Chapter Two

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Jaseem stepped inside, Elliot beside him while she ducked her head and hurried in after them, staying between the two hidden away. Everyone's thoughts blasted through her head, making her whimper quietly. Jaseem looked at her, before looking around and swiping some kids food, before firmly wrapping an arm around her guiding her out quickly. Elliot grabbed something to eat, and hurried after them. The trio went to the courtyard, Jaseem calming her down. She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Is there something you're not telling us?"Jaseem demanded handing her the unopened sandwich he swiped. "Is something wrong Livia?"Elliot asks. She stared at them, and flattened her ears back. "I'm a mind reader..."Livia sighed. "One day this power popped up out of nowhere and..I have no idea how to control it!"Livia says Jaseem sucking in a sharp breath.

What came from Jaseems mind made her look down at her hands. "She's been in my head?! Does she think I'm mean! Does she think I'm someone she should pity and be friends with, I REFUSE to be pitied! I thought she was different, I thought we could be friends!!!" She closed her eyes, feeling tears threaten to fall. "IF YOU'RE IN MY HEAD GET OUT! NOW!" She flinched and covered her head, trembling a little. Her eyes opened, hearing Elliot's mind. "I still wanna be her friend! Who cares if she's a mind reader! How dare Jaseem get upset with her, she can't control it like she said..I'll help her control it, she can focus on my thoughts whenever she needs to if she doesn't wanna go reading anyone else's thoughts. Hey Livia! If you can hear me you can read my thoughts okay, I'll say comforting words to help you with this!"

She looked at him and smiled, earning a wide smile on return. "That's it, keep reading my thoughts! It'll be okay, calm down and take a deep breath!" She sighed, breathing in then breathing out, getting a nod from him. "I need to go!"Jaseem says still upset. He turned and bolted away, Elliot frowning after him. "Come on, lets go finish exploring the school!"Elliot smiled. She took his hand, getting to her feet and walked beside his, heading down the hallway with their snacks. "I think we're roommates, your last name is Vanrouge correct!"Elliot beamed. "Yeah"Livia nodded. "Yay, we're roommates!"Elliot laughed hugging her. She giggled, and smiled at her new friend, glad she had someone she could rely on now to help her get this power under control.

The two walked through the hallways side by side, Elliot keeping her calm with his thoughts, making sure she could hear him when they were in crowded places. "Okay, wanna try the lunchroom again?"Elliot asked standing outside the door. Livia sighed and nodded, stepping into the lunchroom, her headache returning as thoughts blasted through her mind. "LIVIA!" She looked at him, zeroing in on his calming thoughts. "That's it, focus on my's all gonna be okay, now follow me and lets get something more proper to fill out bellies!" She smiled and followed him, the two looking at the food on display. She grabbed a plate of steak, and spotted Jaseem staring at them. "Elliot should be more careful, we don't know if she's gonna use our thoughts against us!!"

She ducked her head, hurrying after Elliot, finding a spot by the window to sit at. "Oh fellow first years!"Elliot beamed. He looked at Livia, and smiled. "Hey, you don't gotta tell them about your mind reading, but telling them now rather than later might give them more trust in you." She looked at him and nodded, then sighed. "Just repeat the thoughts in my head and you'll be fine!" She nodded, Elliot and her approaching the two. "Hi I'm Elliot!"Elliot beamed. "I'm Tiana Queen, this is Alison Wonder"The white haired male with tea greeted. "Who's this"Alison asked starting to nibble on a cookie. Elliot looked at Livia and nodded. "My name is Livia, and I'm a mind reader, I just wanted you to know that, so you don't get uncomfortable around me, I wish to be friends and I hope we can all get along."

She nodded and sighed. "My name is Livia, and I'm a mind reader...I uhm...I just wanted you guys to know that, so don't get uncomfortable around me, I wish to be friends and I hope we can get along"Livia greeted. "Wow...a mind reader!"Tiana smiled impressed. "I wonder the secrets she's heard, seems like she can't control it, very jumpy, looks as if she might drop dead if anyone decided to startle her out of the blue...the underside of her hair is really pretty, I wonder if she got it from her parents. She's making herself to look smaller than she really is, I feel bad for her, being in such a loud place.....maybe we can be friends." Livia stared intently at Alison, impressed with how smart he was. "You guys can join us"Tiana smiled. Livias smile widened. She was finally making more friends.

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