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jimin looks at the male standing beside him, leaning against the wall, "so he would have married yugyeom if he was accepted?" the silver haired nod, gazing out towards the sky.

"well, you shouldn't feel bad because he was the one who rejected him, just relax alright?" taehyung sits down beside him and slings an arm around his shoulder, making jimin smile.

"it's nice to have a friend who you can understand you" jimin says softly and taehyung's lips quirks up.

"kim yugyeom is a fool isn't he? a fool who only puts his attention on dance and ballet. but his emotions, the anger, sadness, happiness, hurt are all put into his dance. so now, i'll play it all" jungkook looks at him, the male continuing his words, "and you will regret, you will regret your whole life for not waiting for me" yugyeom chuckles weakly and gazes up to jungkook, who looks away.

"but you'll still entertain yugyeom right?"

"you're the one who rejected me, you can't expect me to turn back time"

"but i love you, and i know you do too"

"enough yugyeom, stop wasting your breath" jungkook throws him a short glance before walking away from the dance department to his next class.

"jungkook, can you help me?" they're at the garden, jungkook was reading a book when jimin came with a pout, his chinese character writing book in his hand.

jungkook doesn't reply him, just gives him a glance before reading his book back.

"help me in these chinese writings? you're better than me at this, and i have to finish this in thirty minutes if i want to meet my parents, they're here. please?" jungkook looks at his watch, sees the time and closes his book.

"i don't think i can, i have to study at the western hall, i'll be going to the library first" jimin sticks his tongue out at him, rolling his eyes, "you jerk!" he pouts before pacing back to his study domain, plopping down with a frustrated grunt.

"why? can't i call you? i just wanted to know how you're feeling" jungkook doesn't see jimin walking into the porch, hearing his converstion. it's past midnight, they should be asleep.

"jimin? why whould he think that way? i don't care about what he thinks anyways, i can call you anytime i want. yeah, alright, goodnight yugyeom. remember to eat your pills before sleeping" something bitter swirls in jimin's stomach when he hears who jungkook was talking to.

he doesn't care.

"jimin? what are you doing here? shouldn't you be asleep?" jimin soundlessly turns and storms off, not bothering to reply the younger.

"you're really moody today, is it jungkook?" when jimin doesn't reply, taehyung shakes his head. he visited the palace again today, he's been coming everyday, just to see jimin. but he doesn't need to know that. they're sitting at of benches in the more older and empty part of the palace, jimin not wanting to go near the main house.

"already having couple fights?" jimin huffs at the comment, his phone ringing for the umpteen time.

"you should answer" jimin looks at the caller id once more before answering, biting his lip.

"where are you?"

"in the palace, where else"

"i can't find you. where are you?"

"why do you care?" he abruptly ends the call, catching taehyung off guard before he sighs.

"shouldn't you be going? jungkook will get really mad, you know him" jimin is petulant, shakes his head and taehyung smiles.

"i don't have too"

"oh by the way, you know that jungkook's birthday is next week right? they're celebrating it at jeju island"


"he didn't tell you?" jimin shakes his head, suddenly feeling hurt.

"you're his husband and he doesn't even bother" it's true, he should have been the first one to know, about his birthday, his party, whatever it is. jimin feels the twinge in his heart and remembers what jungkook said that night.

i don't care about what he thinks.

god he's such a fool to fall for the arrogant, unthoughtful prince.

"you should go jimin, he'll throw a temper if you don't" jimin smiles sadly before standing up, taehyung following after him.

"i'll send you back, come on" he pulls jimin by the wrist, the older's eyes widening at the sudden action.

"oh" is all jungkook says once he sees jimin and the other, eyes falling down to fingers wrapped around his husband's wrist.

"if you might excuse us, we have fencing to go to" jungkook grabs his hand from taehyung, turns them around and drags a difficult jimin who's been trying to pull his hand away from the younger's hold.

"jeon jungkook let me go! we don't have fencing, it's cancelled! did you forget" jungkook stops, jimin late on his reflexes so he bumps into his chest once jungkook turns, his eyes flashing possessively, "i know it's cancelled, i just didn't like you with him"

jimin scoffs, pushes him away and pulls his hand off, "don't even, jungkook. stop playing with your words and actions, you never know how much it affects the people around you. if you don't want me around him, why are you still around yugyeom? are you the only one allowed to be close to others? if you really do want me to care, show me you care. you didn't even tell me simple things, like, it's your birthday next week, that you're celebrating it at jeju. am i not supposed to know, or am i not invited? since you know, i-" fingers on his lips stopped him from continuing his sentence and jungkook's looking at him so intensely that jimin looks away.

"i was going to talk to you about that, if you had let me. you've been busy with school and fencing and dance that i didn't have the chance, you'll either be in your study domain or asleep, i wouldn't want to disturb you. taehyung must have told you, i told him a few days ago, when i was done planning everything but you were having your contemporary dance pratice in school and i didn't have the time" jungkook removes his fingers, looking away as if jimin's words had affected something in him. all he knows is that he doesn't like jimin talking as if jungkook had hurt him.

"whatever, tell me when i'm not "busy" like you have said then. i have to study now"

"jimin, don't take it like that"

"but it's what it is right? like what you said, it all paper and signatures, you not caring and just doing what you like while i'm here, trying to figure myself out"

somehow, the words stung more than it should have.

jimin enters the younger's room after knocking on it and not receiving a reply, sees jungkook with earphones in his hear as he scrolls through his phone.

jimin takes a seat at the sofa next to him, picks the bear jungkook always keeps next to him. people might fond it childish, but jimin finds it adorable, it means that jungkook still has that child like playfulness in him.

"you know, you've never had a smile on your face after marrying me, it makes me wonder, if i had repeatedly rejected the marriage, surely you would hve married yugyeom wouldn't you?" he says softly, holding the bear in his hands, as if talking to him since jungkook has his earphones on. "a smile would have painted your face everyday. sometimes i feel bad and guilty for him, because i know he loves you too but a part of me detests at the image of you and yugyeom being together, i'm confusing aren't i?" jungkook takes his earphones out and places his phone on the sofa as he goes to the bathroom, jimin sitting down at his spot.

"what was he even listening to. . ." jimin unlocks his phone and his eyes widen when no music app pops up, even the control centre doesn't show the music apps that have been used.

"did he heard what i said? fuck" jimin shakily exhales a breath and cards a hand through his hair, standing up and walk to the door when jungkook's voice stops him.

"where are you going?"

"nowhere? my room" the silver haired mutters before closing the door behind him, hiding himself in his room.

"you're so fucking dumb park jimin" he facepalms as he drops onto his bed.

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