38 - God Against God

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It was horrid, the way the battle was going. Far too many young Dianitee soldiers had fallen to her own, only because they thought that it was their duty. Her soldiers had been forced to retaliate, and for that, she was somber. Ianite sighed, watching as a group of her soldiers escorted a family to safety. At least some good would come of this battle. She remained in the shadows, hoping not to draw Dianite's attention to her location. If she were to reveal herself, none of her soldiers would survive the fury that was Dianite. She wanted all of those people to be safe. Even if they weren't her own followers. Ianite couldn't stand to think about more innocent lives passing because her and her brother were having a spat.

Making her way out of the shadows, Ianite silently traveled the deserted cobblestone roads, hiding in the alleyways when soldiers rushed past her. More fighting and ruin greeted her as she traversed the city, the rubble from houses and shops littering the streets. The smell of smoke and death hung low like fog, sticking to one's self and clothing like a viscous glue. It was eerily quiet. Ianite guessed that most of the citizens of Inertia were hiding in their cellars or in more secure locations, like banks, or even the city guards barracks. At least they were safe.

The city square still remained empty, most of the fighting taking place in the streets and small courtyards. Ianite walked further into the square, moving towards the large stone fountain in the middle of the square. She could hear the fighting distantly, almost becoming background noise to her. Letting her cloaking spell drop, she watched as yet another dark plume of smoke drifted into the sky. It would be over soon. Any yet, she was still feeling like something was amiss. Taking a second to focus, she honed in on the feeling. Something definitely wasn't right here. Ianite could feel something approaching her. Without turning around, she could tell who it was. Only two people would have come directly towards her like the man behind her did. And the other was halfway across the world.

"Sister." Dianite's voice rang through the empty square, almost reverberating off of the buildings. Ianite turned to face him, her face hiding her feelings towards her brother. "You decided to bring your army along with you to visit? How sweet of you." Dianite sneered, taking another step forwards. Ianite merly gazed cooly at him, arms folding over her chest.

"You remember that you are the instigator of this attack, brother. Or do you pretend that you don't know the atrocities that you have committed against my people?" Ianite watched as he scoffed at her words, his eyes growing darker. Something bad was taking over Dianite. He had never been like this before, and Ianite found herself almost being in fear of what her brother might do.

"Oh, those are just simple things." Dianite waved her comments off like he was swatting at flies. "I was more disgusted by the fact that you decided to bring along your pretty little Captain. Isn't it unsafe for her to be here? After all, Furia is looking to collect the whole set..." Chuckling, Dianite raised his arms, giving Ianite a small smirk. Ianite gritted her teeth, a flare of rage bursting through her as he talked about her followers like they were nothing. Bastard. She could tell that Dianite was enjoying this.

"Why can't you just release Rupert, and we can work out a deal between the two of us?" Ianite asked, a pleading tone to her voice. "Why can't both of our people just live in peace?" Dianite scoffed at that.

"Oh, of course you want peace, sister." He scowled at her. "Do you really believe that getting along with one another will solve all of our problems?" Dianite let out a short laugh, squaring his shoulders. "It will change nothing. There will always be a discord between our people. Especially after you've done this." Dianite waved his arms around at the ruined buildings surrounding the square.

"Don't try to put the blame on me, Dianite. I'm not killing innocent civilians, just like you did with your cha-" Ianite was cut off by Dianite swooping forwards, slashing at her with a translucent red sword. She was able to form a barrier in time, letting the light purple barrier absorb the blow while she conjured a ball of energy. Throwing it at Dianite, she stepped backwards as he dodged the ball. The two gods circled each other, waiting for the other to make the next move. Finally, Dianite got impatient. Moving at a speed no mortal could match, Dianite darted forwards, successfully slicing at Ianite's arm as she moved away a moment too late. Grimacing slightly, Ianite returned the blow. She smiled in satisfaction when Dianite let out a hiss of pain.

Minutes passed, and the two gods traded blows in the square. As evenly matched as they were in power, Dianite was much better at fighting than she was. Ianite found herself creating more and more barriers to block Dianite's increasingly powerful attacks. She may have been losing the fight, but she hid her worry's well. This was a fight she could not loose. Swinging forwards, Dianite's blade was blocked by one of her own, the two gods now trapped in a battle of strength. If she had been mortal, Ianite would have been dead, but she was just exhausted. Dianite was pushing her to her limits.

"Feeling tired yet, sister?" Dianite chuckled, pressing down harder onto Ianite's blade, causing her to grit her teeth. She was getting weaker by the second, and if Dianite was able to kept up the pace... She wasn't sure if she would be able to win if he did. "What? Cat got your tongue?" He smiled at her, and she merely glared back at him. Using a last resort, Ianite pushed some energy through her blade, causing Dianite to fall backwards from the force. She stood, panting, as Dianite quickly got up, sword at the ready. It was all too much. Ianite wasn't strong enough. Her vision blurred, and Ianite realized that she was drained. All of her energy was gone because of the fight. She swayed on two feet, before her vision moved to darkness and she fell unconscious. 

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