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forget me not.

jungkook shot from his seat as soon as the words left jackson's mouth, bolting towards the male's bathroom.

"yugyeom overdosed himself, took in too many pills all at once. he fainted"

jungkook was so fast he didn't even apologise as he bump into a few people. jimin winced as he was pushed aside while walking thruough the hallway. he turned and saw his husband, instantly becoming worried but he kept his guard up as his friends look at him weirdly. he excused himself, making his way to where jungkook went, trail still hot.

when he made it to the toilet, he came just in time to see the black haired carrying yugyeom out, anxiousness painted on his features and when he saw jimin, jimin stared at him before walking off, exhaling deeply. he was in his own trance that he didn't realise a person in front of him, bumping into the figure.

"sorry" he said, looking up. taehyung smiled at him, waving it off and they ended up walking to class together.

"you look worried, everything alright? is it about jungkook and yugyeom? i heard what happened"

"things fly around fast here don't they" he mutters, sighing before plopping down in his seat.

"i'm visiting the palace today after class, do you mind joining me later, it'll be boring roaming around the palace alone" taehyung says, changing the topic. jimin perks up at that, nodding and focusing back on class once the teacher arrives.

"are you alright?" jungkook asks softly, standing up from his seat and going closer to the figure on the bed.

"how could you marry him? i remember it was only yesterday, you asking me to marry you and then now you're married" yugyeom says and it hurts to hear but anger suddenly rises in the black haired male.

"you said you didn't want to get married, i proposed to you kim yugyeom, but you said you wanted to pursue your dreams and you knew i didn't want to marry him but what can i do?" he questions the male and yugyeom shuts up because he can't answer that. he turns, facing the wall and jungkook sighs before grabbing his bag and leaving the room, silence engulfing the walls.

"where were you? you skipped fencing session and disappeared like thin air" jungkook's voice booms through the silent porch, making jimin jump as he brings a hand up to his heart.

"as a prince, you should take orders and follow your schedule as you are told to. not wander around" jimn scoffs, ready to turn around but a hand wrapped around his shoulder prevented him from doing so. he turns, seeing taehyung smiling softly, "he was with me. i'm sorry if i stole him for awhile. i needed company as i roam around the palace, it's been long since i've been here so it was fun having him around"

something churns in his stomach as jungkook sees the hand on his husband's shoulder but he brushes that feeling off and nods in understanding.

"sorry for not attending fencing, thought you were busy taking care of prince charming, i shall go and train now" jimin smiles at the blonde, dismissing himself but he doesn't get far before jungkook stops him again.

"what do you mean?" he asks, tugging on the other's wrist to turn him around but jimin doesn't. he yanks his hand away and moves along, going to the fencing room and changing into his suit.

"are you angry because i was with yugyeom the whole day?" jimin wishes jungkook would just leave, really he's making him dizzy with all his words and he really just wants to practice in silence.

"jeon jimin" that's it, jimin slams his sword down and pulls off his mask, heaving as his eyes zooms in onto the prince.

"in two years, like you said, i'll be a park again" he says in the end before leaving.

jungkook narrow his eyes as his jaw clenches, exhaling harshly before trailing after the other prince.

"what the fuck is your problem? if you're upset about yugyeom and what happened, i'm sorry but you know i like him, why are you putting up an act just because of this?" jungkook asks as he enters the room, making jimin pinch the bridge of his nose.

"jungkook, i'm fine so can you please leave" he listens, but it's not the end yet.

"here's your bank statement and account book" the accountant says as he places the book onto the table in the dining room of the palace.

"what for?" jimin was called, but he wasn't sure why he would need to look at his bank account.

"as part of the marriage, the king has gave you a share of the money and we just need you to check through"

"i don't need the money, my parents are well off enough, why wasn't i told anything about this?"

"calm down jimin, just look through the book alright?" mr. lee smiled warmly, rubbing his back.

it's a huge sum of money, jimin doesn't need it but he knows the king would say otherwise. that evening, after everything was settled, comes lunch with jungkook.

it was peaceful, each prince at the end of the table as they ate but jungkook just had to break the atmosphere.

"i heard you checked your account, surprised? that's a huge amount being given to you, will you ask for more from me?" he chuckles but jimin stood up.

"are you accusing me for marrying you for money?"

"wasn't it?"

"just so you know jeon jungkook, i don't care how high are you of your own status but that doesn't mean you're liable of accusing people of things they didn't even do. if i married you for money, it would have been gone now and i would have left" he is in tears, he can't deal with this right now as he stares as jungkook who looks baffled by his outburst before storming into his room.

it's one for jungkook being rude but till this extend? how could he think of jimin in that way? he has his own morals and dignity, this marriage was to please his parents and never about the money so why is jungkook saying hurtful things? just to test him? push his buttons? jimin has had enough.

the male breathes in slowly, picking himself up and wiping his tears as he made his way to the bed, wrapping himself in the blankets and wills himself to fall asleep.

"how are things with the crown prince?" his father asks, crossing his leg as he looks at his son.

"difficult. i'm still trying to adapt to having a husband but we're slowly getting used. it's not easy on him, being a prince all so sudden and i'm sure he misses his family" the king smiles, nods his head making jungkook confused, "that's what i like to hear, a mature and growing prince, a soon to be king"

jungkook swallows and looks away, gaze far away, hearing his father talk about him becoming a king, where in fact he, jeon jungkook, just wanted to be able to breathe normally for once.

"crown prince" the black haired calls for the other male but he is at the front, listless as he walks slowly, looking drained out of energy. jungkook doesn't know how to salvage the things he had done to his partner.

"jimin" there's no way jimin can't hear him, jungkook had catched up so he grabs his wrist, stopping them in their tracks as he turns the other around to face him. god, he looks so pale, jungkook wonders if he did that to him.

"look at me" at the shake of his head, the male brings a hand to his chin and lifts his head up, meeting emotionless eyes and pale lips.

"have you eaten?" jimin pushes him away with all his strength, making his own body stumble back but he steadies himself, "don't act as if you care. why don't you continue insulting me? fun isn't it" he's losing the fight, anyone could tell but he's still strong, walks away and jungkook stops him again and that's the last blow for the silver haired as he was turned around with hands on either side of his body.

"what do you want? wasn't yesterday enough? do you still want to insult me somemore? talk jungkook, come on" his voice breaks, biting his lip so hard he tasted metal as he blinks his tears back.

"i. . .i didn't mean it in that way, i didn't mean to hurt you" the male says softly, tilting jimin's chin up again to look at him in the eye, "i never meant to hurt you, you have to know i'm not good at this, whatever this is and we've just met and got married, things are difficult now since we're both adjusting so i just really need you to understand me, just like how i'll try to understand you, is that alright?" eventually, the hand on his chin strokes the skin of his cheek softly, making jimin softly melt his anger away.

"yes" he whispers, before stepping away but he doesn't get far before arms pulled him in an embrace.

"thank you" he heard, wrapping his arms back around the figure, "for trying to live in this place with me"

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