Somethings you just had to let go

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I was on top of a church building while it was raining as i looked back at the black suit i know it was time to get rid of the suit. As i jumped off i land where i knew this was the perfect spot to get rid of the suit.

Venom: F/n please your over reacting why would you want to get rid of what we had together you got the power, the fame, the glory. We dont need anyone we dont need yang, blake, weiss, jaune, nora, ren, phyrra, they would just be pulling us apart.

Me: Not even my Mom or Ruby. After i said that i forcefully try to take off the suit but they symbiote resisted and i hit the church bell and the Symbiote screamed in pain so i took this chance to pull the suit off but until the Symbiote trapped me into a cacoon into my mind.

As i was walking around in my mind to see a memory of my dad dying, then uncle Harry, and losing my best friend. But as i see Venom as me in the suit i change to my red and blue suit.

We both began to fight but i was losing and i was being absorbed by Venom i knew it was over for me until two hands grab me. And as i open my eyes i see my dad and Summer Rose.

Venom: What how are you two here i was sure i erased you.

Dad/Peter: My son is stronger than you think.

Summer: He made a promise to me and he wont stop until he fulfils that promise.

As they both fade into me I felt a surge of power flowing and i continue fighting and i successfully beat him and escaped the caccon and i rip the suit apart but it escaped and i left the building to the apartment to see Ruby laying in my bed asleep and i took a cold shower as i get out Ruby was awake and walking to me then she hugged me and kissed. As we both stop for air i still felt weak from getting rid of the black suit.

Ruby: F/n whats wrong. She helps me to my bed and looks at me.

Me: Ruby im okay im just tired from after tearing the suit off of me. As i said i started to fall asleep and Ruby did as well.

??? POV

???: F/n Parker you are gonna suffer for killing my father and ripping us apart.

The NextMorning

I wake up to get up but i couldn't bring myself to wear the costume again as Ruby wakes up to see me holding my normal suit she gets worried. As everyone was leaving to work i stayed with Jaune cleaning the place and i looked at the news saying about Spider-Mans disappearance.

Jaune: You know its weird since Spider-Mans disappearance things started to get better.

Me: yeah i guess.

Many Hours Later

Everyonewas back home except Ruby and i was getting worried until the News playing of a kidnapping and Ruby and whats there with looks like to be Spider-Man in the black suit. As i ran to my room my Mom followed me and i saw her holding a suit case with a suit and i knew Spider-Man was needed more than never so i took the suit and left.

1 Hour Later

Everyone watching the car being webbed and a little girl yelled out.

Little Girl: Look its Spider-Man.
After she said that everyone turn and screamed in joy to know i had returned but in a new suit.

As i web swing to the building to land where Ruby is at then she yelled.

Ruby: F/n watch out. As she said i turn but i get hit by the Symbiote and it teared a part my suit a little as i get back on the car the Symbiote revealed who was the new host.

???: Hey Parker.

Spider-Man: My God Nick what have you done. After i said that we began to fight but he had the advantage against me since the Symbiote was part of me and my dad.

As i landed on the black web Nick webbed me to the web and take off my mask.

Me: Nick what do you want.

Nick: Lets see how about revenge for my fathers death and to destroy your happiness so after im done with you i will kill Ruby nice and slow.

As Ruby was looking down at me she grabbed a sament brick and throwed it at Nicks head before he can kill me as i saw him screaming at her i took this chance to break free and grab his neck and the fight continued but i was hit and i landed in a area i never expected to be at an area with rocks but as i get up and put the mask back on the rocks started to build a body a human body as i web swing to Ruby i was stoped by Nick webbing me to a pole and the rock momster punching me slowly i started to get weak and Ruby was watching scared that i was gonna die until and explosion happened to see Iron man and Superior Spider-Man but hes wearing the red and blue suit. As i realized my dad was back in his own mind my dad kicked Venom away.

Me: Dad how did you.

Dad/Peter: now is not the right time to ask we need to stop Venom now. As i nodded we both fought Venom we were wining until Nick pulled out a serum and injecting himself with it. And he started to turn into an actual Goblin with a symbiote.

Me: My god Nick what have you done to yourself.

Nick/Venom: You see Parker this was Project Ultimate the whole entire time. After he said that i realized the reason those trucks were stolen and why they wanted the black suit.

As Venom grabbed my neck and flew me to the top level of the building and started to smash me thru all the floors until we reached the first floor. I was laying there painfully as i try to get up only to be grabbed again and throwing me to the top floor where Ruby can see me as i get up only to be grabbed by the head laying there.

Me: Listen Nick i didn't kill your father.

Nick/ Venom: your lying. He said that punching my head and all what Ruby can see was blood on the ground as a new helicopter flyes by they were showing of whats happening.

Mj: I cant believe what im seeing this is a tragic fate to happen.

News man: This could be the end of Spider-Man. After that i get back up looking at Nick then Ruby as i shot a web at the car pulling it so Ruby can get to safety as Nick was about to attack me my dad came in with a subsonic gun weaking the Symbiote so i webbed Nick seperating him from the Symbiote but Nick still attack me but as i was dodging his attack but as i look at the Symbiote and then I look at Ruby but she looked worriedof what i was gonna do but as i was grabbed and thrown i webbed the Symbiote and pulled it to me covering me to have the black suit once again.

Spider-Man(dark voice): Hello second chance. Ruby looked at me worried.

Ruby: F/n please promise me that you will get rid of that suit once this is over.

Spider-Man: i will i promise.

As i continue fighting the Goblin and i managed to take him out and Tony injected an antidote to turn him normal and my dad us yhe subsonic gun to help me get yhe symbiote off of me. But now we had to deal with a giant venom symbiote but thankfully S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to capture him the battle was over my dad went to my mom she was crying at first to know that her husband is alive and her son was safe. But as we all move on with our lives.

I knew my life wasn't safe when i first got these powers but you know what who cares this is my gift, my curse,

And who am i to be exactly






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