What The Thor...

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Hiccup POV

I wake up to find myself in a strange room. The gang was there too. "What the Thor..." I walked over to Astrid and asked "Hey do you have any idea what ms going on"? "No", she responded, "the only thing I remember is waking up in this weird place and seeing the twins do that for Thor knows how long" she said gesturing to the twins who were running in circles around a pebble. "Oh. That's uh something". I walk around the room. There was a big white tarp, a table filled with strange food, chairs surrounding it, a teal carpet, on top of said carpet there were multicolored actually I don't really know what they are (bean bags), and red door and a light blue door leading to Thor knows where.


Bean bags

   Red Door
chair |T| chair
chair |A| chair
  LB Door                          chair |B| chair
chair |L| chair
chair |E| chair

Then two people walk up to us. "Hey guys. I'm Danny and this is Hannah" he said.

Hannah had brown hair tied up in a ponytail and brown eyes. She had a black shirt with a Night Fury symbol on it and jeans. To top it off she wore black tennis shoes with navy blue laces.

Danny was slightly shorter than Hannah. He had super short dark hair and brownish eyes. He had a tan shirt with a chicken on it and on the back it said "The Chicken is NOT amused" and black shorts. He also wore a pair of black converse.

"Hi nice to meet you. Uh just one question. WHERE THE THOR ARE WE"?!? Snotlout yelled. Hannah punched him to get him to be quiet. "As much as I'd hate to agree with the guy, where are we"? "Right well.." Danny started. "You're here to play would you rather" Hannah stated. "I was gonna say that" Danny said. "Sure you were" Hannah said. "Why"? Astrid asked. "We were bored. Abby and Natalie are in a room drawing so what better thing to do than this. Besides Hannah brought her magic remote" Danny said while Hannah lifted up some sort of black box. "What's a..." Fishlegs started. "No time for you to finish that question Fishlegs"! Danny yelled. "Now you see those doors over there"? Hannah asked. We all nodded before she continued. "Well the light blue one is the girls room and the other is the boys room". "Where will you guys stay"? "Uh at our houses. The remote will take us home when it gets dark" Danny said. "Ok so now we just have to wait for the first would you rather" Danny continued. I looked over at Astrid. She just shrugged and sat on one of the bean bags and I followed.

I looked around. The gang seemed okay. Astrid and Heather were just talking. Snotlout was sleeping. Hannah was putting something on his face (stickers). The twins and Danny were running in circles around chicken. And I was still lost in though. 'Why is this happening'? 'I Go to bed after tinkering with that box and then this happens'. 'Could this all be connected to the box...'


HELLO MY FLUFFY SHEEP FRIENDS! I hope you liked this chappie. Ok I really don't have much to say so I'll let Danny talk.

HI MY Chicken friends!!!!!
(The chicken is not amused- Tuffnut) so I hope you likes this chapter And please suggest wyr in da comments so chicken will say his words go on .


Pok pok pok pooook pok pok pok pok pok poook pok pok pok poook


We will rule da world but now we must sleep ok bye

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