grounds. Katherine had a creeping suspicion that something was wrong. Jordan, still ahead of her, was staring up at the temple in almost awe. She could understand that. It was an imposing building, or, set of buildings. They were all the same. Red-stained glass windows and dark stone. Katherine grimaced at the sight. She could understand why someone would hate it here. As if sensing the danger coming, the airs on the back of her neck stood up.

"Well, well well. Look what the cat dragged in." A familiar voice purred from behind them. Katherine tensed up, watching as Jordan spun around, face going from shock to anger in seconds. But Katherine didn't have to turn around to know who was behind her. She would recognize that voice anywhere. Furia. Gritting her teeth, she turned around, seeing Furia leaning up against a wall of the boxed-off area. He smirked at her, arms crossed over his chest. When he got no answer from her, his smirk faded into a scowl, and he straightened. "What, are you scared little girl?" He sneered. Katherine squared her shoulders, not letting Furia have what he wanted.

"You're going to tell me where my brother is. Now." Katherine watched as Furia almost laughed at her. She heard Jordan walking to stand beside her, sword drawn and ready.

"Oh, that's so cute! You think that your brother will be all fine and dandy when you get him back." Furia's smirk had returned, and he took two steps towards the two of them. Katherine's grip on her sword somehow tightened. Her jaw clenched as she tried not to beat Furia into a pulp right then and there. He would deserved it, at least. "And you think that you're going to beat me. Only you and your... and your...." Furia trailed off as he actually saw Jordan. His eyes widened in recognition, and Katherine knew that now was the time to strike.

Rushing forwards, she sliced downwards with her sword, a blow that Furia missed. Jordan was one step behind her, already darting to Furia's left side while she took the right. Furia snarled when the tip of Jordan's sword glanced off of his side, turning to him with literal fire in his eyes. As Furia had done before, Jordan scampered out of the way of a fireball. Furia sent another ball of flames towards Katherine. She darted out of the way, moving closer to Furia to slash at him. This time, the blade connected. She couldn't lie that hearing Furia hiss in pain was pleasing to her. This man, this thing, had tortured her, her brother, and her parents. Now, justice was being served.

They traded blows, and both Ianitee's had come close to meeting a firey end. Several minutes later, Katherine found herself panting as she stood across from Furia. The fire being himself seemed somewhat injured, but Katherine wasn't an expert in that sort of thing. Jordan was panting like her, and was favouring his left side. Furia's glow seemed dimmer, and it was as though even he seemed exhausted. But, Furia did something strange. Almost taunting her, Furia pointed towards the closed off area that she had noticed.

"You know," Furia started, spitting out what she could only imagine was his own blood. It sizzled when it touched the ground, leaving a black mark. "Your pretty little boyfriend found himself getting into a lot of trouble. It's a shame that Dianite had to hurt him like he did." Furia sneered. Katherine saw red. First her parents, next her brother, and now Tom? She was going to kill this bastard. Glaring at him, she charged forwards again, her heart pounding in her ears. She fought harder, better, more vicious than she ever had before.

Several more minutes passed, and soon Katherine got the lucky blow. A sword straight through the upper part of his chest. She didn't know if he had a heart, but the way he sputtered and collapsed made her almost hopeful that he did. Furia clawed desperately at the sword still sticking out of him. He was almost gagging as Katherine ripped it out.

"This is for my family." Was all she said before driving the blade downwards. Furia let out a pathetic cry as the blade came towards him, but he fell silent soon after. Panting, Katherine yanked her sword out of the now dead Furia. She threw the sword to the side, and buried her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking with sobs. Jordan's arms wrapped around her, and she allowed herself to collapse into him. Kissing her forehead and murmuring into her hair, Jordan held onto her tightly. The two stayed like that for a while, before Katherine pulled away, wiping at her face. She picked up her sword, making sure it was clean before re-sheathing it. All she needed to do was make eye-contact with Jordan, and they both knew what to do. They were going to find Rupert, and Tom, and get them out of this hell hole. Jordan smiled at her softly, inclining his head towards the temple.

"Shall we?"

"Let's go."


i'm really sorry that this chapter took a while :( but s c h o o l ugh
Hopefully i'll be able to get next chapter out by sometime next week so that it'll make up a bit for the lack of posting :))

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