Learning the truth about the suit

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I was going to leave the room with Ruby but she noticed i was dressed in my red and blue suit. Until the black suit went over my suit. Me and Ruby were in shock.

Me: What the hell i placed the suit right here, please dont tell me it can read my mind. As i picked her up we started to web swing and with cinder following us to Avengers Tower.

As we arrived i knew something was wrong so as we walked in the Iron man security bots were attacking me.

Spider-Man(dark voice): Ok now your just annoying me Uncle Tony. As i said that i smashed the suits into pieces and Ruby walked to me and helped me calm down. As Tony and Steve walk in they see me and her.

Tony: Kid whats wrong.

Spider-Man: I need your help with this suit.

As Tony brings me to the lab i see Bruce banner helping him as well to analyze what was with the suit once they found out they told me. After they told me the tower was under attack by Roman, Otto, and Cinder with Mercy and Emerald.

As i was fighting with half of the Avengers Cinder thought of an idea an idea she will regret. I was busy with Roman and otto until i saw Ruby being stab with a blade from Weiss's brother and i went to a state of rage.

The suit was changing me into the monster within it.

Everyone was scared as i walk to him and beated him. As Qrow and Winter showed up Qrow was devastated to see Ruby hurt badly but i walked to her body and picked her up bridal style. As i was walking the suits tentacles attacked Roman's team and they were forced to retreat as i run and web swing to the hospital they took Ruby and i was in my civilian clothes.

Many Hours Later

As everyone showed up to see me sitting on a chair Yang punched me to the wall. With her eyes glowing red in anger.

Yang: You promised to protect her you bastard. I was completely silent until i heard Weiss ask what happen as i look at her i notice Blake wasn't here so i told them the whole story of what happened.

As Yang and everyone else was gonna ask more my anger got the best of me.

Me: would you all Shut the hell up we just can't stand you guys right now. As i was leaving i dropped a black box Qrow seemed to noticed the box and opens it to see a ring that he was gonna give to Ruby. Once everyone saw the box they tried to find me all of the city.

At night

I was perched on a building looking down at everyone still looking for me and as i look at the building the suit changes again.

As i looked around to see a truck roman was in and i start to run to the edge of the building while it started to rain.

Spider-Man(dark voice) : Roman you will get no mercy from me this time you DIE. As i jumped off the building and started to web swing to the truck.

As i land on the truck i started to pull out the other members and throw them out.

As i hide inside the truck to there new hide out as i jumped out of the truck beating every last member in the warehouse and went after Roman as i web his cane away i was crawling on walls.

Roman: Kid listen Im sorry that red was in the hospital because of whitey and i-. I interupted him by punching him constantly over and over.


As i was about to end him i see the little girl with pink and brown hair protecting him while crying it made me think of back then with me losing my dad. The girl asked me to leave and i did while saying sorry as i left i went to the hospital to see Ruby she was still breathing but i knew this was all my fault and i mad everyone hate me because of this suit. As i was about to leave i heard a voice.

???: F-f/n. I turned around to see Ruby awake and i walked to her and i layed my head on her as she was glad to see me.

Spider-Man: im sorry this is my fault i let the suit get the best of me and now everyone hates me including your uncle and your dad.

Ruby: they will forgive you i know it and i saw what you were gonna do with that box.

Spider-Man: yeah it was supposed to be a surprise for you but there's no time like now. As i did propose to her she was smiling while crying as well.

Ruby agreed to marry me and we did kiss. But i needed to end it quickly.

Spider-Man: sorry there is one last thing i need to do. Ruby knew exactly what you were talking about and nodded. As i left everyone noticed i left the building as shoot a web as everyone ran in the hospital to see her awake but with and a wedding ring on her left hand.

And there was chapter 6 of the story if you guys are soon ready to see what project Ultimate is be ready for the next chapter.

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