Chapter 2

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"You are in danger now. Why are you testing me? Don't get me confused!"
Danger - BTS

3 hours ago...
    At a luxury hotel in the capital of Alethea, car after car are arriving at the hotel. Each and every person that get out of the car is someone with title in the country. They are wearing formal gowns and suits, dress to the max for the event. If a normal person walk pass such a sight, that person would have think it must be a really formal/important event is occurring. However, for all the people that are attending, it is one of the smallest events in their life, a charity ball. Yes yes, such a small event, why dress to the max one might ask. Well, that is the thing of rich people. To them, they have to dress to impress even in such a small event. Outer appearance is the first thing they judge if the person is worthy of a conversation. Therefore, when there is an event they are invited to, they will call their designers or go to the best boutique in town to look for an outstanding gown/suit. In addition, a small event today is actually hosted by the Second Prince. Everyone couldn't help it but to look their best in front of the future leader.

    Since the charity ball is hosted by the Royal Family, security is especially high tonight. Before each person can get in, they are being scanned by security guards. Then, an invitation letter must be shown before they can step a foot in. 
Suddenly, someone scream; probably a young girl who couldn't hold her excitement to the point of forgetting royal etiquette after seeing the two people that just stepped out of the black car. Crown Prince Earth and Second Prince Fluke have arrived. Both are dressing in black tuxedo and dress shoes. As they step out of the car, security guards are already surrounding them to escort them inside. Everyone seems to stop what they are doing and start to show respect to the two Princes. With the host arrived, the ball officially started.

    The event is going smoothly. Everyone is enjoying their drinks, making small talks with each other. Earth and Fluke are no exception. Indeed, everyone is trying to talk to them about the next event, the military conflicts, the next business law, etc. It seems like there is no end to these talks. Earth is especially tired tonight. His father, the King, had gone to Bernice City for an investigation at the Air Force. Thus, he has been dealing with all the meetings and problems at the capital for his father. He thought that he has been used to this, after all in a few years he will succeed the throne. Somehow, today he is just extremely tired; the two drinks he had in the last hour seems to set in and make him feel drowsy. He whispers to Fluke that he would go use the restroom then excuses himself from the circle of people around him. His personal guard, Mark, follows closely behind. He just wants a moment by himself.

"You don't have to follow me. I'm just using the restroom." Earth turns around and said to Mark.

"But your Highness, I need to check the restroom first before you can enter."

"No need! Everyone in here is invited only. Plus, you guys already throughly checked this place before this event started. I will be fine." Earth calmly replied.


"No but, I just need a moment for myself Mark." Earth holds his hand up as a sign to stop then he heads to the restroom.

    Inside the restroom, Earth quickly finds an empty stall without paying attention much. He sits down and start to take deep breath. He hear footsteps outside of the stall; but think nothing much of it. After 5 minutes, he gets out to wash his hands and bend down to slash water into his face, in hope that the water would get himself out of the drowsiness feeling. The moment he straighten up, Earth feels the metal object by his head before he even see it, his spine gone cold. Through the mirror, Earth sees the attacker, trying to look for any recognition. Despite the search in his memory box, he can't recognize this man. It's extremely odd because every guest tonight is only someone he knows. How did the attacker get in here? He curses himself for not letting Mark follow him. He had put himself in this damn situation.

    "Follow my instruction if you don't want to die." Before Earth can say anything, the attacker already talk. "Walk slowly with me out to the hall, put your hand around my waist and act intimate. Don't do anything weird or I can't guarantee you will live."

    Earth and the attacker slowly walk out of the restroom toward the hall. He is leading Earth toward one of the side exit of the hotel. It is the only extra exit of the whole floor beside the grand door. The exit door is at the back of the event hall and still in view. Therefore, the attacker is trying to lead Earth out while sticking closest to the wall, trying not to draw much attention. Earth tries to look around trying to look for Mark and Fluke. Miraculously, when Earth steps out of the restroom, Fluke saw him. Fluke was thinking who is the strange man with his hand around Earth. Then the two Princes make eye-contact. Fluke sees his brother biting on his lower lips and still walking with the man. The memory of the etiquette lesson in his childhood came back.

    When they were small, Earth had a habit of biting his lips when he is nervous or anxious. However, he was always punished by it because as a future leader he could not show any sign of nervousness. Thus, he was punished until that habit went away. Later, Earth and Fluke talked to each other and decided to use it as a signal between them if something is wrong. At that moment, Fluke knew his brother is in danger. Fluke quickly look at his security guard and tap his fingers on the champagne glass he is holding.

Tap... Tap...

    Two taps? Code Silver (a person with weapon). Fluke's personal guard talks to his intercom and gives Fluke a nod. Fluke "purposely" accidentally drops the glass in his hand, trying to draw attention to himself. The attacker can't help but startled a little bit. That was all the Crown Prince needed, he hits his head into the attacker's head. Earth's vision become a little blurry when he tries to get away from the attacker. He can see Mark run up to him along with another security guard.

    Bang! Bang!

    Gunshots, scream, running step.... all can be heard around. Of course, with this kind of attack, it is planned, with more than one person. The attacker's companions turns out to be some of the servers. When they saw Earth released himself from the attacker, they knew their plan had failed. They tried to shoot to set the crowd into chaos to get away.

    Earth and Fluke are trying to run toward each other while heading for the door. They both have 3 security guards around them. Midway to the door, Fluke reaches to Earth. He looks to his left momentarily checking on his brother and he sees him. A guy in a server uniform behind a curtain is pointing the gun toward them. Fluke doesn't think but flings his brother toward his side while he uses his body to cover his brother. Loosing momentum, Earth falls down and he feels heaviness on his body. Fluke is on top of him. He tries to helps Fluke up along with the guard; but, why does is hands feel wet? He looks down and scream. Fluke had been shot. His hands are shaking non-stop and his legs are weak. He can't even stand up. Mark and other security guards quickly help the two Princes out of the hall and exit the hotel. Two minutes later, Fluke is in the ambulance heading toward the hospital.

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