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burning desire.

jungkook takes off his fencing mask and bows to his instructor before walking off towards the exit, slowly trudging back to his domain. he crosess path with jimin on the way who had just finished his studies and the male stops in his tracks when he sees jungkook, a flush suddenly evident on his cheeks, "baby? what's wrong?" jimin takes in a deep breath before shaking his head, "nothing you should take a shower, you smell" jimin says and jungkook narrows his eyes at him before stomping off. jimin laughs as he returns to his room to put down his books.

"he looked so hot damn it" he mutters to himself as he tries to cool himself down. laying down in his room now feels weird when he's been at jungkook's for quite sometime now. jimin changes into a comfortable oversized shirt and shorts before making his way to the other's room, only to find it still empty when he enters. he hears the water running and makes his way to the king sized bed when a box on the bedside table catches attention. it was wrapped prettily, the signature wine red box of cartier's placed on the table. the silver haired was about to take a look at the content of the box when the bathroom door clicked open and he lets out a quiet yelp as he turns around, freezing when he sees jungkook stepping put with a robe, drying his hair with another towel.

the other male lets a soft "oh" when he sees the older in his room, giving him a bright smile which made jimin's stomach flutter with butterflies. now that he has jungkook wholly to himself, it keeps gets harder to breathe everytime they're close. jungkook closes the gap between them and wraps his arms around jimin's waist firmly, placing a kiss on his lips. "what were you up to?" he murmurs, caressing the side of his hip softly. jimin has his hands placed on the other's chest and as much as he doesn't want to let unwanted thoughts wonder around his mind, he can feel his body burning with desire to touch and take what's his. he motions his head the side, "what's that?" jungkook hums and look at the box his husband is referring to and removes himself from jimin to retrieve the box. he scratches the back of his neck as he finds the right words to say and jimin realises the other is embarassed, bringing a hand up to cup jungkook's apple cheek. "is that for me baby?" the other nods and lets out a small breath.

"jimin. . ." he brings his eyes up to look at the male in front of him, the other humming softly, "well, as you know our marriage didn't start off well, starting with the fact that it's arranged. but now that things are falling into place and the more days that passes by, i realise i just keep on falling in love with you, with your smile, your eyes, your laughs, your selfness nature, your beauty that never fails to captivate me. but the ring on my finger feels like it doesn't hold much semblance in our marriage since everything was just done half heartedly, sweetheart you didn't even take a second look when we picked our rings" jungkook chuckled and jimin shrugs, letting out a little laugh, "so i thought, now that we've established our feelings and the fact that you're going to be stuck with me for the rest of your life, i should treat you like you deserve, because after all, you are my prince. and i should start with giving you my commitment in making sure i try my best to make you happy and safe with me all the time. to make you feel loved and cherished. and i promise to always give you the best version of myself. on good days or bad days, i vow to always stay by your side and support you. i love you, jeon jimin, forever and always sweetheart" jungkook smiles and wipes off thebyears adorning jimin's face, feeling his own tears rolling down his cheeks. "i love you too, jungkook ah. i- i'm" jungkook shushes him and pulls him to his chest, rubbing his back till his husband calms down. he opens the box which reveals two gold rings embedded with small diamonds around it.

jungkook laughs as jimin just stares at him wordlessly, slowly take his hand and slipping out the previous ring before putting on the new one, satisfied with the way it gleams under the lights. jimin finally lets out a small giggle before doing the same to jungkook's ring finger, locking his arms around the other's neck afterwards. jungkook is so utterly fond, gazing into honey brown orbs that he loves. jimin closes the distance between them, gaspimg when jungkook pulls him in closer, arms curling in tighter and it gives the black hair the opportunity to slide his tongue into his husband's warm cavern, eyes closing in bliss. jimin tugs him blindly onto their bed, both males laughing breathlessly when they fall onto the plush mattress. jimin climbs into the other's lap, continuing their warm makeout session, jungkook's hands snaking its way under jimin's shirt and rubbing his hip as jimin flutters kisses from his lips to his jaw, sucking softly on the skin. jungkook grunts when he feels his cock hardening against his boxers, and srops himself before going further. jimin didn't even say he was ready for anything more, and as much as jungkook wanted to feel his huband, wants to claim him, he shouldn't do anything without the others consent.

jimin stops as well and pecks his lips softly. "i love you" he whispers sweetly against jungkook's lips and the younger turns them around to lay in the mattress, "i love you too sweetheart" jungkook removes his robes before letting jimin curl into his body heat, face burying into his chest. his heart had never felt this warm as he brings up their laced hands to place a lingering kiss on his husband's hand.

jungkook has a few duties today around the palace which gives jimin more time to prepare everything and get himself ready. as embarassed as he is, he wants to make their first time special, and jimin being the perfectionist he is, wants everything to turn out well. eventhough it's been only a while since everything was fine again, the silver haired thinks this had been a long time coming. they were supposed to have consumate their marriage the night after anyways but jimin feels it's better this way. teir feelings were mutual and jimin knows jungkook has been holding himself back, from the stares to the intense makeout sessions nowadays, he knows they're both ready.

thus, he forbids anyone entering jungkook's domain as he sets everything up himself. he had asked minhyuk for a bottle of wine amd two glasses earlier to which he received a teasing smirk, rolling his eyes eventhough his cheeks were painted with a soft shade of red. he doesn't want to over do anything because, jesus, they are going to end up just having sex but still, he places a few candles on the bedside table and the small table where he had put the bottle or wine and glasses. he dims the light to a red hue and finally steps into the bathroom, pampering himself before jungkook comes back. he relaxes his body in the tub and tries to shake off any hesitance or worry plaguing his mind, calming down slowly to the smell of the lavender bath salt he had sprinkled inside the water. when he realises he had spent some time inside, he drains out the water and washes himself, stepping out of the tub and drying himself. he stares at the lingerie he had bought at the counter and suddenly feels anxious, contemplating if he should wear it. he looks at himself through the huge mirror and bites his bottom before letting out a breath. "if i don't wear it now, when else would i wear it" he mutters as he slips on the piece of lingerie, a dark shade of red that hugs his body just right before putting on his satin robe. he dries his hair and applies a layer of shiny gloss on his lips, smacking it together before taking a look at himself in the mirror again. he knows he looks good, he just doesn't know what to expect from his husband. he ties his robe before leaving the bathroom and starts lighting up the candles when he hears jungkook's voice outside. he takes in a deep breath and takes a seat on the bed.

jungkook removes his suit jacket as he enters the main domain of the palace, unbuttoning the first two buttons on his dress shirt. "where's jimin?" he asks kihyun as the latter takes the jacket in his hand, "in your room, your highness" jungkook hums, missing the smiles exchanged by kihyun and minhyuk as he makes his way into his room, frowning when he sees that his curtains are drawn through the glass panel at his door. he pushes the door open slowly and enters, the sight that greeted him pushing all the air in his lungs once he locks the door behind him and turns around.

he struggles to find words and even if he is catching on to what is going to happen, he only managed to mutter out a confused, "sweetheart" jungkook wastes no time to come closer to his husband, feels his stomach simmering with arousal and he brings a hand up to jimin's chin, thumb touching his glossed lips. "am i pretty jungkook ah?" jungkook sucks in a breath at the sultry tone and gaze, eyes fogging with lust and he swallows, "you're the prettiest baby, the most beautiful"

jimin gets up and kisses his cheek, pulling on his hand and brings him to the couch, pushing him down as he fills their glass. "what's the occasion?" he hears jungkook asks lowly, grip tight on his hip as he settles onto his lap. "nothing, just want you" jimin down his drinks fast, making jungkook stare at him in awe, mesmerised by everything he does as if in a trance. he finishes his own but jimin had already drank two more times, all the while looking at jungkook with a glint in his eyes. jimin takes the glass from him and places it on the table, the alcohol making him a little more confident as he pulls jungkook in and crashes their lips together, tugging at the ends of the younger's hair and letting out a small moan when jungkook bites his lower lip before sucking on it. jimin gasp when jungkook lifts him up and brings them to the bed, laying him down before peppering kiss down jimin's face to his neck, sucking on it till he was satisfied with the blooming bruises on jimin's neck, lifting his head up to look at his husband. "what do you want sweetheart?"

jimin drags his hands up from jungkook's stomach his his chest, feels the muscle tensing and unbuttons the rest slowly, catching his lips in a bruising kiss. "i want you, all of you jungkook ah, please" he lisps out and jungkook removes his shirt and dress pants before getting back on the bed. he looks at the robe tied around the male's body, "can i untie this, baby?" at the nod, jungkook slowly pulls the material off, eyes darkening as he feels all the blood rushing to his dick as the robe is removed from jimin's body. "fuck baby, you look so good" he takes his time touching his baby and leaves open mouthed kissed from his mouth down to his inner thighs, sucking on it which has jimin whimpering. jungkook rubs jimin clothed dick slowly, hearing his whines and gasps when his sensitive spots are all touched, grabbing the sheets under him. jungkook goes to removes the lingerie from his lithe body and growls lowly and his eyes take in all of jimin, making jimin even wetter than he already is. "you're already that wet for me baby? i barely touched you" jimin whimpers and looks at him through wet lashes, earning a chuckle from the black haired.

"where's the lube baby?" jimin points to the last drawer beside them and jungkook takes it and a packet of condom when jimin stops him, "wanna feel you inside me please, want your cum in me" he slurs out and jungkook curses before settling himself between jimin's leg, kissing his inner things till he reached his hole, licking broad stripe up to his balls, "jungkook" jimin breathes out and lets out a loud moan when he feels something wet entering him, throwing his head back whenhe realises it's jungkook's tongue. "f-fuck jungkook-" he can't stop the moans leaving his lips as the younger eats him out, sucking at his hole while wrapping his hand around jimin's length and stroking it in tandem. jimin feels the burn of arousal in his stomach and grabs at jungkook's hair, pulling him up, "don't wanna come yet, w-wanna come with you inside me"

"okay baby, fuck" he dips two of his fingers in the lube before entering one into jimin, "oh fuck. . ." jungkook meshes his lips with the other as he opens him up, jimin moaning into his mouth as he enters another finger, back arching into jungkook's chest. "i'm ready, i'm ready, jungkook please" jimin's eyes are dazed with lust and he brings his mouth to jungkook's neck and places kisses there, travelling down and latching onto one of his nipples, jungkook letting out a deep moan amd jimin smiles, sucking on it softly. "stop, baby"

jungkook laces their hands together before slowly pushing into the older, groaning at the tight heat as jimin gasps at the intrusion, letting out a high pitched moan, eyes closing at the feel of jungkook's cock in him, making him feel full. "are you okay?" jimin flutters his eyes open and nods, one of jungkook's hand travelling to his waist lifting him up a little before he moves slowly, setting a rhythm. "ah. . .j-jung- fuck!" jimin twitches and lets out a drawn moan, jungkook realising that he had found his seet spot, picking up his speed till he was pounding into his husband, making his breath hitch with every thrust. "close! jungkook. . .b-baby i" the younger pants, their mouth letting out moans and grunts against each other as sweat rolls down his head and clings to his hair, back muscle rippling with the thrusts he's giving, his grip on jimin's waist bruising. "come for me jimin" he husks and jimin's eyes rolls to the back of his head and drags his hands on jungkook's back, burning. he releases with a loud, long moan, trembling with oversensitivity as his cum splatters on his stomach and jungkook's but the younger continues pounding into his ass, jimin's walls sucking him in tills he spills his load inside, letting out a low "fuck" as he snaps his hips twice, jimin humming at the warm cum filling him up. jungkook was about to pull out when jimin stops him, eyes snapping open. "just for a while please, i don't want to feel empty" jungkook kisses his forehead and moves them till jimin is on top of him, cum sticking to their bodies but they didn't seem to care that much.

"did i hurt you sweetheart?" jungkook brushes the hair off jimin's eyes and kisses the top of his head, jimin shaking his head, "you were perfect" jimin mumbles and kisses his heart softly and jungkook's heart burns in flames, not knowing how he deserved someone like jimin.

"you're the perfect one sweetheart"


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