Chapter 1

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We're am I? I look around. Millions of miles of forest, no family. My family mom, dad, Beth! We're is Beth?! My sister. I am alone in the forest with no one. I can not remember anything other than my family. I look at my self and I see scars and small cuts and lots of black marks. My head hurts like I fell a flight of stares. Maybe I fell from the top of that hill. Maybe. I feel my hair. It is braided to the back. I see my hair to the side. I see red highlights at the tip and as I look more up it is brown, dark brown almost new polished wood brown. I can not remember how I look. I see a tan purse hanging on my side. I open it and I see some matches, money, a canteen with water, and a little pocket comb with a mirror on the other side. I look in the mirror. I see my blue/gray eyes. And I see my red bangs. I then remember that Beth looks just like me, but blond highlights in the same places I have red highlights.
Suddenly I see something, almost like a black cloud coming towards me. I see a girl with blond hair and hazel eyes running away. I think I should run too so I do. As I run the cloud starts to leave.

Then I hear the girl saying "run faster!"

So I start to run faster without realizing it left. Then I stumble over the girl.

"Hey that really hurt!"

" You see I do not know what that was and I can not remember anything."

"Wait you can not remember anything?"

"Yay I..."

"I can not ether! I just woke up on the ground!"

She smiles and I smile too. Then I hear a bird call, a really loud one. I look behind me and there is a really long bush. I go through it and see a big eagle. It looks hurt. I touch it's big head. It looks at me and shows me it's name tag. It read "Ru" i smiled at him. He showed me his wing. I saw a big cut. I looked in my bag and lucky for me there was a first aid kit. I opened it and saw a bandages. I wrapped it around his wing and helped him up. He was really big. Bigger than me almost twice the size of my father who is 6,4. I call over the girl and we climb on.
We see bellow us a village (after the forest) it is beautiful from the sky. It has houses everywhere with a water fountain in the middle. Also there are children playing and adults talking. The girl looks sad wile looking down.

"What is wrong?"

She turns her head and says "I think I used to live here and..."

"And what?"

"And I don't know."

"By the way my name is Paton."

"Oh and I am Olivia."

I pause for a few minutes. "Olivia maybe your family is down there!"

She looks at me then smiles "Ru lets land here!"

Ru lands at the entrance. Olivia looks around and see's a lady and runs up to her. She seems like she knew her. I pet Ru and gave him some water from the container. And then I drank some. I see Olivia waving her hand to follow her. I told Ru to stay and I followed Olivia.

"This is Maria my neighbor."

" hello Maria I am Paton."

"Hello Paton would you like some dinner you look hungry."

" thank you but I don't know..."

"We would love to Maria!" Olivia interrupts me.

I follow Olivia and Maria. I see this big house with lots of windows. Maria opens the door and I go inside it is grand with a big chandler. I see lots of children running around. Maria takes us upstairs to a room and tells us we can sleep here. I thank her and sit on the bed. I look around the room. Nice like everything else here. It is a good sized room with two windows. One of the windows has a little chair to sit on almost like a mini bed. The bed is made of dark brown wood and the blanket is white and soft and the sheets were also white but made of silk. The curtains were green like grass. The closet was a pearl white and had gold roses on it. Olivia comes in.

"You want dinner it is ready?" Olivia tells me.

"Sure why not!"

We walk down stares and I see a big table with a kings feast of food. There is turkey, pasta, ham, chicken, salad, sushi, shrimp, garlic bread, and lots more! I see about a million girls and boys in the room. I eat some chicken and garlic bread. I drink some milk and go to the bedroom and sleep wondering what happened to make me not remember what happened?

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