v. twilight's last gleaming

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twilight's last gleaming; ❛ RULES ❜
↷ the hundred
❝ I don't know what makes you think that I suddenly listen to you ❞

After her breakdown a few hours prior, Gabriella listened to Octavia's advice and tried to get some sleep while the younger girl went to sleep in Murphy's old bed. Both girls were soon woken up by the commotion just outside the tent.

They shared a look before putting their jackets and boots on and going outside to check out what was going on. Looking around camp, they saw most of the delinquents outside their tents looking at something in the sky. When Gabriella turned around to see what it was she gasped in surprise to see it was a pod, most likely sent from The Ark.

"Bellamy, get out here!" Octavia called out to her brother, not taking her eyes off the falling pod.

Seconds later, a shirtless Bellamy emerged from his big tent, and Roma and Bree ── only covered in blankets ──  followed behind him. Gabriella had to resist the urge to scoff at the sight. Of course, Bellamy Blake was going to be the guy that has a threesome three hours after a kid commits suicide in front of him.

By the grunt of disgust that left Octavia's mouth, Gabriella could tell she was thinking the same thing.

"They're coming to help us." a boy named Jones said, looking at the pod in awe and excitement. "Now we can kick some grounder ass."

There were shouts of agreement that could be heard around camp but Gabriella noticed their male camp leader looking at the sky with fear, he was having a hard time hiding.

"Please tell me they brought shampoo." Roma's whine made Gabriella's attention turn away from Bellamy and to her.

This time she didn't even try to hide her annoyance, "Or you know, something useful. Like extra food, medical supplies . . . or a gun I can shoot myself with."

The Blake sister snorted at her comment while the half-naked girl threw a half-hearted glare at her which was ignored when Gabriella grabbed Octavia's elbow to lead her to the tent reserved for meetings.

Once the main group was gathered inside, Jason spoke up addressing the only two present leaders in the tent, "If it cleared the ridge, it's probably near the lake."

"We should get moving, everyone is ready." Wells said while stepping inside. Gabriella didn't even bother to hide the glare she threw his way.

"No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark, it isn't safe outside camp." Bellamy said sternly, "We'll head out at first light. Pass the word."

While everyone else nodded in agreement, Octavia and Gabriella clearly weren't buying his bullshit. The blonde glared at him. "Look, I don't know if you forgot but you aren't the only one calling the shots here. I say you and I take a small group to check out where the pod crashed. Even those who are seventy miles away saw it come down. I can guarantee the grounders aren't going to go check it out because they're scared of the dark. If we don't go now they're gonna get to it first and probably kill whoever's inside."

"I said we wait until sunrise." He repeated and made his way around the girls, not sparing them a second glance, only to have Gabriella block his way with a hand placed firmly on his now-clothed chest. "I really don't know what makes you think that I suddenly listen to you. Just because I found a few people in camp I hate more than you does not mean that I dislike you any less."

Bellamy softened his features and took a deep breath. "Listen, Gabi. If we go out right now, we could easily get to the pod but we could also lose more people and I'm not willing to take that risk. Are you?"

Gabriella inhaled sharply, ignoring the new nickname and giving in. "Fine. But we leave at first light."


Gabriella was once again woken up from her sleep, but this time by Clarke marching into her tent without even a word of warning.

"What now?" she groaned in annoyance, opening only one of her eyes to look up at her co-leader.

"Have you seen it?"

"Yeah." Gabriella responded, already knowing what she was talking about, and laying on her side. "We're gonna go check it out at first light. Why? Where were you?"

Clarke huffed. "Just get dressed and come with me."

The Kane furrowed her eyebrows but did as she was told and came out of her tent to see Finn and Wells there too. She sent Finn a small smile but ignored Wells before she followed the trio to Bellamy's tent. The two blondes were the first to walk inside, but instead of Bellamy, they were faced with two half-naked girls. Again.

"Ever heard of knocking, bitch?" Roma hissed, covering her bra-covered chest with her shirt and glaring at Clarke.

"You mean on the door that's just down the hall? Why didn't I think of that?" Gabriella shot back. "Besides, it's nothing I haven't seen before."

Finn and Wells soon followed inside but quickly averted their eyes at the sight of the two girls laying inside Bellamy's bed.

"Oh, great. It's a free show. Anyone else wanna take a look?"

Clarke ignored Bree's comment and looked between the two girls. "Where the hell is Bellamy?"

"He took off a while ago." the brunette girl shrugged.

"Gear is gone." Finn announced, after looking over Bellamy's stuff.

"That little shit actually left." Gabriella scoffed in disbelief, instantly regretting believing a word that came out his mouth. "Whatever's inside that pod, he wants it."

"We've gotta get there before he does." Clarke said, determination written across her face.


After a while of walking through the woods, the four decided to split up with Gabriella and Clarke going along one side of the lake, while Wells and Finn went along the other one.

"This is all my fault." Clarke sighed after a few minutes of them walking in silence "I should have been there, but I let myself get distracted."

Gabriella had a feeling those words had a double meaning and her face went from confusion to realization to surprise then to excitement in a span of two seconds before she let out a dramatic gasp, "Clarke Griffin! Did you and Finn . . . ?"

It did not take a genius to connect the dots. Clarke was nowhere to be found since Murphy was banished. And (not that she was looking) Finn was not in camp either. It would not surprise Gabriella if the two of them sneaked out to the bunker and spent the night there. While she was always on team Clarke and Wells, she did not mind her being with Finn if she was happy with him. Finn seemed pretty into her but then again, he seemed into a lot of girls, One of the many reasons why she was not as close to him as she was with his ex-girlfriend was because he flirted with everyone  ── even when he was in a relationship.

The Griffin girl quickly realized she said too much and gulped. "It just happened. He was upset and we were alone in the bunker. No one else is supposed to know."

"Oh, scandalous sex!" Gabriella clapped her hands together, an excited squeal escaping her lips. "Even better! So, Freckles over there is having threesomes with minors and you and Finn are having hot bunker sex while I'm counting how much wood we have for the fire at camp? Why am I the only one not having scandalous sex? I need to get laid."

"Can you be quiet?" Clarke scolded but still chuckled at her friend's excitement.

Soon enough, the duo finally reached the clearing at the end of the lake and spotted the crashed pod instantly and quickened their pace to get to it and see what or who was inside of it.

Clarke went in first and gasped in surprise once she came face to face with a dark-haired girl with blood pouring from her forehead. "Oh, my god."

"What?" Gabriella asked curiously, trying to look at the inside of the pod over Clarke's shoulder.

"Hi. I made it?" the girl inside the pod spoke up, the familiar voice making Gabriella freeze.

The Kane gently pushed Clarke away from the pod so she could look inside. She gasped when she came face-to-face with her old working partner "Raven?"

Raven Reyes grinned at her lazily, "Hey, Kane."

Gabriella didn't hesitate to help her out of the pod and watched her take off the suit with an unreadable expression on her face.

Seeing Raven again was like a rude awakening. She didn't want to help get The Ark down and plotted against it ever happening, knowing damn well those people up there were gonna die. She was so selfish she didn't even think about the friends she had up there once. But seeing Raven down made her mind go to the rest of the friends she had on Mecha or Farm Station, people that didn't deserve to die but will most likely be one of the first ones to do so. Because if the council was gonna sacrifice people for oxygen, it was obvious those people won't be from Alpha Station.

Raven's grin widened when she stepped out of the pod and finally took Earth's beauty in, the sight reminding Gabriella of her experience in taking the ground's beauty on the first day down here before everything went to shit.

"I dreamed it would smell like this." the olive-skinned girl sighed, inhaling softly, her face showing nothing but pure bliss and awe. Soon all three girls felt bits of rain falling and the oldest one gasped, turning to the blondes. "Is this rain?"

Both of them nodded and Clarke gave her a warm grin. "Welcome home."

Raven giggled again before pulling Gabriella into a long-awaited hug that made her stumble back a bit. "It's been a while. I missed you."

After recovering from the shock, Gabriella wrapped her arms around her waist and whispered, "I missed you too, Rae."

A sudden call of her name made Raven turn around to see Finn and Wells finally arriving.

"Finn!" the mechanic exclaimed happily, running up to the boy and wrapping her arms around his neck before pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

Both blondes gaped at the scene, one held a look of surprise and the other held a look of pure heartbreak. Wells just looked between the couple and the two girls with confusion written across his face.

"How did you get here?" Finn asked after pulling away from his girlfriend, not daring to take his eyes away from her and ending up seeing Clarke's disappointed and heartbroken face, accompanied by Gabriella's pissed-off one.

"You know that big scrap hold, the one on K-deck Sinclair told me and Ella we have to clean the parts of for punishment after ditching work to go to that party last year?" Raven hinted, giving the engineer a smile over her boyfriend's shoulder.

"You rebuilt it?" Gabriella chimed in with an impressed and shocked look.

Raven shrugged, acting like it wasn't a big deal. "Please, it might have been hard without you but turns out I just needed a couple of parts and some love."

"You're insane." her boyfriend breathed out, bringing her attention back to him.

"I'd do more for you and worse." Raven told him, pure love shining in her dark eyes, completely oblivious to what an idiot the boy in her arms actually was. "Just like you would for me."

She stumbled back a bit, almost falling onto the ground if it weren't for Finn who still had his arms secured around her waist. The boy helped her to a big rock and helped her sit down. "Come on, sit down. Sit down here."

While Finn and Wells were helping Raven, Gabriella turned to Clarke, keeping her voice down, "Are you okay? I swear I had no idea they got together."

Clarke managed a weak smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm fine."

Even though she wasn't convinced, Gabriella still nodded and turned her attention back to the couple and Wells, who was trying to put pressure on her wound with the sleeve of his jacket.

"This is Clarke. She was on the dropship, too." Finn said, introducing his girlfriend to his one-night stand.

"Clarke?" Raven asked  ── recognition shining in her eyes  ── while getting up, "This was all because of your mom."

"My mom?"

"This was all her plan." the mechanic explained, "We were trying to come down here together. If we waited . . ." Gabriella watched as realization hit her. "We couldn't wait because the council was voting whether to kill three hundred people to save air."

"When?" Gabriella asked quickly.

"Today. We have to tell them you're alive!"

They all rushed back to the pod only to find the radio gone. Bellamy.

"It must've gotten loose during reentry. I should've strapped it to the A-strut." Raven scolded herself. "Stupid."

Gabriella shook her head and put her hand on her shoulder "Don't beat yourself up. This was our fault, some jackass got here before us and took the radio."

"We have to find him." Wells said firmly and just like that, they were rushing back into the forest.


"Hey!" Gabriella yelled as soon as she caught sight of Bellamy casually but quickly walking through the forest. His pace quickened at the sound of her voice but she was able to catch up with him and tug at the sleeve of his jacket to make him stop walking. "Where is it?"

"Hey, Bambi. Are you taking a walk in the woods?" He asked casually, trying to pretend he didn't do anything wrong but still obviously still trying to annoy her with the nickname.

Gabriella took a deep breath, "They're gonna kill three hundred people up there because of you! To save oxygen! And I can already tell you those people won't be from Alpha Station! It will be people from Mecha, Factory, or Hydra! Working people! Your people!"

"Bellamy! Where's the radio?" Finn stormed up to them, shortly followed by Clarke, Raven, and Wells.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Bellamy snapped, pushing Finn back.

"Bellamy Blake?" Raven spoke up, "They're looking everywhere for you."

"Why?" Gabriella asked, curiously.

"Shut up." Bellamy spat at the brunette girl.

Gabriella shushed him and turned her attention to Raven. She finally wanted to find out what the hell Bellamy Blake was so afraid of.

"Looking for him? Why?" Clarke asked, almost as curious as Gabriella.

"He shot Chancellor Jaha." Raven announced with a hint of smugness in her voice.

Everyone had different reactions. Wells was mortified at the news about his father getting shot and Clarke and Finn were shocked. Gabriella on the other hand didn't know if she should be impressed or surprised. But she was definitely both.

"That's why you took the wristbands. You needed everyone to think we're dead." Clarke scrunched her face up, disgusted at his actions.

Finn scoffed "And all that 'whatever the hell we want'? You just care about saving your own ass."

Bellamy ignored their words, his chocolate brown eyes briefly skipping over to glance at Gabriella before he turned around, ready to make his way back to camp.

"Hey, shooter!" Raven called after him, "Where's my radio?"

"Get out of my way." he spat, but she kept pushing, "Where is it?"

Bellamy clenched his jaw. "I should've killed you when I had the chance."

"Really? Well, I'm right here." She taunted, getting in his face. Bellamy grabbed the collar of her jacket and pinned her against the three when she pulled out a knife and put it to his throat, hissing, "Where's my radio?"

"Stop." Gabriella said, getting between the two. "Bellamy let her go now. Raven put the knife down. This is not helping."

The pair scowled but did as they were told, still glaring at each other nonetheless.

"Jaha deserved to die. You all know that." Bellamy tried to defend himself.

"Yeah, he's not my favorite person, either." Raven rolled her eyes. "But he isn't dead."

"What?" Bellamy gaped in surprise, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You're a lousy shot."

That wasn't much to the rest of the group but it felt as if a weight was lifted off of Wells and Bellamy's shoulders. Wells' father was alive and Bellamy was not a murderer.

Gabriella licked her lips before taking a hold of Bellamy's wrist, making him look down at her. "Do you have any idea what this means? You aren't a murderer. You shot Jaha so you could protect your sister down here like you always did and by doing that you helped Clarke and I protect the whole camp too. You can do it again, by protecting three hundred of your people." His eyes softened at her words and he tried his best not to give in until she spoke again, "Do you really want to have all those lives on your conscience for the rest of your life? Where's the radio?"

"It's too late." his voice came out softer than invented, his guilt and the fact that the blonde's words got through to him obvious.

"What did you do Bellamy?" she asked.

"I threw it in the lake." he responded immediately, not bothering to lie to the girl, knowing she could see right through him.

"Shit." Gabriella cursed and mentally flinched, knowing two things. One; that the radio will almost be almost impossible to fix if they find it. And two; Bellamy Blake fucked up big time.


After getting back to camp, Gabriella and Clarke chose around twelve delinquents to help them look for the radio. Once they got there, they split into pairs to make the search easier.

Gabriella ended up with Raven and decided to ask her about the whole Finn situation.

"So you and Finn . . . " she started, "I thought that the two of you broke up?"

"I was gonna tell you but you ended up getting arrested. We got back together pretty quickly." Raven told her with a fond smile.

Gabriella was glad her friend was happy and did not want to be the one to ruin that, so she was going to make Finn do it. He screwed over two of her friends so he was going to be the one tofix it and try not to break their hearts even more than he already did. She quickly shot another look at Bellamy, who already had his gaze on her but quickly looked away once their eyes connected. Besides that, he looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

"What about you and the shooter?" Raven asked, a twin of mischief in her dark eyes.

"What?" Gabriella asked, genuinely confused by the question.

"Please." Raven scoffed, "All five of us were yelling at him asking about the radio and he would not budge but one look at you, and the guy practically melted."

"There's nothing going on between us. No way." the blonde denied.

"Deny it all you want. I can see the tension, you must've hooked up at least once."


"Seriously?" Raven asked in disbelief, "It's not that hard. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy; sex. It's not like you're a virgin."

"Except I don't like him." Gabriella said stubbornly. "I actually hate him. Ever since we landed he's been nothing but a selfish piece of  ── "

Her words were interrupted by Jones announcing he found the radio making all of them rush over to him. Raven quickly snatched the radio from his hold and checked over it.

"Can you fix it or not?" Wells asked impatiently.

"Maybe. But it will take half a day to dry out the components to see what's broken." Raven informed him.

"Like I said, it's too late." Bellamy said, trying to remain a neutral expression on his face to hide the guilt that was slowly eating him up.

"Do you have any idea what you did?" Clarke snapped at him and pushed him slightly. "Do you even care?"

"You asked me to help." he shrugged, "I helped."

"Three hundred people are gonna die up there because of you!" Wells yelled in disbelief.

"Wait." Gabriella stopped the fight from escalating. "We don't have to talk to them, we just have to show them we're here. We have to let them know we're alive."

"Yeah, but how do we do that with no radio?" Finn asked bluntly.

Raven quickly caught up to Gabriella's plan and a large grin showed up on her face. "You, Gabriella Kane, are a genius."


Raven and Gabriella's plan to launch flares into the sky for The Ark to see had the whole camp working and they finally had everything ready after dawn.

Gabriella found herself watching the launching flares from her spot in the middle of camp with Clarke by her side when she felt a presence behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Bellamy already looking down at her "You think they can see it from up there?"

She shrugged at his question, "I hope so. I might have to face my father again if The Ark does come down but putting that aside, it might not be so bad. At least they wouldn't be dead. I, on the other hand, can always make a run for it."

"Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?" Clarke asked suddenly, not taking her eyes off the flares. Seeing the deadpan look Bellamy was sending her she quickly shook her head. "Forget it."

"I wouldn't even know what to wish for." the Blake brother told them honestly.

"Me neither." Gabriella nudged the girl next to her. "What about you?"

She saw Clarke's eyes subconsciously glance at Finn to see him having Raven wrapped up in his arms before she shrugged, "Same as you. I don't know."

A/N: merry christmas guys! thank you for 1k views!


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