4 - New Dawn, New Day

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Jordan sighed as he relaxed in his and Katherine's shared bedroom. Tom had gone back to sleep, and Jordan had watched over him until Jordan could hear voices and movement from the floor above. He had left Tom, who was still sound asleep, and returned back to his room, where Katherine slept peacefully. Now, Katherine was outside commanding the crew as they sailed home. Jordan couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had followed him since he had decided to come back to his room. Nothing bad was happening. Their ship wasn't being followed or attacked, and things were becoming more peaceful back at home. So why was he so worried?

Almost like it could sense his worry, the crystal sitting on the nightstand beside the bed began to pulse with purple light. Jordan immediately knew what was happening. Ianite was contacting him. He reached over the desk, grabbing the slightly warm crystal and placing it in front of him, murmuring quietly. Ianite appeared quickly, a look of concern on her face.

"My champion, I can sense your distress from here. What is happening?" Ianite asked, smoothing out some wrinkles in her dress. Jordan sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Nothing bad is happening, but..." Jordan replied, a guilty look appearing on his face. "I accidentally let it slip that I was your champion." Ianite nodded, a frown appearing on her face.

"And I assume that this was to the Dianitee champion?" Ianite watched and Jordan nodded in agreement. Let out a breath, Ianite straightened. "Alright. Until the negotiations are settled, Dianite must not learn of this. The Dianitee champion will have to be kept away from Dianite at all times while we are discussing." Jordan watched as Ianite closed her eyes for a moment, knowing that she was probably talking with her staff at the temple or her generals. He sits in silence for a few moments, before Ianite opens her eyes again. "He will have guards outside his door. That will have to do, for now."

"Me and Kathy can also come by to keep watch over him." Jordan offered. Ianite gave him a grateful smile. "Ianite?" Jordan asked. Giving him a curious look, Ianite replied.

"Yes, Jordan? Is something troubling you?" Ianite cocked her head to the side. Jordan hesitantly nodded.

"Kinda. Do you... Do you think Dianite will attack us again?" Jordan bit his lip, nervously staring at Ianite who frowned a little at his question.

"I... am not sure Jordan. I think that while we have his champion Dianite will not attack, but afterwards... Afterwards I am not so sure." Ianite replied, her voice becoming quieter as she spoke. Jordan nodded, processing that information. He just didn't want any more innocents to die. The two that had already died protecting him had barely started their work as soldiers. They were barely older than he was. He couldn't have any more blood on his hands.


Katherine sighed as she felt the wind against her face. She was leaning against the railing, watching as the deep blue sea raced by as the ship made its way to Ianarea. Home. It was so good to be going home. She could almost see it now. The purple and golden banners hanging from windowsills, flapping gently in the breeze. The slight smell of the salt water that came from the docks, along with the distant sounds of music playing in the city square. Watching the sun set over the ocean, bathing the city in golden light. Ianite, she was homesick.

Luckily for her, Ianite's magic had kicked in overnight. The ship was smoothly moving through the water, and there were barely any clods in the sky. Wind steadily blew, allowing for them to move even faster than usual. By Katherine's calculations, they would be at home in three days' time. Much shorter than the usual five – and that was at a good time, when the wind was blowing strongly and there was no bad weather. The crew had been pleased to hear that they would be home quicker. Although many of the crew considered themselves close, family, even, being in such close quarters for weeks had drained everyone's morale. Now, though, they would be much more chipper. Or at least, Katherine hoped they would be.

"Kathy." Rupert called out. Turning around, she flashed her brother a smile.

"Rupert! I thought you were watching Tom." Katherine called back. At the mention of Tom, Rupert's nose wrinkled, and he shook his head.

"Nah. I got Peter to do it." Rupert replied, jogging up the steps to be with his sister. "Damn Dianitee got on my nerves." 

"Again?" Katherine joked, watching as Rupert just groaned and rolled his eyes. "Come one, Rupert. I told you not to let him get to you." Nodding, Rupert let out a sigh.

"Yeah, but he's just so damn talkative. It's hard not to reply when he talks your ear off." He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the railing next to Katherine. She chuckled, knowing that Tom must've been doing it to purposefully annoy Rupert.

"Really? He was quite quiet when I was watching over him." Katherine smiled as Rupert scoffed at her.

"Yeah, cause you've got the night shift. He was probably asleep for the entire time. No wonder he didn't say anything."

"Actually, he did wake up during my watch. He was quiet then, too." Katherine smiled as Rupert muttered something about how Tom was 'only being an ass to him' and how 'if he wasn't so damn important I'd go kick his ass'. Those two had gotten off to a rough start. Katherine wondered what Tom thought of Rupert. She already knew what Rupert thought of him. Would he call him cruel? Mean? Selfish? Maybe Tom's opinions were skewed because they had captured him. What did he think of her? Katherine felt her face heating up a little at the thought. People didn't really think much of her at home. Would he call her kind? Nice? Caring? Or would he take the more negative route, and call her vile things?

"Kathy? You alright?" Rupert asked, snapping her out of her daze.

"Yeah, I am. Sorry I spaced out on you." She replied, giving Rupert a small smile. Why was she worrying so much about what Tom thought of her? Katherine wondered briefly if Tom was worried about the same thing, but quickly erased that thought. Tom would have more important things on his mind, like his recent capture and his duties as a champion. He wouldn't have time to think about her. Right?


Tom was bored. Peter, some kid who had replaced the ginger, was doing his own thing somewhat far away from his cell. Tom nearly snickered. Was the kid really that scared of him? He rested up against the wall, having opted to sit on the floor instead of that godforsaken bench. Drumming his fingers on the wood beside him, he let his mind wander. Almost immediately, his thoughts went to Jordan. Was the man actually telling the truth? Or was he just trying to divert attention? Tom had almost written Dianite the next morning, but, out of fear, decided that the best course of action would to be to not tell Dianite. Dianite was scary when angry, and Tom had been on the receiving end of that anger one too many times.

Letting out a sigh, Tom lent his head back against the wood. Briefly, he wondered if the Captain would watch over him again. He hadn't heard her come in, so he assumed that she must have come in while he was asleep. Tom smiled a little, remembering her face when she had asked if he had liked the story she had read him. She had been so open, so curious to what he had thought. It was refreshing. Most people who stopped to talk to him only cared about the orders that Dianite gave that were passed through him; that or they tried to get in his pants to have a claim to fame or to boost their own reputation. Sometimes Tom wanted to scream and punch the people who pretended to be nice to him to get what they wanted. It was an update from how he was used to having things happen.

She was just so much nicer than Tom had thought any captor would be. During his training, he had been told that any captor would not hesitate to do anything to get an answer out of him. It wouldn't matter who they followed, or what their beliefs were. Having those teachings be proven wrong made Tom surprisingly happy. Happier than he would've liked to admit.

Tom sighed and closed his eyes. Things were going to be confusing for the next couple of weeks, or at least until he was taken back home. Tom grimaced at the thought of it. He hated waiting. Unfortunately for him, he would have to endure it until he got to be released. That day couldn't come quick enough.

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