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"jungkook" yugyeom takes hold of his wrist to stop the male, patiently waiting for him to turn around.

"you have to listen to what i have to say too," jungkook glances down at his arm and the black haired removes his fingers, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. "i won't expect anything from you anymore but. . .just continue being yourself around me, please. just like how we are, that's all i need" the latter breathed out before leaving, not wanting the tears to fall in front of the man he loves.

the crown prince slouched against his seat, hand rubbing him forehead as yugyeom's words rang in his head. "your highness, your fencing session is starting in fifteen minutes" jungkook stood up and headed out with mr. lee, stopping by jimin's room to see the male reading a book.

"is the scandal in thailand still being brought up?" the black haired asks as they walk to the practice room. "although the news won't simmer down soon, since you have already explained yourself to the elders, it should suffice for now. the news will go away in time" jungkook hummed, giving a curt nod before going to change into his fencing uniform, greeting his teacher once he sees him, starting practice soon after to release the stress he's been holding off.

jimin enters the male's room hesitantly, suddenly realising there's no one which made him heave a sigh of relief. he had asked the male through text earlier to lend his camera to him since he needs it for his assignment.

he searches through the room and huffs in annoyance when he can't find the object anywhere. "where would he. . .oh" jimin looks around for a small controller and brightens up when he sees it, pressing the button for the shelf to move to the side, revealing a dark room.

he soundlessly walks in, the red glow in the room making him a little anxious as he rummages through the drawers to find the camera. he stops when he notices a black box with the initials of kyg on the top right corner of the box in one of the drawers, taking it out and opening lid only for his heart to shrink pathetically once again.

it's filled with things relating to yugyeom; his pictures, (isn't the one hanged in the room enough?) a necklace with the initial 'y', two little stuffed bears stacked with more pictures of them and cards filled with yugyeom's hand written letters to the prince. despite the ache in his heart, jimin stubbornly picks one up and flips it open, reading its content.

jungkook ah,

remember when we used to go on dates by the river and marvel at the sky as the sun sets? i remember telling you, asking you, to stay by my side forever. so in return, i'll stay by your side too.


jimin didn't realise there were tears running down his face as he closed the box and placed it on top of the table, leaving the room without finding the camera and stops dead in his tracks when he sees jungkook walking in, the latter stopping as well. he ducks his head down, making it unbeknownst to jungkook of the tears cascading down his cheeks.

"did you find the camera?" jungkook frowns when jimin harshly wipes at his face, eyes widening when he heard soft sniffs coming from the male. "are you crying again?"

"it's none of your business" his voice sounds harsh to his own ears, dull and void of emotion as he dejectedly takes his steps back to his room. "what happened?" jimin stops, managing a weak scoff, "are you still unable to let go?" he answers without turning around, making the frown on jungkook's face deepen as he circles the prince to face him.

"what are you talking about?" he brings a hand out to touch the silver haired but jimin flinches away, making him curl his fingers in before dropping them to the side. "you kept everything that was given by him, cherished and treasured it. are they so important to you? do you still like yugyeom?" jungkook runs a hand through his hair, heart clenching in the most ugliest way everytime he sees jimin cry but he feels the irritation rising up his chest.

"why are you suddenly asking me that? and why the hell are you being like this? you-" a glare shoots his way before jimin storms off, the slamming of his door being heard as jungkook let out a growl, retreating back into his room as well, stopping when he sees the black box on the table.

jungkook wants to tear his hair out.

jimin tears his eyes away from his book when he heard the door opening, features turning hard at the black haired as he glances back down, not bothered even when jungkook takes a seat at the side of his bed.

"jimin. . ." jungkook closes his eyes and sighs when he knows he won't receive an answer and brings his hand up to cup his face, wide brown eyes staring at him in shock and anger.

"i'm sorry that you had to see those. don't worry about them alright? don't be sad because of the letters" jungkook brushes away the hair on his forehead and leans in, placing his lips on the other's hair when there was no objection. he feels more than see the shake of the male's shoulder and presses a lingering kiss on his forehead before pulling the silver haired into his embrace, hearing the sigh that left his lips.

"i hate you" jimin mutters softly, voice muffled in jungkook's chest and the male laughs, pulling him in even tighter as he moved to get into a more comfortable position, letting jimin lay his head on his chest as he rub at his sides softly.

"i know this doesn't mean everything is solved, and you might be confused about everything with all your emotions thrown all over the place but we'll go through this together alright? slowly" jungkook mumbles softly as his lips stayed on the crown of jimin's head, feeling the nod of his head as jimin hums, slowly falling into a slumber.

"lets just stay like this for awhile, you're warm" jungkook laughs, smiling even more when he hears the small giggles jimin lets out, cuddling more into the male as they wrap the comforter tighter around them.

"taehyung? hey" jimin lets out a smile as he sees the blonde, putting down his pen as he stretches, glancing to look at the time. "tired?" at the nod, taehyung shakes his head, a smile blooming on his face.

"wanna go somewhere? come on" jimin blinks, dazzed as he was pulled out from his chair, walking across the palace to a more old, historical looking domain on the palace ground. "what is this place?" jimin gapes in awe as they climb up the stairs, eyes gleaming as he saw many books around, "it used to be a library when i was young, but it seems to be abandoned now, looking at the conditions. but this is where i used to go to when i was stressed or tired. look, the scenery is amazing" taehyung turn to look at the other as he stares into the open sky, a fond look in his eyes.

they stayed there till jimin had to return back to his domain, reading the books and playing the old instruments that were placed there. "see you tomorrow taehyung-ah" jimin waved as the male leaves, a content sigh escaping his lips.

"has the rumors fade off?" the great queen questions as she sits down with the other two in the room. "the publication department will take care of it but as for inside the palace, i think the prince has already justified himself. with new happenings always incurring everyday, i am sure the news will eventually fade away, your highness. although, through this incident, i have some thoughts, your highness" mr. lee says as he looks between the queen and her mother.

"please, say them" the queen urges, giving the old man a smile. "how about getting a grandchild now, your highness?" mr. lee watches as the queen seems flustered and uneasy, looking at her mother for her say.

"are you saying a royal grandchild?" she asks the the male nods, a polite smile on his face.  "but both crown prince are still young" the queen interjects and her mother narrows her eyes which made her close her mouth. "the age for the royal family is always earlier compared to public isn't it? also, i see that the king's health is draining, queen. . ."

the queen inhales sharply before looking up to her mother and sees the glint in her eyes, "lets get them to share a room. the truth is, i am also yearning for a grandchild. don't you want that to happen too?"

the queen crumbles at the hopeful look in her mother's eyes and shuts her eyes before agreeing, a timid smile on her lips, "alright, your highness"

"what the hell just happened?" jimin blinks confusedly and stares in shock as he stands in jungkook's room. he had just finished his bath when he was pushed into the crown prince's room, hearing a lock from behind him and he turns, ready to blast at kihyun to let him out when he notices that jungkook's door curtains were drawn together.

which brings him here in the middle of the black haired male's room which is dimmed with candles all around, the satin sheets changed to a dark velvet, pilled with plush pillows. "jungkook-ah. . ." he takes a step further into the room when he hears the bathroom door open, the said male stepping out while drying his hair with a small towel.

the male looks up and stares at the other's presence in the room, mouth gaping when he sees the condition of his room and jimin realises that jungkook is just as clueless as him.

"did they locked my door?"

"how did you- oh my god. you're fucking kidding me" jimin slams his head onto the wall next to him, resulting in jungkook to stride his way towards him, taking his face in his hands, "why would you do that for?" jimin pouts as his head hurts from the impact, jungkook rubbing it softly. "why would they do this?"

"grandmother must have suggested it. i know my mother wouldn't have agreed to this since we're still young but her mother, she's something else. plus, with my rumor flying around, she probably thought this was the best timing" jungkook says softly as he continues rubbing jimin's head, not noticing the blush on jimin's cheeks as they were practically so close that jimin could hear every exhale he lets out.

"don't do that again okay?" jungkook shakes his head amd steps away, throwing his towel onto the hamper before turning on the lights to a low setting and blowing off all the candles with jimin's help. "well i guess you're stuck with me for the night since there is no way you can possibly get out, they probably took my keys as well" jungkook slid into the sheets, making space for the other as jimin slowly made his way there, finally sitting on the silk sheets and letting his fingers wander across them.

"pretty" he murmurs to himself, tensing when he realised jungkook had slid up next to him, a hand slipped around his waist. "like you" jungkook whispers into his ear and if his cheeks could get anymore red, it did.

"shut up" jimin keep his eyes down but gasps softly when jungkook tucks his hair behind his ear, leaning closer. "why aren't you looking at me?" jungkook brings his fingers to jimin's chin, tilting his head to make jimin look at him, eyes flittering down to the male's lips before looking up again, "are you nervous?"

jimin lets out a scoff that turns out weaker and softer than it should, making jungkook grin softly, "i don't know what you're talking about" jimin's hands were placed on jungkook's chest as jungkook rubs his nose softly against the male in a short eskimo kiss, the silver haired scrunching his nose up cutely.

"beautiful" jungkook utters out, eyes full of love and sincerity which made jimin feel warm as he gazes at the male, feeling the hands on his waist pulling him in tighter.

jimin smiled as their lips met.

sliding here for a lil self promo but,, i published a new story titled "social media" so go check it out if you want and give it some love!! and also to those who are celebrating, merry christmas and i love you!

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