Chapter 3

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"Holding on... Why is everything so heavy?"
Heavy - Linkin Park

Fluke slowly opens his eyes. Everything is so blurry. He tries to blink a few times in hope of clearing his vision. He can see the white ceiling. Turning his head, he whines a little. His neck muscle is protesting against his action. He feels sore everywhere and his throat is extremely dry. Suddenly, the door opens. He sees a lady in a nurse uniform walking in. The nurse realizes the Second Prince had woken up. She quickly press the red button on the remote.

"You have woken up Your Highness. Do you want anything?" The nurses asks.
"Water" Fluke tries to talk but his voice came out only as a whisper. Luckily, the room is pretty quite; so, she could hear him. Quickly, she pours him a cup of water, puts in straw, then feeds him the water. Fluke drenches his thirst, finished up all the water. Right then, the door opens once again and two doctors walk in. Fluke can recognize Dr. Satiwa, the Royal Doctor, but he doesn't recognize the other doctor.
"Your Highness, how are you feeling?" Dr. Satiwa asks, "Let's me check on you real quick." Before Fluke can answer his question, he already moves the stethoscope around Fluke's abdominal region. "Your Highness, please look at the flashlight I'm holding and follow it, please." Dr. Satiwa moves the light around watching Fluke's eye response.
After the check up, he says "Your body is recovering well. The surgery last night safely removed the bullet from your liver. Thanks to Dr. Thitiwat here, you are out of critical condition. You will have to stay here for at least two more weeks for us to monitor your recovery."

"How about my brother? Where is he?" Fluke asks.
"He is fine Your Highness! No injury from the attack." Dr. Satiwa responses.

Fluke relieves a sigh. The moment he is conscious of where he is, the memory of the attack also came back to him. He was worried for his brother's safety. The last thing he remembered is when he felt pain and Earth's scream. It is a relief that his brother is well and he was able to save him from danger. If something happens to Earth, he can't imagine how he would feel, so is the whole country. Before he could say anything else, a voice from outside is heard.

"Your Majesty, the Queen is here!"

Then the door opened, and the Queen walks in. She is wearing a white dress, along with pearl necklace and white high heels. All her body exudes elegance. She wears a worry expression on her face, like any mother would have when her child is on the hospital bed. Everyone in the room quickly bows when she walks to Fluke's side.

"Prince Fluke, you are finally awake. How are you?"
"I'm fine, Your Majesty!" Fluke responses. When the Royal Family is not by themselves, they have to express each other accordingly the to title they each have.
"That is good to hear." The queen then turns to the two doctors in the room. "Thank you so much for doing such a good job. Especially Dr. Thitiwat for performing well on my son's surgery. You will be rewarded for your job."
"Your Majesty, thank you very much for your kindness! This is my job. I will save every patient who walks into the hospital. Therefore, please don't mention anything about rewarding me. I appreciate your thought!." Ohm finally speaks. His voice is low and calm.
"Well, you are one of the few people who refuse things from the Royal Family. Anyway, Fluke will be in your hands for the next few weeks. Please keep up the good work in taking care of him." The Queen kindly responses. "I won't keep you guys from doing your works anymore. You guys are dismissed."
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Both the doctors and the nurse leave the room.

During the whole exchange between the Queen and Ohm, Fluke couldn't help but stare at Ohm. He could see the manly jawline moving when he talk. He could see how Ohm's eyes are cold and yet, there is something else in it. Something that he wants to look into them more and search for that certain thing. He could see the high cheekbones that give the finishing touch to the handsome face. When Ohm turned to leave, he makes eye contact with Fluke. Such a brief contact and somehow it makes his heart speeds up, pounding in his chest. The number on the heart monitor is increasing along with his speeding heart. Thank goodness, they are not realizing it otherwise the doctor might order a test for his heart.

"Fluke, I'm so worried about you. When I and your father received the phone call, we almost have a heart attack. What you did to save for your brother is a heroic act." The Queen finally speaks heart when everyone else had left.
"Mom, of course I have to do that. Earth is my brother. I will always save him"
"I'm so thankful to you my baby. Earth will visit you later. Now mom has to go to because I have a few events to attend today. I will see my baby later, ok?" The Queen sadly say to Fluke. As much as she wants to stay with her son, she can't help but leave. As a Queen, her life is full of responsibilities that she always have to attend to. Sometimes, she wishes her family is a normal family; so, she can spend more time with her sons.
"Mom, I'm fine. Thank you for coming by. I love you!" Fluke understands his mom's hesitation. He gives her a small smile to soothe her worries.
The Queen stands up, gives Fluke a kiss on his forehead, and finally leave with a heavy heart.

King Suttirat and his first son are sitting in his office, listening to the Chief of Police, Gun, briefing them the investigation on the attack last night.
"The attack was well planned. Almost half of the servers last night were part of the group. They must have someone within our security system to get that much people into the preparation of the party. Two people escaped during the chase. Those, who couldn't, all commit suicide by poison. It's an all in mission,, either accomplish the goal or die. We have tried our best to identify all of them; but, it's pointless. There is no actual information on them. All the basic information is fake. They are like blank papers. We only have one lead." Gun calmly tells them, even though, deep inside he is frustrated with this case.
"What is it?" Earth asks.
"A tattoo, Your Highness. All of them have a flower tattoo,  Lewisia to be exact, behind their neck. They all must belong to an organization. Does that bring any bell to both of you?"

"Lewisia? No I'm not familiar with this flower at all." Earth frowns then turn to his father.
The King who had been listening intensely, finally speak. "Thank you Gun. Please keep on with the investigation. In addition, pay attention to your surrounding and everyone around you. We don't know who to trust at this point. You are one of the few people who is my friend and work for me for a long time; so, I trust you. Inform me with any new information. You are dismissed."

Gun pays respect to the King and Prince, and quickly return to his job.  When he left, the King sighs. This is one of the few time Earth sees his father's frustration. In just a night, he can see his father is thinner. His face is grim, his eyebrows almost touch together in the middle because of the frown. The attack took a toll on his family. Everyone is stressed out because it is a deathly attack against the Royal Family. Everyone out there can wish to be in their titles; but, they are always surrounded by danger. It is part of the crowns they are wearing on their heads.

The silence room is broken when the King speaks again "Earth, I think it is time I have to tell you this. In two years, you are going to be the King. I trust that you can do a good job for the country. However, as much potential you have, you need to build connection. You have to make use of your connections to become stronger, to drive away danger around you, to show that you can make this country stronger, and your subjects can trust you more. Before you become King, you have to marry someone who can help you build connection and help you become stronger." The King then take out a folder from his desk drawer and give it to Earth.
"This is a list of potential suitors that I and your mother have selected. These young men contains characteristics that we believe would help you become a stronger leader."
"But dad, aren't I too young? I can marry after I succeed the throne. Right now, I want to learn more from you." Earth says, hoping to change his father's opinion. It is in fact, there is a lot for him to learn. It is never end really. Ruling a whole country is not something you can just learn one or two days, but learn for the rest of your reign.
"Earth, I will always be here for you to teach you and give you opinion. After the attack yesterday, I knew you are not in the mood to think about this. But don't you see, they are targeting you, the next leader of Alethea. Therefore, I want you to look at these suitors and get married to build a stronger future for your reign. Beside, you are not young anymore. I married your mom when I was 20 years old. I never regretted it. She is the best Queen, the best wife, and the best mother. I can't ask for more." With the mentioned of the Queen, his father can't be even happier. His face lit up a little and becomes gentler.
"Geez dad. I know you love mom. You don't have to keep showing it to me." Earth slightly teases his father.
"Too bad, my son. You will have to see this for the rest of my life. Anyway, please take a look at the list. In a few days, I will schedule dates for you with them."
"Alright dad!" Earth agrees. He has to. He knew this day would come. He just didn't think it would be this soon. The attack from last night was like a catalyst to his personal life. The moment he fully understood what responsibilities his Crown Prince title contained, he knew his life doesn't fully belong to him. All his life, he had to follow etiquette, his school grade had to be the highest, had to learn different languages, had to attend all the political meetings with his father, had to attend balls and tea parties with his mother along with foreign ambassadors/princes/princesses, had to get used to cameras, and now an arranged marriage. The Crown on his head is getting heavier as he grow up. Sometimes he wishes he can be like Fluke. Unlike him, Fluke can be so carefree; he can say whatever is on his mind, he can do whatever he wants without be forced.
If he has a choice to choose, he would not choose this crown.

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