Chapter Four

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Livia stopped and looked at Jaseem, her eyes widening a bit. "I'm sorry for getting upset with you over your power, I should've been helping you control it instead of getting upset with you, I hope you can forgive me"Jaseem says. "I don't know if she'll forgive me, if she doesn't it's not her fault, it's mine, I shouldn't have been so mean to her about her power." Livia stared at him, then smiled. "It's okay, people always feel awkward or hostile whenever I tell them"Livia smiled. Jaseem chuckled a little, and walked into the cafeteria beside her. "And I don't mind you reading my mind, even thought it's probably almost all cobwebs up there"Jaseem smiled. "Actually you're really observant, your mind is really interesting"Livia corrects grinning at him.

Jaseem smiled down at her looking touched, before perking up, noticing a black haired male looking their way. "Neige LeBlanc." Came from Jaseem's mind, before his mind started analyzing the male. "He's a famous airhead, who's probably really naive, but also probably not, he's staring at Livia with a dummifed look on his face, does he have a crush on her? Maybe I should go over and bite him, but then I'd have people on my butt for attacking their precious Neige without warning or reason, I'm gonna keep my eye on this guy." Livia tapped her chin, Jaseem looking at her. Jaseem laughed, smiling when he instantly noticed she heard his thoughts. "You know, it makes for quicker conversations"Jaseem grinned. "Yeah"Livia giggled.

Livia gasped, a little snowman appearing in front of her. She stopped and turned, finding a white haired male with a brown hair male that had a streak of white smiling at her. The white haired male waved, looking a little shy before slipping his glove back on. Livia narrowed her eyes, mentally reaching out to the male. "She's really pretty, I like the underside of her hair, it's a very pretty color..well..colors, I wonder if she liked the snowman I sent over to her, she seemed a bit amazed...will she be my friend, I hope she'll be my friend." Livia stared, releasing the males mind as she sat with her friends. "Liv! Here comes Neige LeBlanc!" Livia looked at Jaseem, before looking behind her, finding Neige walking over. "Hello, you're our girl student for the rest of the school years"Neige greets.

"Yeah, that's me"Livia mutters ducking her head, trying to make herself seem smaller. Jaseem stepped between her and Neige, narrowing his eyes. "She's shy, so if you don't mind, we'd like to eat then head to class"Jaseem frowned. "He seems protective of her." That came from Neige's mind instantly, Elliot and the others picking up on Livias anxiety instantly. "Here Liv!"Tiana beamed steering Livias attention to him, sharing his muffins with her. "I got an extra apple juice, you can have it"Alison grinned. "No giving my best friend anxiety, no matter how sparkly and pretty you are!" She looked a Elliot, touched that he called her his best friend. "What's going on over here?" The white haired male from earlier walked over, two people following behind him.

"Andy, Eric, hey!"Neige greets. "You're also a new student"Elliot smiled looking at the black haired male with white ends. "I'm Jerbo"The male replies. Livia stared at him, squinting since she couldn't hear anything from him. Tiana looked at her, noticing she was struggling, instantly piecing it together when he saw her rubbing her temples. "Is she unable to hear this guy?" Tiana scanned Jerbo, before noticing he was wearing a ruby with blue dots that was clearly turned into a broach. "Hey Jerbo, can I see your broach?"Tiana asks. "Yeah, it looks very pretty"Alison pipes up, noticing Tiana was fishing for something. "Hm, oh sure, here"Jerbo nodded taking his broach off and handing it to Tiana. "Will they be my friends?"

Livia smiled, perking up when his thoughts finally started coming through, but immediately came to regret it. "I killed them. It was an accident. Didnt mean to. Wonder if anyone is gonna find out my secret. I wanna fresh start, I wonder if I can become friends with my fellow first years. Andy said I could try to make friends with them. Why is the one shielding Livia glaring at Neige, what happened here? That girl looks as if she's listening to something, will she be my new friend? I don't feel safe anywhere, I wanna go home to my uncle, at least he understands that what happened was an accident." Jerbo reached to take the broach, one more thought coming from him. "I wonder what my fellow first years thing of me." Livia stared at him as his mind went silent again.

The others were thinking about him, they may not be looking at Jerbo, but their minds were on him. "Oooo! Maybe me and Liv will have a new best friend to add to our first year friend group, I wonder how I can get him to join us!" That was Elliot. "Why's he looking at Liv like that, I should bite him, or demand what he's thinking about. His hands are twitching as if he's gonna attack, is he hostile or is he harmless, either way he better watch himself around me, if he harms my friends it'll be big problems." There that thought was Jaseem's and he didn't seem pretty happy. "I hope Liv heard this guy, he seems suspicious." Tianas thought on Jerboa. "Wiggily piggily, that's how he looks, I wonder if he'd like some of my teasing, I may be able to drag a funny kid out!"

Livia giggled at Alison's thoughts, earning a grin of amusement from him. "Wiggily piggily!" She laughed, Alison chuckling as he smiled at her. Her laugher got a little louder when she caught the mental image of Jerbo in a tutu and doing ballet. "What's with her?"Jerbo demands disturbed. "Oh, Livia is a mind reader"Alison informs. All the color drained from Livias face, Alison's eyes widening in shock when he realized what he's done. "A MIND READER?!" "What has she heard?!" "Wow, that's a pretty amazing power.." The last one clearly came from Neige, which shocked her, her eyes wide as she looked at him, feeling all eyes on her. She turned and bolted out, unable to stay with the others, scared of what Andy, Eric and Neige were gonna say.

She hid in a corner, the bell for class going off. "Hey." A hand patted her back, Jerbo standing there. "You're a mind reader huh?"Jerbo says rubbing the back of his head. "Yes.."Livia mumbles. "That's pretty cool, I have mind reading as well"Jerbo smiled. "You do?!"Livia gasped. "Yeah, but this broach I'm wearing cuts my power off completely, haven't taken it off since I first got it"Jerbo smiled. "That's amazing"Livia stared. "I have an extra, always kept one on me in case I met a fellow mind reader"Jerbo grinned. "But first lets get to our class"Jerbo smiled. He walked beside her, smiling as they walked through the hallway. "Do you uh, wanna be friends."Livia asks. Jerboa looked at her stunned, then grinned. "I'd like that very much, thanks"Jerbo smiled.

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