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some time out.

the stayed at the park's penthouse for a week, eventually saying their goodbyes and truth to be told, jungkook realky had treasured and enjoyed all the time spent. it was warm in their house, always inviting and he feels as if he never has to worry, his responsibilities as the crown prince pushed to the back of his head for once. but he knows, it wouldn't be like that once they step foot back into the palace.

"take care of yourself mom, dad. i love you" the silvered haired says softly and embraces his parents once more before turning around to leave, his head hanging low all the while.

"jimin" said male hums, stare still focused on the ground and jungkook sighs before tilting the other's head up, his own heart breaking at the crestfallen look in the other's beautiful brown eyes,

"we'll visit when we can alright? please stop crying" jimin sniffs, not even realising the tears flowing out his eyes and nods, wiping it away harshly as they get into the car, the ride back to the palace silent as both males were deep in their own thoughts.

"your highness" mr. lee's face lit up with a smile at the sight of jungkook and jimin, bowing to them along with jimin's servants. "it's good to see the both of you back in the palace, it's as if a light has been switched back on" jimin laughs softly while jungkook gives the old man a warm smile before going to the elder's domain to give his greetings.

"they have been really welcoming and warm, they treated me as an equal there and it made me look at things in a new perspective" jungkook said in between his conversations with his mother and the great queen.

"they treated each other as if they were friends, they spend time together and play together, it is as if the bond they have is so strong as a family" the two woman smiled, and the great queen continued asking more questions about his visit there.

"as the days go by, i worry about your father's health and well being, i hope as a crown prince, you will have the responsibilities and take on it dutifully" jungkook's mother started when it was only the two of them in the room. "yes i will, your highness" as he thinks about recent events, the words just slipped off his tongue, "mom. . ."  he glances to see his mother and knows that they wide eyes that was staring back at him was the reaction he thought of.

"prince, what did you just say?" when jungkook doesn't answer, she furrows her brows, "has the stay at the crown prince's household made you weak? think about taehyung and his mother, although it seems as if they're not doing anything now, your position as the crown prince could easily be snatched back. you are in position to be a crown prince, do not let me down"

jimin frowns when he sees the black haired male sitting at the chesterfield armchair placed outside their room, gazing at nothing in particular. but jimin knows sowmthing is bothering him. by the tense in his shoulders, the way his lips are curved down a little and his dark eyes looking lifeless and tired, he knows something must have happened when he visitied the royalties earlier on.

jimin quietly takes a seat at the leather couch beside the male, observing jungkook for a while before taking in a breath, "your highness?" he tries and when jungkook turns to look at him, he offers the male a smile, "what's wrong?"

"since when do you speak to me formally?" jimin chuckles and instead repeats his question to which he receives a shrug from the prince. "you said that everytime you are down, you hoped i would come and cheer you up right?" jungkook snaps his head up when jimin suddenly sits on his lap, arms slowly snaking their way around his neck.

"jimin-" his words died on his tongue as the silver haired placed a delicate peck on his forehead, travelling down to his nose, cheeks and finally his lips. jungkook is always entranced to those soft, pink lips and never wasted a moment to wrap his arms around jimin's waist, seeking for the male's lips.

"happiness looks good on you" jimin smiles dearly, running his hands through jungkook's black locks while murmurring encouring words into the the other's ear. "i'm. . .i know i'm in no position to kiss you like how i did, but i learned that it comforts people, so i hoped it comforts you" his smile never falters, making a smile form onto jungkook's face as well.

"thank you" is all he says before resting his head onto the other's shoulder, seeking for the warmth jimin always provided. "actually jungkook, i have something i need to tell you" jimin drawls and the other hums, a sign that he's listening, "the art's department, we have to hand in our assignment by this week, which means that i'll finish school later than usual. i don't think we could go home together"

"so you're saying you don't want to go home with me?" jimin sighs, slapping the black haired male's back softly, "i just don't want you waiting for me till late"

"well, should i request for you to have your own car then?" jimin tilts his head, thinking if it's a good idea because if he gets his own car, it means that jungkook and him will also go to school separately in the morning. jungkook grins at then look on the prince's face and mutters softly on how cute he looks, only for him to hear.

"i guess so, it would make your life easier wouldn't it, since you always find me annoying" before jungkook can deny anything, his husband is already off of his lap and making his way back into his room.

"your highness" mr. lee greets as jimin emerges from his room, earning a smile from the latter, "as per the crown prince's request. you will go to school and travel back in your own vehicle for this week" jimin blinks at his words, questioning if jungkook really did ask the king if they could take separate transportation for this hectic week.

"alright, thank you mr. lee" jimin makes his way out, noticing that there are four limousine now, and lights up when jungkook's window is rolled down.

"good morning, your highness" jungkook teases and jimin narrows his eyes at the prince before mouthing a 'thank you', getting in his own car as they start driving to school.

jungkook slows down in his steps once he sees the figure sitting atbthe bench outside the dance's department, pacing his way before taking a seat beside the male. yugyeom smiles before closing his book "bring him to our meetings from now on at the horse riding club since we have room" jungkook glances at him before looking away, sighing out a breath, "it's not that i haven't thought about it, but i think it's still to early"

"early? i don't think so. he seems to do his duties well too" jungkook doesn't reply, locking his hands together, "why? you think that if he joins the club, we will outcast him?" jungkook know who the 'we' is referred to; his group of friends so he keeps quiet.

yugyeom chuckles, "don't worry, i'll take care of him" the male glances at the prince once more before reopening his books, "isn't kim yugyeom being too nice?" he sarcastically throws off himself and jungkook looks at him, perplexed.

"ah what is this? why are you adding him to the club?" mark hisses as yugyeom brung the news to them. "there's no opposition to it, even jungkook agreed"

"he agreed?" jaebum sighs and shakes his head, "i'm going to lose my mind"

"that's the most obnoxious thing i have heard today, i'm going to class" jackson take his leave mad the others follow, yugyeom subtly rolling his eyes as he gets up.

there are different pictures scattered on the wooden floor around him. jungkook reaches for another picture as the sunlight flitters in the attic in one of the old domain, his disappearance unbeknownst to his servant and mr. lee who stands outside jimin's study domain to see if jungkook was there.

"we couldn't find him" jimin's ears perked at the conversation made outside, "he was just in the study room, where did he disappeared to?" he frowns when mr. lee referred it to jungkook, suddenly curious as to where the male might be.

"give me a minute" the silvered haired says to kihyun, before making his way out of the room. he walked his way till he reached an old domain, near to his study room and walked in, eyes looking all over the new founded place.

"a ladder? why is there a ladder here?" jimin bited his lip before climbing up, pushing the wood covering the entrance above and blinks at jungkook's startled expression when he sees jimin. "i didn't know there was a place like this in the palace" jimin mumbles as he sits across jungkook, looking out from the window in the attic.

"what are you doing here?" jungkook flusters, "how did you even find this place" jimin side eyes him, shrugging his shoulders, "i don't know" the male sighed, resting his back against the wood and rubbing his temple. he slaps jimin's hand when he tries to reach for one of the pictures, receiving a scowl in return as jimin turns back to the window, spotting mr. lee and his mens, "wow, he is efficient"

he hears the old man calling for jungkook and he grins before shouting that the crown prince is here, making jungkook come up to him to cover his mouth with his hand, "what are you doing?" he whispers furiously, removing the hand, "okay, okay, i won't do it again" jimin mutters before repeating his actions, making jungkook blood boil as he tries to cover the male's mouth again, pushing them till jimin falls onto his back with a thud, jungkook hovering above him, hands placed on the side of his face.

their lips were mere inches away but when jimin though he was going to feel those lips on his, the other male's phone rang, the sound resonating in the small space. jungkook immediately retreats, his action leaving a 'pang' in jimin's chest but he ignores it, reaching for jungkook's phone. his stomach drops at the caller id.

"it's yugyeom" he dully says, handing the phone to jungkook who answers it hesitantly. "yugyeom. what is it?" jimin hears them talking about the club and he really wants to leave but his feet isn't moving. he knows about him being added into the riding club but he really isn't feeling it. the riding club was a place jungkook frequented, since the king was the one who asked for it to be build. horse riding is a thing royalties take part in, and yugyeom was made the club's manager years ago when he and jungkook knew each other and had a relationship before this, whatever this is. but his position is still in place, and since there is a slot, why not add the crown prince, right?

"okay, it's decided then" yugyeom says through he phone, "by the way, the crown prince is beside you isn't he? can i talk to him for a while?" jungkook's eyes widen a little before he slowly passes his phone to jimin who looks at him in confusion.

"hello?" he starts, aware of jungkook's gaze on him but the person on the line speak up, "hey, it's yugyeom, just to tell you that there's a gathering next week" jimin frowns, looking away as he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "next week? but i haven't even learn how to ride a horse yet"

"don't worry, i can teach you. there's no need to stress yourself out" jimin passes the phone back to jungkook and he continues talking to yugyeom, making all jimin's insecurities come flooding back at him like a tidal wave.

why does falling in love hurts?

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