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whole again.

"is it true?" jimin asked as he bursts into jungkook's room, heaving as his eyes were already brimming with tears. jungkook gets up from his seat and walks towards his husband, bringing his face in one of his hand. "are you mad or worried about what's going to happen to him?" jimin sighs, pulling the hand off his hand.

"both. i trusted him. i didn't thought he would-"

"you knew he has feelings for you, did you not?"

"jungkook are you saying that i like him too" jimin pinches the bridge of his nose and jungkook's shoulder slumps, "i'm sorry, it's just, i kind of figured it would be him" jimin stays silent as the black haired brings them to his bed, letting jimin lay down there. "don't worry too much, i'm sure he'll be fine" he kisses the top of his head and jimin gives up on saying anything, simply lets jungkook cards his hand through his hair gently.

they had found out that taehyung was the cause of all the rumors being spread. the pictures, it was all him, and it hurts jimin how someone who he once thought was a true friend became a person he didn't recognized. taehyung had stepped forward and confessed himself at the main palace domain, shocking everyone but making the king amd queen furious. that had only been a few hours ago and it wasn't long till the news reached jimin's ears.

"will you be okay?" jimin asks softly and looks up at the younger who stops running his hand through his hair, pulling jimin closer to himself. the silver haired rests his hands against jungkook's chest, drawing random patterns on it absent-mindedly. "he is your cousin after all"

"but he did try to steal my husband after all" the younger retorts and jimin smacks his hand softly on his chest, earning a chuckle from the other. "we'll just have to wait for the final verdict from the king and queen" jimin hums, hiding his face in jungkook's chest as he slowly falls asleep, jungkook rubbing his back soothingly.

"he's going back to the states? but. . .why? as much as i hate what he did, he still-"

"it was my own choice" jimin snaps his head at the sudden voice and jungkook throws a glance before looking back to the front. "taehyung" the blonde looks like he hasn't had sleep for a few days but he gives jimin a small smile. "can i speak to you for a while?" jimin looks at jungkook who stood up from his seat at the porch and starts walking away, closing the glass door behind him. jimin takes a seat at the bench as taehyung leans against the pillar opposite of the male, eyes trained on the waterfall in the garden.

"what made you confessed?" taehyung sighs, eyes avoiding the male in the room, "when i saw you crying over him, when i saw you purposely tried to avoid him eventhough it hurt you, when i saw you heartbroken when you misunderstood the exchange between him and yugyeom, i just knew. . .i wouldn't be able to have you fully to myself. i could never appear that important in your life like he is. it made me realise, i shouldn't have did what i did and for that, i apologise. you might never forgive me or forget the pain i've put you through and i hate myself for that too. but i was so desperate for you to notice me, to realise how happy you would have been if i was your husband that i didn't considered your feelings. i love you enough to let you go now i guess. i'm going back to the states with my mom and start my life again. i may come back here one day, maybe not. so thank you for the days where you filled me in with laughter, where you made me feel whole. thank you for being my friend till this day. i won't forget you, min. you might not want to hear from me after this so this is my parting words for you. i've already talked to jungkook yesterday, i don't think he told you anything but i'm grateful he forgave me. he even told me to keep in touch and i realise how much of an asshole i was to break the both of you apart because of my own selfishness" taehyung wipes his tears with his hands, laughing softly. "i'm leaving tomorrow-"

he startles as a jimin closes in into him, hugging him tightly as he can hear his hiccups. taehyung bites his lip to stop himself from crying as well, hands hesitantly wrapping around the male's shoulder. "shut up, can you just shut up. i forgive you, you didn't have to make the decision of going back to the states just because of this. i trusted you and you broke it but that doesn't mean things can't be salvaged. i don't want you to erase yourself from my life completely. i know it's hard on you and i'm sorry i can't reciprocate the feelings you have for me but don't ever think you don't mean something to me. before jungkook opened up to me, you're the only one i could rely on to survive in this palace. you made me believe i could actually do it so stop fucking saying that i don't want anything to do with you anymore. people make mistakes, that's human nature, and i forgive you. jungkook did too so please, don't just cut yourself off from us. i hope that you'll find happiness and peace when you return to the states. take care of yourself and don't disappoint anyone anymore" jimin steps away from the male and looks up at him, giving a smile that lights up his heart, one he'll never forget.

the door opens again, and jungkook steps in, looking between the both of them, gesturing towards jimin. "i'll see you tomorrow morning" he says before walking towards the black haired and taehyung watches as both of them leaves the porch, letting out a relieved sigh.

taehyung leaves tomorrow morning as promised with his mother, jungkook and jimin sending him off. jungkook's name has been cleared from the media and the public has gotten a full explanation of the current situation. it seems like everything is now finally fitting in place.

"thank you for staying by my side, jimin" jungkook whispers in the darkness of night, both of them cuddled up on the bed in jungkook's room. it's rare for them to sleep separately now and they love having the other next to them. jimin flutters his eyes open, humming in confusion through his sleep-dazed mind.

"i love you" jungkook says instead and jimin leans up a little to be able to pecks him on the lips, nuzzling his face in jungkook's neck afterwards. "i love you too kook-ah"

this is what happiness feels like, jungkook realises.


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