I am Spider-Man (Epilogue)

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10 years later

I was cooking dinner for thanksgiving.

Me: Hey Ruby do you know where the gravey is.

Ruby: it should be in the pot next to the stuffing.

Ruby was playing with our two kids Benjamin Parker named after my Dads uncle, and Summer Parker named after Ruby's mother while our third kid is in his room.

As i went up stairs checking on him everyone had arrived and i walked in my sons room to see him holding my mask. His name was Harry Parker.

Harry: hey dad.

Me: yes son.

Harry: why was i named Harry.

Me: Harry Parker you were named from one of the most greatest people i knew he save my life more times than I can count but he never gave up. After his son heard that he smiles in happiness and joins the others.

As we all said of what were thankful for the news was playing saying of a giant rampaging mechanical Rhyno. As i turned to Ruby she nodded and i got up and left and she followed me to see me changed to my suit and she kiss my cheek.

Ruby: Good luck tiger be safe.

Me: will do honey. After i said that i kissed her and left to web swing to the  city someone brave stand up for my place until i arrived.


Spider-Man: Hey Spider-Man. As i said that the kid took off his mask and said something.

Kid: I knew you would come back.

Spider-Man: yeah thank you for watch over while i was gone now go take care of your mom go go.

As the police officer pass me the bullhorn.

Spider-Man: In the name of the people of Vale and the Rhynos I would raise your metal paws in the air.

Roman: Never ill destroy you, you ruin my business and everything else.

Spider-Man: so you want me to come down there to kick your butt ill be glad to do so. After i said that Romans Rhynon suit starts running towards me as i threw the bullhorn.

Spider-Man: Ah theres nothing like home. As Roman shot missiles i grabbed the sewer lid and block the missiles and I smacked the Rhyno suit with the lid.

F/n: And thats is my story of how i got the girl of my dreams and how i became Spider-Man.

Ruby giggles "honey you forgot the best part of the story"

F/n: And the best thing about being Spider-Man? everything.

As i picked up Ruby we went web swinging for a while for our anniversary.

F/n: One last thing i forgot kids remember this with great power comes with great responsibility.

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