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"please don't be in that kind of situation again" mr. lee saod as he poured tea for the prince, features tensed as he recalled jungkook's disappearance earlier on. he had took a taxi, dear god a taxi, how smart, to the function's address, rehearsing his script in his mind anxiously while the media waited for his arrival.

mr. lee didn't even had time to lecture him as he was quickly ushered to change his clothes and start the event as he was already late for half an hour, having to make up a terrible excuse for it as well.

now he's back in his room, the adrenaline still pumped from today's event, eventually feeling guilty for not alerting mr. lee or his bodyguards. "i won't" jungkook finally says, looking up with a small smile, "you should go in and rest first, you must be tired. i'm tired too" with that, the old man nods and makes his way to reture in his room for the night.

jungkook looks out the hotel's huge window, mind reeling at what happened earlier with yugyeom. instead of feeling ecstatic, he feels bile slowly rising up his throat, chest aching as the word 'cheater' and 'betrayal' keeps flashing in front of his eyes when he thinks of his prince back in seoul. jungkook feels sick.

"why have i done?" it comes out as a statement more than a question as he hides his face in his hands, shuddering out a breath. i keep on hurting him.

jimin steps into the garden only to find taehyunf leaning against one of the wall, brown eyes fleeting up to lock with his at the movement. "hey"

"hey" jimin quirks up a smile, stopping in front of him as he leans against the railing opposite of taehyung.

"have jungkook called you yet?" jimin scrunches up his nose, shaking his head and taehyung chuckles, making jimin laugh.

"you look skinnier now, have you not been eating well?" jimin averted his eyes but taehyung leaned forward, bringing a hand up to cup the side of his face as he silently asks for jimin to look at him. when he does, the silver haired remains silent, growing uncomfortable at the hand resting against his cheek, "you look beautiful when you laugh. i'll be by your side forever, just to make you happy, don't forget that" jimin coughs out softly, turning away as he looks around the garden, as if it's the most interesting thing at the moment.

"even if i'm not your husband now, i was once your fiancè" jimin's eyes narrow as he snaps his head back up, "what?"

"i thought you would have known by now, i dropped you so many hints," taehyung sighs deeply, hands in his pockets as he stares at jimin, "the person you were first engaged to wasn't jungkook, it was me. but it changed when my father passed away" jimin's blood went cold as he gulps, trying to comprehend everything has him dizzy and it's as if it's painful to look at taehyung now as he says the next few words, "but i hope you will remember that, even if it's impossible to come true now. if fate didn't played with us, your husband now wouldn't be jungkook, but me, kim taehyung" his tongue poked into his cheek as jimin was rendered speechless, taking in gulps of air to calm himself down.

"the crown prince called several times today, do you want to take his call?" jungkook fixes his tie in the mirror before turning to face mr. lee, "later"

"crown prince"

jungkook halts in his steps, looking over his shoulder to see the old man giving him a smile, "do what comes to your mind, your feelings will be expressed more in that way"

jimin took a small bite of his meat, stomach churning at the different types of food being placed on the table as he eats alone, the chair on the other side of the long table empty and cold.

"your highness, is the food not to your liking? do you want anything special" minhyuk asks him worriedly, raising a brow in disbelief when jimin stes his fork down when all he ate was one bite.

"i'm done eating" he smiles faintly before walking back to his room. the peace he had in his confines were only for a few minutes before minhyuk walks in and placed a tray atop his bed, "here, drink this. it's a traditional herb meant to make you feel better. i know you haven't been eating so thus will suffice for now" jimin makes a face but drinks it, laying down once he was done only for minhyuk to place a towel on his forehead after checking his temperature, wincing at the burn.

drinking the tea mst have dozed him off because when he woke up, it was already evening and he sits up, slowly taking off the towel off his head and going out of his room for fresh air.

jimin stills when he sees the figure entering their part of the palace, frozen in his spot. when he turns, jungkook's voice makes a shiver run down his spine, "what's wrong? are you sick? if that's the case let me see your face"

oh how much had he missed that voice? how much had he missed him?

jungkook takes a step closer, only to be stopped by the silver haired, "don't come closer" he utters and hates the way his voice shakes, how he instantly feel relief washing over him as he sees jungkook. jimin moves forward, widening the space between them to no avail as jungkook moved a step forward too, "i said stop! if you move. . .i will kill you"

"that's a bit saddening. not letting your husband who has been away to come near you" jimin scoffs, wiping his face, willing himself not to sob, "not answering my calls or giving the effort to call me back is also a bit saddening, depressing almost, for a husband to act like that. you're selfish, you don't care about other people's feelings, you do as you please!" jimin can't hide his cries now, hiccuping amd bringing a hand up to his mouth to muffle his sobs when jungkook comes closer to turn him around.

he brings his thumb and finger to jimin's face, tilting his head up to see red eyes glistening with tears, lower lip trembling that breaks jungkook's heart, "i know now, next time we have to go together" jungkook wraps his arms around jimin's waist tightly, the male reciprocating by snaking his arms around the black haired neck, sighing into his shoulder.

jungkook did his usual greeting to his elders, sharing with them about his trip before going back into his room to shower and rest, finally being able to breathe after the long week.

"what are you doing?" jimin whispers as he enters the male's room, settling himself onto the sofa placed beside jungkook's bed. the said male looks up from his book, internally melting at how jimin's sweater drowns him, the tips of his fingers barely showing as he shivers a little. "it's a little cold today and you room feels warmer so let me stay here for a while" jungkook sighs befor closing his book, long forgotten as he throws his bed covers, stretching so that he can pull the smaller male's body towards the bed, sliding in next to him.

"warmer now right, crown prince?" jimin hits him softly but a soft blush colours his cheek, the other's body warmth making him feel a sense of comfort and security as he cuddles closer.

they enjoyed the silence for a while, though having a little space between them, it wasn't tense as before until jimin turns his head to look at jungkook who had continued reading his novel.

"is it true?" the silver haired asked softly, clenching at the sheets below him.


"that i'm actually supposed to marry taehyung instead of you?" the black haired feels the tightening of his stomach at that and snaps his book close.

"he was supposed to be the crown prince but his father died so my father took the role of the king, therefore i became the crown prince. why? if you want to marry him that much, why didn't you-" he stops his sentence when he looks down and sees the other male already sleeping, his anger dissipating slowly at the peaceful look on his husband's face.

he sighs before pulling up the blanket to cover the other's form, pressing his body closer to the other. he continues looking at the male before he slowly leans down and places his lips at the other's forehead, his eyes slipping shut as his heart calms down.

please, don't go to him.

"what do you think you're doing?" jungkook looks up to find his mother entering the room, softly shaking his husband and the latter rubs at his eyes before realising another person was in the room, getting out of the bed the next second.

"i'm sorry crown prince,but can you excuse us for a while?" jimin nods hastily, making a beeline for the door and dashing into his room, bringing a hand up to his chest as he exhales a breath, not realising he had kept it in.

the queen slams the newspaper article harshly against the table, making jungkook narrow his eyes at it before walking over to pick it up, eyes widening as he sees his picture with yugyeom in thailand on the front cover. "are the news reported true?" when the male remains silent, his mother fumes, "why would you do this? how could you do this crown prince? you know everyone is watching you, what have you been thinking?" her voice rises higher each time, anger bursting in flames in her eyes, "think about jimin, about what you're doing," she brings a hand uo to the bridge of her nose, releasing a sigh, "please come to the main palace to do your explaining tomorrow" the door slams loudly as she leaves, trail still hot as she storms out of the domain.

jimin returns right after, "what's wrong? why was she so mad?" he glances at jungkook who remains quiet, looking anywhere but at jimin. the silver haired notices the article and picks it up, heart sinking to his stomach, it's as if someone has punched him in the face as he reads the news article, "you two were in thailand together?" he asks more to himself, voice no louder than a whisper but jungkook catches on, taking the article from jimin to place it back down.

"do i need to tell you everything?" jimin clenches his fist at that, looking up at jungkook, "i'm just curious" he spats, the black haired staring a him too, now.

"you don't need to know"

"what? i can't ask you questions like that? i don't have the right too?" jungkook closes his eyes, taking in a breath before fluttering them open again, "you don't have to worry about this. take care of your health instead, rather than trying to find out about these silly things"

jimin's eyes are already red, fingers diggung into his palm so hard he could break skin, "you don't have to worry whether i'm sick or not, i'm fucking healthy, so don't be concerned" he turns away abruptly, wanting to leave the room but jungkook took a hild of his arm, turning him back.

"you're healthy you say?" his voice rises, staring right into crestfallen orbs, "do you know how worried everyone was? what's your problem? what's so wrong that you van't even eat jimin?" the male yanks his arm away, betrayal fleeting in his eyes, "you don't have to know why i'm suffering, you won't even let me ask you about this picture so it doesn't matter whether i die from starvation or not-"

"park jimin you-"

"i'm really stupid. without knowing that you're having fun with yugyeom i. . .i was waiting for you, not being able to sleep as i worry over you. i feel so stupid" he lets one tears drop down his face before leaving the prince, stumbling back into his confines and cries his heart out painfully, the picture of jungkook and yugyeom burning behind his eyelids.

jungkook breathes out shakily, raking a hand through his hair as he settles down on his bed, looking out his room to find jimin's door curtain drawn out.

when jimin reaches school the next day, it's no surprise when all eyes were on him, the news must have had spread like wildfire, they are the country's crown prince after all. jimin sits down with his friends, earning worried glances but no one daring to sleak up until yoongi breaks the silence, "you seem really sick, don't you want to go home?" at the shake of his head, namjoon can't take it anymore, "are you and jungkook alright?"
jimin doesn't answer, but, it already feels like an answer for his friends.

the silver haired apologizes as he bumps into someone, looking up only to find yugyeom already staring at him, "hey"

"hey" the male throws a smile before resuming his walk, jimin reaching out to stop him, "do you want to talk with me?"

"this isn't good" seokjin says as he walks up to the others, "what is?" hoseok looks around confusedly as people started flittering int he hallways, rushing to go somewhere.

"jimin's talking to yugyeom" at that, the five male which previously sat down quickly dashed out of the classroom, making their way through the mass of students.

"guys, yugyeom's having a talk with jimin, i don't think it'll end up good" mark gasps as he enters the room, trying to catch his breath as he told the news to the others.

"what?" bambam rushes out, jaebum and jackson following suit, "you're not following?" mark asks the black haired and jungkook stood up, walking out of the classroom.

"you must be in a bad position right now" jimin starts as he and yugyeom leans against the wall of the piano room, facing each other, "you just met him while you were there as well but people must have had exaggerated the rumours-"

"your "coincidence" theory is wrong. i purposely went to thailand to meet jungkook. here, both of you are always together so i can't say the things i want to say" jimin eyes shoots up to him, trying to let the anger and jealousy dissipate in his veins, "there's a lot of things i want to say to him, but after the marriage it became difficult"

"but we're the ones who got married first"

"you might be the one to obtain the marriage first, but the one who received the proposal and was liked is me, kim yugyeom"

jimin closes his eyes, inhaling sharply, "since it's already like that, why are you saying this now?"

"because i don't want to be known as the old yugyeom who lost his love foolishly. things like these, it can only happen once. i don't know how well you two get along, but it seems as if he likes my presence pretty well"

"what did you say?" jimin fights his glare, making yugyeom chuckle softly, "saying this in front of you makes me feel like a bad person. i'm not interested in the position if being a prince, i'm contented enough if i have jungkook" jimin can't handle this anymore, his heart breaking even more as his head spins, everything slowly becoming blurry, "i'm sorry. . .but lets talk some other time" he slurs out and everything becomes black as the male falls to the ground motionless.

"jimin!" taehyung kneels down by his side, bringing his head up to his chest as he feels the scorching heat of the other's body, face and lips paler than usual. "jimin, shit, you're so goddamn stubborn" he makes a move to carry the male up when jungkook suddenly enters the room, kneeling down as well.

"let go" taehyung glares at him but hands jimin over, jungkook carrying him up and rushes down to the car, panicked whispers being heard as their bodyguards quickly closed the door and starts speeding back to the palace.

jungkook takes out his jacket and places it onto jimin's shivering form, the male's head reasting on his thigh and jungkook asks his driver to speed up, fingers grazing over jimin's pale cheekbones.

he realised how jimin's face had become more sharper, body becoming skinnier and lips becoming drier, blaming it all on himself for how much hurt he had caused jimin to feel that he starved himself till he fainted.

"please forgive me"


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