Chapter 17

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A/N: Long chapter ahead. Wattpad still won't let me add video. So once again, you guys can play the song on your own if you want to.

" I miss you more now. I miss you even if you are by my side."
You Belong to My World - Roy Kim

It is almost 11 pm. Ohm says thank you to the driver that the Royal Family had sent to pick him up this afternoon from his condo. He was completely exhausted after his shift. The four hours ride passed by fast since he took a nap in the car, charging his energy up a little. Ohm pulls his coat a little tighter around him. The mountain icy wind dances around his body, taking away his some of his body heat. He makes use of his long legs, taking big strides toward the villa. It is surrounded by Royal Guards like always. He wonders how these men could stand out here for long hours.

After a few steps, something caught his peripheral view. He stops and squints his eyes, trying to focus his view on the sight. About five meters away from where he is at, there is a slightly dim area that the street light couldn't reach. Ohm's eyes observe the two figures who are standing close to each other. He tries to look closer and realizes the two people are the Crown Prince and his fiancée. They are embracing each other and seem like they are ....... making out?!


Ohm quickly turns away when his brain processed the sight he had just witnessed. He heads to the villa. Like usual, the guards perform security details on him before they let him enter. He is used to this by now, after months of dating the Second Prince of Alethea.

The warm temperature embraces his body the moment he stepped his feet into the villa. Ohm looks around and he likes how cozy it is in here. The smell of firewood fills his nostril.

"Mr. Thitiwat, welcome. My name is Alex, the butler of the villa. Please let me help you to the your room in the guest house." The butler says to Ohm.

"Nice to meet you Alex. Thank you for helping me." Ohm kindly greets the butler back.

"OHM!" Ohm was about to follow Alex, but the sound of his name stopped him.

He sees Fluke running fast toward him from the stairs. Ohm can tell how excited his boyfriend is just by looking at his face. Ohm opens his arms, waiting for Fluke to enter his embrace. He didn't have to wait long for that to happen. Fluke hugs him tightly around his waist. Ohm wraps his arms around the other's back, his nose buries in the other's hair, smelling the sweet jasmine scent. They haven't seen each other since the End of Year Ball. Ohm misses the feeling of Fluke in his arms.
Home. He is home at last.

They stay in each other's embrace for a few minutes. Then, Fluke remembers that Ohm needs to rest. He reluctantly loosen his hands around his boyfriend's waist.

"Let's me show you your room." Fluke intertwines their hands and leads Ohm to the guest house. Alex follows them with Ohm's suitcase.

They walk to the guest house through a stone path. It is covered with string light overhead. The guest house's decoration is simple. Its main purpose is for sleeping, since everything can be shared from the villa. There are 5 bedrooms with their own bathrooms. The bedrooms surround a small area that holds a simple sofa and coffee table.

Alex opens a door to the bedroom in the middle, right next to Kao's room. He left Ohm's suitcase in the bedroom then leaves the couple. Ohm observes the bedroom at a glance then he moves his suitcase to the walk-in closet while Fluke sits himself on the king side bed.

"I thought you already asleep. I saw your message when I got here." After Ohm settles his clothes, he sits beside Fluke.

"I did go to bed; but I couldn't sleep." Fluke whines.

"Aww... too excited for me to come?" Ohm asks his boyfriend, without forgetting to squeeze the cute cheeks. He had missed these.

"Oiiiii, who is this narcissistic man? Where is my gentle doctor? Please return him nah."

Ohm laughs at Fluke's remark. He always love the jokes between them. "Then what was you planning to do?"

"I went down to bake." Fluke answers.

"Bake? At this hour?"

"Yeah! I can't sleep anyway; so, I want to bake something for everyone tomorrow."

"Can I join you?" Ohm asks. He wants to spend a little more time with his boyfriend tonight. Fluke quickly agrees.

The couple head back to the villa. The kitchen is completely empty compare to its bustling energy during the day. Fluke moves around to find the ingredients for his cake. He is planning to make chocolate cake for everyone. Well, more like for his boyfriend since the man likes chocolate. The cake will go well with tea or coffee tomorrow.

"Let's me help you!"Ohm offers.

"Sure, you can measure the flour for me. Put 3 cups of flour onto this bowl." Fluke hands a bowl to him. Then he goes to preheat the oven.

Ohm obediently does as Fluke says. He has never bake before; so, he is a little clumsy in scooping out the flour from the jar. He spills it a little here and there. "I'm done, babe."

Fluke turns around after he grabs the eggs out of the fridge. The sight in front of him makes him crack up. There is flour around the bowl and the floor. Not only that, Ohm somehow managed to have flour on his cheek. Fluke did not expect his perfect doctor to be clumsy in the kitchen.

"Why are you laughing?" Ohm furrows his eyebrow in wonder.

"Hahaha... you have flour on your face. So clumsy, doctor!"

"Hey! Don't judge me! I'm not good in the kitchen." Ohm answers.

Fluke tried to caught his breath after laughing so hard. But then, he starts to laugh again when he sees his boyfriend's sulking face.

"Oh ho! You still not stop laughing? Take this." Ohm reaches his hand into the flour, grabs a fistful, and throws it at Fluke.

Fluke quickly cover his face, but he wasn't able to turn away. His body takes the direct hit.
"Oh no, you did not just do that." Fluke needs to take a revenge. He steps toward the counter and does the same thing to Ohm. Before they could control themselves, the kitchen is covered in flour.

Fluke runs around the kitchen, being chased by his boyfriend. Sadly for him, his short legs can't beat Ohm's long legs. Ohm quickly caught up to his boyfriend. He grabs Fluke's wrist and pulls him toward his chest. Ohm holds the man tight so he won't able to escape. Fluke is still laughing from the excitement.

"I got you!" Ohm widely smile.

It takes Fluke a few minutes to calm down. He uses his hand to dust off the flour on Ohm's face, only to make it messier. "You look like a polar bear now." Fluke giggles at his own remark; but Ohm's response makes him flush right away.

"Your polar bear." Ohm can't help but laugh at how cute his boyfriend. It has been months since they started dating but Fluke still blush every time he tease the man.

Ohm continues to stare at his boyfriend, observing every little details, not wanting to leave anything out. They haven't seen each other for a week; yet, Ohm feels like a year. Before, he used to think that people are exaggerating when they complain about missing their partners. Now, he knows too well how it feels. He wishes he can take Fluke everywhere with him, an impossible wish of course.

He slowly leans his face in, his eyes dart from Fluke's eyes to his cherry red lips. Fluke closes his eyes and allows his lips to meet Ohm's warm lips halfway. They kiss slowly, appreciate the taste of each other. Until....

"Oh my god! Did World War III happen in here?" Earth's surprise voice breaks the couple's romantic moment. Fluke turns to his brother without forgetting to give him a glare. "Geez, I'm sorry for breaking your moment. But, just want to let you know it's almost midnight. Nice to see you Ohm. Good night to both of you!" Earth delivers what he wanted to say and then leaves to rest.

"Guess it's time for Cinderella to leave the castle." Ohm sighs but he doesn't forget to pull a joke.

"Hahaha.... I thought you are my knight in shining armor?" Fluke laughs at his boyfriend's joke.

Ohm only smiles back as a response. They hug each other a little longer, refused to let go. Others might say they are being dramatic; but, such is the action of people in love.

"Ahem... Your Highness, it's time for Sir Thitiwat to leave the mansion." The couple is being disturbed again, this time by the Alex.

Ohm loosen his grips on Fluke's waist. "Good night babe!" He gives Fluke a good night kiss and leaves the villa. Fluke longingly looking at his boyfriend's back. Once again, he wishes he is a normal person.

He turns back to the kitchen, joining Alex who has started to clean up the aftermath of "World War III." After 15 minutes, he returns to his baking.

The night deepens. Snow starts to fall again. The villa fills with chocolate scents, mixing with the scent of firewood, making the place cozier.


The next few days passed by fast. The family filled their lives with happy moments. They skied, dined, played games, talked, or simply just lazing around together. The trip allows them to relax and forget about everything. This year, they are even more excited because of Earth's engagement. They are eagerly talking about the future wedding, which the preparation will be started right away when the vacation end.

A week of excitement had come to its end, it's already the last night. They are heading back tomorrow morning in prepare for the public announcement of the engagement. When morning come, Kao's life will turn to another page. Somehow, Kao couldn't fall asleep when he thinks about that. He kept tossing and turning, but to no avail. Sleep refused to come. He decided to get up and go out for a drink.

The moment he closed his bedroom door, Ohm's bedroom door opened. Ohm steps out, looking ready to go out as well.

"Couldn't sleep?" Kao asks.

"Yeah. You too?" Ohm also curiously asking.

"Same. Want to join me for a drink?" Ohm agrees. Kao, unexpectedly, had found a drink partner for tonight.
They walked together to a bar that is 10 minutes from the villa. The walk was silent, too cold for them to even shutter a word. They quickly reached the bar and headed over to sit at the bar counter. The bar is a little busy tonight. There is a get-together party of a young Earl; thus, the bar is filled with people. Ohm and Kao order their drinks and settle in. The bartender quickly serves their drinks and returns back to her job.

"Congratulations again to your engagement!" Ohm raises his glasses toward Kao for a cheer to Kao's good news.
"Thank you!" Kao clinks his glasses and they both take a sip.

After a few days, both Kao and Ohm already gotten familiar to each other. They talked about a lot of things. Tonight is no exception either. Kao asked in concern if Ohm had gotten used to being followed by reporters. Or Ohm sought out advice on how to remember all the people in the Royal Circle. Their conversation kept on, carrying deeper into the night. The two men, who have similar personalities, enjoyed talking together.

As the bar got busier, they decided to head back to the villa. They were just finished paying, when Dylan walked in with his friends. One could say such ill-fated they have, because the host of the party is no other than Dylan.

"Well, look who are here? The Royal dogs." Dylan cockily approaches them while throwing insults at them. His friends laugh along with him.

"The last time I checked, someone offers himself to be the dog." Ohm, who had heard from Fluke that Dylan asked to get back together, couldn't hold his tongue anymore. This shameless guy is extremely annoying to him at the moment.

"You better shut that shit-mouth of your, commoner." Dylan barks back.

"What is the point of having Royal titles when you all talk and behave like thugs in the street." Kao, no longer quiet, speaks up.

"What the hell did you just say?" Dylan's friend screams at Kao, ready to fight.

"If you all are so free, go home and educate yourself on how to speak politely again. Perhaps joining kindergarten children at their schools." Kao calmly replies. No sight of fear in his eyes, but challenge. These Royal guys hate anyone who degraded them. Perhaps they are already low; thus, they can't even take a few insults.

"Beat them up! Don't let them get out of here." Indeed, they can't hold back anymore. Dylan told his friends and they all charged forward, acting just like thugs.

Screams started to filled the club. Tables and chairs are being pushed. Nobody dared to break the fight; because they don't want to involve with any of the Royals.

Kao's ability can take the whole group down in a normal day. However, he had a few drinks just now, his body is not in the best condition. His reflex is not the fastest at this point. Thus, he failed to dodge some punches. Not only that, he also failed to recognize Dylan charging forward him with a beer bottle. But before Dylan can reach toward Kao, Ohm gives him a hard kick in the back, makes him fall to the ground. Ohm and Kao help each other, fighting against all Dylan's friends until the bar security guards came to break them up.
They left the bar after things were settled. Dylan was held accountable for the damage since he started the fight.

"You fought while well back there. I was surprised." Kao expresses.

"Haha... I used to do boxing." Ohm was indeed part of his high school boxing team. He stopped doing it when he attended college. It was contradicting with what he studied. He can't practice a sport that injured someone and study medicine at the same time.

"Really? Well that's surprising from you. But thanks for back there with the beer bottle."

"No problem, dude! Plus, it was my fault to provoke them in the first place. I should have keep quiet." Ohm apologetically responses. It wasn't his usual self to response to insult. He usually would have just ignored those shameless people. Yet, tonight he couldn't hold his tongue. Can he even blame the alcohol?

"Even if you didn't provoke them, they would not let us go easily anyway. I know Dylan. He holds grudges and he always think he is better than others. The threat I made back at the Year-End ball might have really upset him. Thus, we probably wouldn't get out of there without some kind of fight anyway."

Ohm stays quiet after he heard this. He thinks that he has to stay alert more in the future if he ever encounter Dylan again. He doesn't want the douchebag to do anything that might affect his relationship. That guy probably won't give up in ruining his relationship.

They finally reached the guest house. Kao searches for a first aid kit and they clean up a few wounds on their hands. Then leave to rest for the night.

Once Kao reaches his room, he fishes out his phone to call someone. After a few rings, the phone call is connected. Without any greeting, he coldly commands the other person on the line. "Releases the evidences on Dylan. Make sure he will get the heaviest sentence."

The next day, Dylan's face is all over the news and social media. The reason? Drug abuse and involvement in sex trafficking.

Kao puts down his phone after he read through the news. He can't afford for an annoying fly to destroy his plan. Dylan had played at the wrong place, especially the wrong time.

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