Chapter Twelve

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Livia walked beside Neige, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Neige glanced at her and smiled, his mind still blank. "Wait"Livia says stopping Neige, hearing her Uncles mind. She quietly came closer to the room, seething rage whirling in her uncles mind like a tornado. She crept closer, stopping by the door. "Listen I absolutely HATE you for what you did to my wife! Be lucky I didn't allow my niece to attack you, because she's the daughter of someone who you don't wanna mess with"Cobra snarled. Nightclaw stared at Cobra, confusion and fear clouding her mind. "Who"Nightclaw mutters. "His name starts with L and he's the one who sent your father home with two missing fingers"Cobra hissed harshly. Nightclaw stopped, before her eyes widened in fear. "Lilia Vanrouge, that girl is his daughter!" Cobra glared at Nightclaw, flicking his scaly tail.

Livia looked at Neige, and stepped into the room. Neige hurried over her, matching her stride. "Uncle Cobra"Livia greets walking over. "Cub, what're you doing here"Cobra smiled looking at her. He lowered his head, bending over so the two could bump noses. "Hey Nightclaw." Ben walked in, heading over to the woman. "I'm Ben, remember me"Ben greets. "Remember your face not your name"Nightclaw replies. Ben laughed, smiling at her. "Well, like I said, my name is Ben"Ben grinned. "Nightclaw"Nightclaw says narrowing her eyes. "Should I give him a warning burn, but he's being nice to me, maybe I should burn him just in case so he knows how dangerous I really am." Livia frowned, looking startled. "You should probably stop thinking about how you might need to burn him to give him a warning"Livia glared.

Nightclaw looked at her, her eyes widening in fear. "She looks like a carbon copy of Lilia, how is that possible, he doesn't have a wife!" Neige nudged Livia, getting her attention. "My friends, I wanted you to meet"Neige reminds. "You kids run along"Cobra nodded. Livia walked away with Neige and Ben, heading down the hall. "You can go now"Livia frowned looking at Ben. "You know it's mean to be rude to people you haven't been in the shoes of, your friend, Zalim, looks as if he's gonna commit a murder"Ben says. "I wouldn't say he's a friend, I just met him not too long ago"Livia corrects. "But he's an associate right?"Ben asks. "Yes"Livia frowned. Ben smiled at her, making her perk up. "I guess you're right"Livia sighed. "Good, see you later!"Ben grinned walking away. "Did he just guilt trip me?"Livia asks. Neige laughed, smiling at her.

"Neige!" Livia gasped, staring as little dwarfs ran over to her. "THEY'RE SO CUTE!"Livia beamed her eyes sparkling. "I know"Neige smiled lifting a blond haired dwarf up onto his back. "Livia, meet Dominic, Grum, Shelpie, Hop, Timmy, Snick and Toby, guys meet Livia"Neige smiled. "Wow, you're pretty!"Hop beamed. "Very pretty"Neige agreed. Livia stared at Neige, twitching her ears. "This isn't a faze, he's actually in love with me, I may not be able to see it in his mind but I can still see it...I don't know how I feel about Neige, he's really just my friend and I care about him." She flicked her wings, looking away. "The only person I ever really liked was Sebek, but the he distanced himself from me, I don't want it to happen again." She blinked, realizing all eyes were on her. "Huh?"Livia blinked.

"Are you hungry"Neige chuckled smiling at her. "Oh yes! I am, I'm very hungry!"Livia smiled. She turned, hurrying away, glad to have some form of distraction. She gasped, running right into Elliot and Jaseem. "Hey Liv! We were looking for you!"Elliot smiled. "Hey guys"Livia chuckled smiling at them. "You heading to the cafeteria?"Elliot asks. "Yep"Livia nodded. "She looks nervous, did something happen, did someone make her uncomfortable? I hope she's okay." "Why does she look uncomfortable, who's arms do I gotta rip off!" Livia gave Jaseem a look, frowning at him. "Sorry, from now on no more threatening thoughts"Jaseem says. She squinted at him, already seeing in his mind that he was gonna have more of those thoughts. "The others are waiting, lets go!"Elliot smiled turning away.

The sound of chatting and laughter filled the cafeteria, Livia zeroing in on Elliot's mind as she entered. Elliot smiled at her, walking beside her as they went over to their friends. "Hey, Livia right! I saved you a sandwich"Zalim greeted. "Thank you"Livia smiled taking the sandwich. She sat down between Figaro and Lassie, the group chatting away as they snacked. Neige walked in with Eric and another male, the trio making their way over. "Guys meet Rielle, he's a fellow second year"Eric introduced. "I'm also on the volleyball team, human items are so interesting!"Rielle grinned. "I'm still learning how to use those finger touching devices"Rielle chuckled. "Electronics"Eric reminds amused. A scream filled the air, Nightclaw walking into the cafeteria with Boulder beside her. Students surges out of the way, Nightclaw stumbling over a fork

"She'll burn her!" Livia stared as Nightclaw fell backwards towards her, and slammed her eyes shut bracing for impact. A crashing sound followed, her eyes opening, finding Nightclaw had been knocked aside. A feint blond haired ghost appeared behind Livia, their arm wrapped around her neck staring at Nightclaw. "Sorry! Are you alright, did I touch you!"Nightclaw asks quickly. "No, what happened, how'd you end up like that.."Livia answers. "No idea, I was about to fall right on you and possibly burn you to death with my wings but I ended up on the ground instead"Nightclaw frowned. "Thank goodness she's alright! I would've felt guilty if I hurt her, even though she was mean to me."

Livia perked up, hearing a more feint mind. "She'" She stared in complete surprise and looked around. "Livia, what was that, I never seen magic like that!"Kailey says surprised. "I didn't use any magic"Livia corrects. "You didn't then who?"Rielle says surprised. "Not me"Neige says regretfully. "Eric, Neige, Rielle, can I talk with you three!"Cobra calls. "Yes Professor!" The three second years walked over to him, leaving the cafeteria. "What is it sir?"Neige asks. "I need a favor from you three, tomorrow during class I will put students through three tests, I want you to show them how to do the first"Cobra smiled. He leaned close to them, flicking his tail. "Show me, what do you care about the most"Cobra mutters his eyes turning brown.

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