Chapter Three

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Livia walked beside Elliot, Alison and Tiana with them. Tiana looked around, a small frown on his face looking a little annoyed. "What's the matter?"Livia asked. "Nothing, thought I saw someone familiar"Tiana responded continuing onwards. "What is my brother doing, following me around like that, he's irritating, always thinking he's better than me. Maybe I should go punch him." Livia stared at him in surprise, Tiana looking at her and remembering she was a mind reader. Livia raised her hands and zipped her lips, pretending to lock them and throw the key away. He laughed and smiled at her gratefully, the two catching up with Elliot and Alison.

"This is our dorm room Liv!"Elliot smiled. "There's three to a room here"Alison explains. "In your second year it'll be two to a room then in your third year you'll get a room alone"Tiana adds nodding his head. "I wonder who our third roommate is!"Elliot grinned. "I hope Liv can get along with them! If they don't, they'll have to face me! Her best friend! Nobody dislikes my best friend in front of me because of something she couldn't control!" Elliot perked up, then gave her a small grin, earning a small smile from her. "Lets go!"Elliot smiled. He waved to Alison and Tiana, entering his and Livias dorm room. Livia felt everything shatter at the sight of their third roommate, her eyes widening.

Jaseem stared at them in shock, his eyes wide. "WHAT?!" Elliot glared, looking angry. "You're our third roommate!!"Elliot demanded angry with himself for being to happy about it. "How dare he get mad at me! I have a right to be angry, she's been in my head since the moment we met! AND IF YOU'RE LISTENING TO MY THOUGHTS YOU PESKY MIND READER! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Livia stumbled from the force of his thoughts and fell to her knees, barely catching herself. Jaseem started forward, but Elliot threw him a glare and kneeled down to help her. "I didn't mean for it to be so painful for's just...I don't like her in my head."

"....but she can't control it...why am I getting mad if she can't control it, what's the point at getting angry at someone who's trying to control her powers but can't...I-I do wonder what she genuinely thought about me though when we first met and she heard my thoughts..." He stepped closer, reaching for her. "Livia.."Jaseem says. "Don't! Touch her!"Elliot commanded glaring at Jaseem. "Liv! Liv focus on my thoughts! Don't listen to Jaseem! Focus on me!" Livias breathing started to return to normal, her tense body relaxing as Elliot rubbed her back. "How come you were put in the same room as us?!"Elliot demanded helping Livia up.

"The Headmaster...he said that since he saw the three of us together it'd be good to put us in the same room, you act like I wanted this to happen, Elliot"Jaseem responded. "I should apologize to Livia and Elliot...I got mad at Livia for something she couldn't control and I'm also taking my anger out on Elliot when he's also not the problem...I'm the problem, me and my stupid pride and my stupid fear of being pitied..." He looked at Livia, before turning away mentally sighing. Livia looked down, then went and got ready for bed, a small sigh coming from her. She smoothed her nightgown down, and shuffled over to her bed and laid down.

"Liv!" Elliot flopped down on her bed beside her, giving her a wide grin. "Wanna watch videos on my phone!"Elliot beamed. She smiled and nodded, Elliot propping his phone up on her pillow, the two laying on their stomachs, watching videos of Vil's latest interviews. "That's my brother!"Livia smiled pointing to Golden who was standing behind Vil's chair like a bodyguard. "Wow, your brother looks so cool"Elliot grinned. "He's the best, even if he jinxes us at times!"Livia giggled. She yawned, rubbing her eyes getting tired. Elliot stretched, falling asleep beside her, his head resting on his arms. She drifted off into a slumber, Jaseem tossing a blanket over the two silently, before heading to bed himself...alone.

Livia and Elliot left first in the morning, leaving Jaseem to get ready alone. Livia stopped, hearing Jaseems mind. "Alone again...fell asleep alone last night, got ready alone today...guess I'm destined to be alone forever...I wasn't supposed to have friends other than my tiger I guess." Livia stopped and walked over to Jaseem, startling him. "Hey, go away"Jaseem scowled glaring at her. "You wanna join me and Elliot, we're going to get breakfast then head to classes"Livia smiled. "Liv! Elliot?" Tiana and Alison smiled at the two, Jaseem glancing over. "Sure..."Jaseem muttered. Livia smiled, walking over to her friends with Jaseem behind her.

She smiled at Elliot's thoughts, feeling relieved. "Yay! Jaseem is finally coming around! I knew we could be best friends!" Alison once again was being smart as ever. "He's royalty, look at his stance and the way he walks, he must've been a friend of Livias but distanced himself because of her mind reading...I don't mind her reading my mind at all, there's not really anything interesting inside my head besides my observations and weird thoughts from every now and then." He then shot her a small grin, making her giggle. Tiana was a little more hostile. "This the guy who got mad at Liv for being able to barely control her mind reading, he better not talk to me until he properly apologizes to her...or else."

Livia giggled and walked to the lunchroom with the boys, a wide smile on her face. Elliot and her chatted with Alison, Jaseem trailing behind them, Tiana throwing him a small glare each time he got to close to Livia or Elliot. "I smell pancakes!"Livia beamed. "Remember Liv, Focus on me or Alison's thoughts"Elliot reminded. "Mainly Elliot's, if you focus on mine, you're gonna be laughing for the whole breakfast time"Alison grinned. Livia laughed, getting a quick view of a pig in a ballerina dress. "Alright!"Livia grinned. She walked into the lunchroom, Jaseem staring at her, wondering if this is the right time to apologize. "Livia."

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