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jimin was greeted by a male once he steps foot in the palace, the middle aged man bowing down and smiling politely at him.

"jimin shi, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" the silver haired gives a curt nod to the man, he must have known his name simce he lives in the palace as well.

"come on" jungkook walks ahead, the other trailing behind him as he looks around.

"it's beautiful" he notes silently to himself. it wasn't that bad, the palace actually gives a lively vibe with its lush scenery and bright ivory walls. jungkook hears him though, chuckling softly.

they walked away from the main building to a more old, antique looking domains, classic for palaces. jungkook leads them to a room, finding his parents already there as they enter.

jimin bows down politely, giving his greetings while jungkook did the same.

"ah jimin, jungkook, finally. come here and take a seat" the king smiles, motioning for them to sit across him.

"so, as i have heard from you parents, you have already agreed to the wedding am i right?"

not that i want too, jimin mentally rolls his eyes but gives a polite nod instead.

"and you know that you're also going to be the crown prince of the country?" jungkook's mother looks at him, lips pursed.

"yes, your highness" jungkook raises a brow, pleased at jimin's attitude.

"well, jungkook might be stubborn at times, but he'll warm up to you in the future. i can tell that the both of you will get closer soon enough" she smiles, eyes crinkling.

"wel if everything is set, the wedding will commence in a week's time. jimin, you will have to attend royal classes as well, i'll be setting the schedule as same as jungkook's so that he could keep a look out for you for the time being. also, both of you have to buy wedding rings. i have considered us choosing it for you but since this symbolises something, it would be better if you two go and choose yourself" jimin forces a smile, nodding his head.

"so everything is settled then?" jungkook nods, looking at the male next to him who seems to be in deep thought, both his parents leaving so that the both of them can talk.

"jimin" the said male huffs, shoulders sagging as he leaned back on the couch.

"why did you agree to this, jeon?" his brow creases, eyes slipping shut.

"you know why"

"just because he rejected you doesn't mean you can-" he felt fingers on his chin, tugging his face up.

"what?" jimin says, snapping his eyes back open as he slaps the hand away.

"you talk to much, you know that? and as the crown prince, i should follow my father's order. since i can't marry the person i would like, i have to take up the preposition, that's only fair"

"right" there was only silence for a few moments before jimin stood up, picking up his bag and starts walking out.

"tomorrow, we're going to buy the rings tomorrow so meet me after school" jimin's only reply was a sigh before he completely disappear from the prince's vision.


"so it's true? that you're going to marry park jimin?" yugyeom asks softly, looking out from the window. the both of them were in the classroom again, the silence enveloping them a comforting one.

"yeah. why?"

"congratulations" jungkook looks up in disbelief. both of them are known to have developed feelings for each other and here is yugyeom congratulating him on getting married? jungkook is appalled.

"that's it? congratulations? that's all you have to say to me?" yugyeom only smiles softly before exiting the room, leaving jungkook in his own thoughts.


"only the royal family will be able to the see the process of the wedding ceremony" jimin says for the nth time as his friends keeps on bugging him as to why they can't see their bestfriend getting married.

"they are going to go around the neighbourhood anyways, we'll be able to see the both of them then" namjoon says, reassuring the others who looked disappointed.

jimin looks down theough the window, seeing jungkook and yugyeom on the opposite building and tells himself that the churn of his stomach and that faint feeling is nothing.


the silver haired walks back alone from the dance studio, only to find the two man he met at his home a few days ago smiling politely at him, making him stop in his tracks.


"as requested from the king and queen, you are supposed to be already moving in to the palace as the king wants you to start studying before the wedding" jimin gapes in surprise, staring at the men in front of him confusedly.

"okay but let me at least take my bag fir-" he facepalms himself mentally when he sees his bag already being taken. a pout form onto his lips before he dejectedly follows them into the car, jungkook already seated inside.

"which ring do you want?" jungkook asks once they started walking through rows of wedding rings.

"i don't know"

after seeing more of the display cases, the black haired brings jimin to the casing the walked passed earlier on, gesturing to the on in the middle.

"i like plain things so how about this matte platinum band or that one that has small diamonds on the side?"

"no offence but i don't really care so you can choose the rings" jimin rests his head on his arms, waiting for jungkook to finish buying the matching bands before they got back into the car, thankful that there were not many commoners outside.

jimin eventually dozes off on the way back to the palace, head hitting the glass window a couple of times before jungkook groans softly, shifting the male so that his head is on his shoulder, jimin pressing closer into him.

once the car stops, jungkook tries to wake jimin up but the male must have been too tired because he didn't even budge.

"you're going to kill me" jungkook mutters under his breath before hooking his arms around the male's legs and torso, carrying him inside to his room. the middle aged man standing outside on the porch, mr. lee, looks at the couple in bewilderment, never seeing jungkook being so caring for someone other than the royal family. jungkook has always been stubborn and difficult to read, seeing how fast jungkook was open to accepting jimin into his life amuses mr. lee who had took care of jungkook since young.

jungkook exited the other's room after putting him down, flashing the male outside a tired smile before retreating back into his room, clearing his mind from today's event.


"you think they will recognize us?" the hazelnut haired male asks as they settled onto the plane.

"of course, dear, don't you worry" the woman offers a smile, patting her son's back.

he can't wait to return back to seoul to meet jungkook and the others.

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