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the boy he loves.

jungkook slowly wipes the silver haired face, waiting for his breath to even out before gently placing the damp cloth on his forehead, softly rubbing his red cheeks.

"i'm sorry"

god, he's so fucking sorry yet he doesn't know how he's supposed to make up for what happened in thailand. how bad had it affected jimin, till he fainted? how blind was jungkook to not realise his own husband's health draining? because of him.

jungkook just helplessly waits for the male to wake up and recover.

taehyung slowly enters the crown prince's room, setting his fruit basket on the table before sitting at the side of the bed when jimin stirs in his sleep, sluggishly blinking awake.

"taehyung?" the latter smiles, bringing a hand up to jimin's shoulder when the male sits up after removing the towel from his head. "are you feeling better?" jimin nods, rubbing one eye as he stretches.

"lets go outside, i want some fresh air" jimin gets out of his bed, thanking taehyung when he saw the fruit basket. both male walked out to the garden, sitting down on one of the bench.

jimin breathes in, eyes fluttering shut as a contented sigh escapes his lips, "i feel alive again" he laughs out, eyes bunching up into pretty crescents that made taehyung's heart skip a beat or two.

"do you know how worried i was?" taehyung mumbles out but the other rolled his eyes playfully, asking the blonde to not exaggerate. "don't get sick in the future" he reminds the latter instead, eyes looking away from jimin, "if you're sick, i feel it too" jimin swallows the knot forming in his throat and nods, giving a small grin towards the male when he hears footsteps coming from behind.

"what is a sick person doing sitting out here?" jimin doesn't bother to turn around, acting as if he didn't hear jungkook's words till the male tugged on his arm, turning him around firmly.

"you're the reason why i'm sick anyway so don't act as if you care" jungkook scoffs, leaning closer to his husband, "do you know who carried you back here? ah, you're really something" jungkook's stare never wavers even as he sees jimin's cheeks turning a shade darker that was not due to his sickness, holding the male tighter when he starts to squirm away from his gaze.

"lets go back in" jimin waves over at taehyung, yelping as he was quickly pulled up from his seat, jungkook's rough hold not faltering until they reach his room, setting the silver haired on his bed before letting go. a wave of memory from the incident earlier back in school hits him and jimin doesn't speak, the ache in his heart building up.

"do you still feel sick? dizzy?" jungkook sighs worriedly when the male ignores him, tucking his forefinger and thumb under jimin's chin to tip his head up, "tell me, what do i have to do to get you to eat? please, i'll do anything" there's a desperate lilt to his voice and jimin shies away from his touch, afraid that he'll crumble in front of the black haired but flickers his eyes up to jungkook only to find guilt in his beautiful orbs.

"i need you to eat something alright? you need nutrients in your body. i don't care if you're still mad at me or if you hate me, i know i'm probably the last person you want to see right now but i can't let you starve, i won't allow that. i'm going to get you porridge, i want you to eat it alright?" jimin bites his bottom lip anxiously as jungkook gets up to get the said food from the servants, returning quickly with a steaming bowl of chicken porridge along with a glass of water.

jimin rests his back against the headboard, taking the tray and placing it on his lap, stirring his food as he stares at it but doesn't eat it up.

"love, the food won't come to you" jungkook takes the spoon from his hand and scoops up the porridge, bringing it up to jimin's lips and poking it when the male keeps it shut, "jimin if you don't open up i'm going to kiss you" the said male eyes widen before he huffs, glaring at the male who grins happily when jimin relents, mouth parting open for jungkook to feed him.

the action continues until the bowl is almost empty, jimin whining and pushing the bowl away when jungkook wants to feed him the next one, "i'm full jungkook, i feel bloated" jungkook hums in satisfaction, putting the spoon down and giving jimin his pills and water, asking him to eat it as he gives the tray back to kihyun who's outside the room.

"do you want to go back to sleep?" jungkook asks softly, helping jimin to pull his comforter back up, covering his slightly shivering form. "you're not letting me out my bed aren't you?" the male asked, resting his head back against his pillows, jungkook shifting closer to him.

"i'm meeting yugyeom in a while to talk about the news in thailand so i won't be around. tell kihyun or minhyuk if you need anything alright? call me if there's anything" he studies the male as jimin remains silent again, his eyes already shut and turning his body so that his back is facing the prince, making a pang of guilt surface in jungkook's chest.

"i'm sorry jimin" he runs a hand through his hair shakily as his calm composure slowly weakens, hurt that jimin is pushing him away even if he knows he deserved it.

"feel better love" he bravely places a chaste kiss onto the crown of jimin's head before making his way out, sending a text to yugyeom to meet at one of the parks near the palace grounds so that he can get back quick.

he doesn't see jimin exhaling a shaky breath out as a tear slid down his face, crying himself to sleep.

"what is it?" it had been awhile since it was only the two of them, the last one being in thailand. yugyeom watches as flowers bloom across the whole park, providing a beautiful atmosphere.

"if you were the crown prince, maybe i wouldn't have to fight with you everyday like how i do with jimin. since we have many similarities, we could have grown old together," a smile paints on yugyeom face, wanting the other to continue, "but my life has already been sorted out, and i'm already tied down to someone who i can't stop thinking about lately" at that, yugyeom's smile dropped along with his heart as his fists started to clench.

"yugyeom" the said male looks up, seeing guarded eyes that were once his favourite book to read, now cold and emotionless. "don't expect anything from me anymore. when i sent you off to the airport in thailand, that was the last remembrance i have for you. there won't be anything like that from now on because i," yugyeom bites the insides of his bottom lip as his eyes starts to sting, the next few words that came out from jungkook's mouth feeling like a punch to his stomach.

"i've fallen for my prince"

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