Chapter Thirteen

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Elliot walked to P.E. with his classmates, a smile on his face as they went to the meeting spot. "Hey kids"Cobra greets. "Good morning Professor Cobra!" He chuckled at them, Neige, Eric and Rielle walking over. "I asked three second years to join us for today's lesson, they will show you how to do the first task"Cobra smiled. "Neige, Eric, Rielle, I have placed three important things in the lake at the very center, use your underwater spell to go retrieve them"Cobra smiled. "What's the point of this first task sir?"Violet asks. "For you all to learn a new spell and to see how capable your fellow students are, I will be using a spell to allow you to see what's going on underneath the surface"Cobra smiled. "Now, second years, there are sea snakes in the water, avoid them as well"Cobra informs.

Neige nodded, and placed his hand over his mouth. He leaped up and landed in the lake, swimming away as Rielle and Eric dove into the water after them. He swam around, spotting sea snakes up ahead. Rielle swam past him, the sea snakes immediately clearing the way out of respect for the royal mermaid. Neige stopped, and waved to the sea snakes, earning a few stared. He looked around, spotting a few fish. He held his hand up, using a light spell, the sea snakes immediately chasing after the fish. Neige swam past, looking around as Eric appeared beside him. Rielle swam towards them, his eyes wide, carrying a small figure. He swam past, Neige spotting a little human in the merman's arm. He and Eric looked at each other, before quickly swimming to the middle. Livia and Andy floated there silently, their eyes half open.

Eric grabbed the rope tied around his brothers legs, freezing it then shattering completely. He grabbed Andy, quickly swimming away. Neige stared at Livia, placing his hands on her cheeks. He swam down, untying the rope and grabbed her, pulling her straight to the surface. Livia coughed, her eyes wide as she gasped for air. "Do you know how dangerous that was?!" The two looked behind them, finding Eric yelling at Cobra. "I wouldn't have taken the risk if they weren't gonna be completely safe"Cobra says gently. "The necklaces around there neck were to teleport them to the surface had you not arrived within the usual time limit"Cobra says. "What was the usual time limit"Rielle asks as Neige helped Livia out of the water. "Ten minutes, due to the sea snakes, they can be fierce creatures at times"Cobra replied.

"Rielle using your mermaid form to get past them, excellent job, extra marks"Cobra smiled patting his head. "Eric, you're more cunning, waiting until Neige cleared them all out, also a good plan but can at times backfire, you also get full marks"Cobra says. "I didn't wanna risk freezing the lake, but thank you sir"Eric sighed. Cobra stopped, staring down at Neige, flicking his tail. "Neige, I'm surprised the person you care most for is my niece, you did good rescuing her, you get full marks as well"Cobra nodded. "That water was cold"Livia shivered. "Well the next one will dry you all off"Cobra smiled. "First years, I will be partnering you all up! You will take to the sky each with ONE ball, you will toss it back and forth to each other"Cobra informs. "Why?"Ben asks confused. Cobra stared at them, then looked away flicking his ears. "You kids are not soldiers, I am not your general"Cobra says.

"I want to make sure you kids are prepared for what's out there, the world isn't all that safe, this flying test will help you be able to distract and evade enemies that want to take things from you"Cobra explains. "Now time for the pairs!"Cobra says. Duchess watched the class from the hallway, a small smile on her face as she watched Cobra with his students. Students flew through the air, using their wings or brooms, tossing the ball back and forth, Cobra using his tail to launch falling balls back into the air to the kids. Livia flew beside Lassie, beating her wings. Lassie tossed the ball to her, Livia kicking it back with ease. She bumped it over, Livia bumping it right back over to the girl. "Nice!"Cobra smiled. Lassie tossed the ball, Livia catching it and flying away at full speed with her following. Nightclaw watched them, standing on one of the towers curiously until she spotted one of the students, Leo, walking hurriedly down the hallway.

An explosion went off not too long after, the classes all coming to a stop as smoke came from the etiquettes class. "NOT AGAIN!"Duchess yells hurrying to the burning classroom, although relieved since it was empty. Cobra hurried over, his students keeping their distance from the flames. "It was that blue haired kid! That Leo kid, he's heading for the library, better hurry!"Nightclaw yells flying down. Livia took off down the hallway, her eyes wide when she remembered that Leo had a new target. "Why are we running?!"Zalim demands. "Leo is gonna kill Professor Nightingale!"Livia replies. Her friends ran with her down the hallway, people jumping out of the way as they rushed to the library. Leo stood behind Nightingale, glaring at him. "PROFESSOR!"

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