vi. his sister's keeper

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his sister's keeper;
❛ RULES ❜ ↷ the hundred
❝ I'm going to stay here and try to clean up the mess that you made ❞

When Gabriella finally managed to close her eyes for more than a minute a soft but urgent tap on the flap of her tent made her open her eyes and groan in annoyance.


Gabriella rolled her eyes at the sound of the familiar male voice and called out, her tiredness clear from the tone of her voice. "What is it, Bellamy?"

"Have you seen Octavia?" He asked from the outside of the tent, sounding nervous and anxious.

Truth is, the Kane did not see the younger Blake since the pod came down but she thought she just went back to her own tent. And Bellamy was obviously worried. He was not even trying to hide it which was odd.

"No." Gabriella responded hesitantly. She instantly grew worried for the girl she got closer to over the short time they spent on the ground. "Why? Is she missing?"

"I haven't seen her since I went to the pod last night." Bellamy admitted. He was obviously scared that something happened to his sister. If Gabriella learned anything about him in the last few days, it was that he cared about his sister more than anyone else. "Can you help me look?"

Gabriella knew that it was really serious since he was willing to swallow his pride and ask her for help, so after a second of thinking it over, she sighed.

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

She got up and quickly put her clothes back on and got out of the tent as she put her denim jacket on. Once she came face to face with the older boy she couldn't help but notice that the look on his face represented a worried puppy and if it was anyone else she would've thought it was cute.

"Why do you even sleep with your tent closed like that?"

"Because I don't want perverts like you barging in and seeing me half naked." Gabriella answered bluntly while shrugging.

Her words made Bellamy almost choke on air "N-naked?"

"I sleep in my underwear, dipshit." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms expectedly, wanting him to tell her more about the Octavia situation but he was way too busy trying not to think about Gabriella naked. Sure, he slept with his fair share of girls and boys but it didn't prevent him from wishing it was Gabriella instead. But could you really blame him?

Bellamy quickly shook the inappropriate thoughts from his mind and focused on what mattered the most at that moment; finding his little sister.

"I uh─ I only checked her tent and a few others but I couldn't find her." He explained, almost sheepishly.

Gabriella nodded, kissing her teeth in thought before saying, "You get Clarke and I'll check the dropship and Jasper and Monty's tent."

After Bellamy gave her a thankful nod, she turned around and made her way to Jasper and Monty's tent. They were originally sleeping on the second floor of the dropship where Monty was working on contacting the Ark while Jasper ─ and sometimes Octavia and Gabriella ─ was giving him moral support. After the night the wristbands got fried, Gabriella insisted they moved to a much bigger tent that she had cleared out just for those two.

"Everyone decent?" Gabriella asked, not giving the duo a chance to answer before she stepped inside while holding a hand over her eyes.

"Yeah." She heard Jasper say and removed her hand from her eyes to see each boy lying in their cots. They were on their backs, staring up at her curiously.

"Something wrong?" Monty asked with a worried expression that appeared on his face after seeing the urgency on his friend's face.

"Have you two seen Octavia?"

Jasper furrowed his eyebrows, "Not since last night."

Monty nodded in agreement and asked, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"Or is it just girl stuff?" Jasper asked playfully, "Maybe we can help you with that too."

Gabriella was too concerned to throw a sarcastic comment at him and just said, "Bellamy and I can't find her. Can one of you help me check the dropship before we get a search group ready?"

"I'll do it." Monty said and shrugged his jacket on before following Gabriella towards the dropship.

They checked the inside of the dropship and around it, as well as a couple of other random places in camp but there was no trace of the girl. The two couldn't find Octavia anywhere in the fifteen minutes they were searching so they made their way to Clarke's tent which she was apparently sharing with Wells now.

"We checked a few tents but we couldn't find her." Wells announced, his words going ignored by Gabriella.

She turned to look between her two co-leaders and suggested, "We should gather around ten kids. Not a lot of us can go through the woods in the dark, we don't know everything that's out there yet."

After gathering enough people, the group started getting ready by choosing the weapons they were going to take. Out of the corner of her eye, Gabriella noticed Jasper getting ready to take one of the weapons with a lit-up torch in his hand. She knew the boy had not been that far outside of camp ever since the grounders took him, so she took a careful step towards him to block the weapons out of his line of sight. She tilted her head, a soft look of sympathy in her eyes. "You know you don't have to do this, right? You haven't left camp since we brought you back."

"Ella, I need to do this." He told her with a look of determination on his face. It was obvious to everyone that Jasper had some sort of romantic feelings toward the missing girl. Gabriella didn't think too much of those feelings to judge them but Monty taught that his best friend was never going to get over Octavia, while Bellamy, Wells, and others thought it was simply puppy love. Despite how strong or weak his affection for her was, Gabriella thought that putting his life at risk while he was not fully prepared to do so was not a good way to woo Octavia.

"We need all the people we can get." Bellamy said, walking up behind the shorter blonde, receiving an annoyed look from her in return and a small nod from Jasper.

The Jordan boy noticed the glare his friend was giving Bellamy and quickly walked off, not wanting to stand between the two leaders in another argument.

Bellamy put both of his hands on his hips and looked down at Gabriella with an impatient look on his face. "We need a tracker."

Gabriella was never the best at Earth Skills. She was top of the class in every other subject before she got arrested and thrown into the sky-box. She did not see the point in listening to those few classes of Earth Skills she was allowed to attend because she never thought that she was going to need them and because their teacher was an absolute asshole. She preferred watching him squirm at her annoying comments. Yeah, she was the perfect mix of a basketcase and a class clown. Despite her family being from Alpha Station, she was more of a rebel and lost cause than the kids from poorer stations. She was just another proof that stereotypes were not that often on The Ark. Well, except when it came to Clarke and Wells.

Finn Collins was supposedly their best tracker, so even if she could not stand the sight of him after finding out he slept with Clarke even though he was still dating Raven, she knew they needed him if they wanted to find Octavia.

"Hey, lovebirds." Gabriella called out while walking closer to Raven and Finn's half-open tent. "Honeymoon's over. We need a tracker!" Bellamy grabbed the blonde's forearm before she could put an ax in the waistband of her pants. She turned away from the couple's tent to give him a confused and questioning look, "What?"

"You should stay here." he told her, but not in his usual bossy leader voice, it was more...pleading?

"Why?" Gabriella furrowed her eyebrows, confusion evident on her dirt-covered face. "You need as many people as you can get."

"Yeah, but you should stay here and keep the camp in check with Clarke."

"No." She said stubbornly, almost scoffing at his words. "I'm going." Before he could keep arguing, Gabriella caught sight of Clarke walking away from Finn after he tried to talk to her. The Kane brushed past Bellamy and muttered. "Just a second."

Finn's face looked incredibly punchable. Especially when his victim complex was shining through his dark and wide sad eyes. She knew guys like him. Fuckboys who thought that they could do no wrong. Dumb teenagers who thought that the more girls they fucked, the more worthy they are. He did not care about Raven's feelings and he most definitely did not care about Clarke's. If he had, he never would have cheated on one and used the other and would have confessed the second he reunited with Raven. And judging by the blissful look on Raven's face, he did not mention anything about the night he spent with the Griffin girl.

When she reached Finn she narrowed her blue eyes into a cold glare. "Listen, Spacewalker. I care about Clarke and Raven, but Clarke just happens to be my best friend and you screwed her over. So, you are gonna fix what you did by staying away from Clarke and telling Raven everything, or I'm gonna do it myself and then make your life a living hell. Got it?"

Finn swallowed nervously and nodded, visibly intimidated. "Got it."

"Good." Gabriella nodded with a clenched jaw, her features not relaxing one bit. Then, she turned on her heel and walked back to the group of delinquents who were too busy staring at the sky in awe to notice the silent one-sided argument.

"Look up there." Gabriella heard one of the boys say and followed his gaze to the sky, now noticing the same things they did. Her face quickly fell into a deep frown as soon as it realized what the lights actually were.


While most kids were staring at the falling lights in amazement, only a couple were actually aware of what they actually meant.

"They didn't work." Raven spoke up, walking up behind them, her wide eyes locked on the sky. "They didn't see the flares."

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asked bluntly, causing Gabriella to glare at him.

She was quick to shoot back with a deadpan voice, "It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral."

"Hundreds of bodies being returned to the Earth from The Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side." Clarke finished for her best friend, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes. There was no way of knowing who the people dying were. It could be any one of their close ones.

"They didn't get our message." Wells realized, too shocked to say anything other than that.

Bellamy's face fell as the realization hit him and his shoulders fell slightly at their words. Days ago, he would not let his mask falter for even a second. But now? Gabriella could see the regret and guilt that he was feeling. That did not make her any less mad, though.

Raven's face on the other hand flashed in anger and she didn't even try to hold herself back when she stormed up to Bellamy. "This is all because of you!"

"I helped you find the radio." Bellamy defended himself as he watched Finn and Clarke hold Raven back, while Gabriella just watched from the sidelines with her arms crossed and an unreadable expression on her face.

"Yeah, after you jacket it from my pod and trashed it!"

"Yeah, he knows." Clarke put an arm on Raven's shoulder to stop her from making a scene and gave Bellamy a cold glare. "Now he has to live with it."

Bellamy eyed the sky one more time before looking back at everyone with determination. "All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her." His now pleading eyes turned to look at Gabriella. "You coming or what?"

He did not need anyone for years. He barely relied on his own sister and mother for emotional support, let alone the girl that he had known for barely two weeks. But she made things on Earth both harder and easier. She made him start to feel remorse regarding the others on The Ark (which made the situation at hand extremely difficult) and also made leading the hundred easier and was the reason that Clarke was cooperating with him. Gabriella claimed to hate him but he did not really believe that. He floated the boy she loved and she still pushed aside her anger and hurt to help him. At least, that was before more people died because of him.

"No." The blonde shook her head with an emotionless look on her face. His heart sank. "I'm gonna stay here and try to clean up the mess you made."

Bellamy was quick to realize that her being disappointed was much worse than her being angry at him.

"Everyone else?" Bellamy yelled at the group who was watching the exchange carefully, afraid one wrong move could anger their already frustrated leaders even more. "What are you waiting for? Move out!"

"We have to talk to them. Three hundred people won't be enough. The oxygen level will just keep dropping and if we don't tell them they can survive down here, they'll kill more people. They have to." Clarke said, her eyes moving between the female mechanic and engineer of the group.

"Guys..." Jasper interrupted, "They're leaving. We gotta go."

Wells and Finn stepped around the three girls, the latter holding his girlfriend's hand tightly. "I gotta do this. You should stay and help Ella fix the radio, okay."

"Fix it?" Raven scoffed, "The transmitter is smashed. Unless there's a parts depot down here we're not talking to The Ark."

"There is." Gabriella announced, her eyes lighting up in realization. "At the bunker that we went to last night when we were hiding Charlotte. We can get a transmitter there."

"Great." Raven grinned, looping her arm through Gabriella's. "It looks like you're coming with me instead of staying in camp."

"I'll come too." Clarke chimed in making the Kane grin sarcastically.

"Yeah, you'll know the way there better." She muttered to her.

Clarke gave her best friend a wide-eyed look, her eyes screaming at her to shut up. She received an apologetic shrug accompanied by a sheepish smile while Raven and Wells just looked between the duo in confusion. They quickly brushed it off as an inside joke while Finn was doing his best to hide his nervousness with a short chuckle.

"Finn, come on." Wells said impatiently. "We can't find her without you."

"Be careful." Finn told the girls and started to turn around only to be stopped by Raven who reached her arm out to grab his hand and pulled him into a short kiss.

"I love you." She whispered after they pulled away, loud enough for both Gabriella and Clarke to hear, both girls hiding an eye roll.

"I love you, too." Finn said almost hesitantly. Gabriella silently scoffed when his eyes flickered in Clarke's direction.

Gabriella wrapped her arm around Clarke's shoulder in a comforting manner once she saw her stiffen, the action making the girl release a sad sigh and relax a bit.

After watching Finn turn around and follow Jasper and Wells into the woods, Raven turned to the two blondes and nodded toward the forest. "Well, lead the way."


Gabriella could not help but chuckle in amusement as Raven stopped next to another flower and leaned down to look at it up close.

"They're so beautiful." She breathed out, in awe of the nature surrounding her, glad she was finally able to see it after years in space

Clarke was not as amused as her best friend was and sighed impatiently, "Look, Raven, I know you just got here yesterday, but we don't have time for this. Come on."

Gabriella and Raven scoffed simultaneously, both watching Clarke keep walking, before sharing a look and snorting to themselves. Raven bent down to pick up the orange flower she was just looking at and turned around, handing it to Gabriella with a cheeky grin, earning herself a breathy laugh. "Charming, Birdie."

Raven gave her another grin before they both hurried closer to the girl in front of them. The brunette spoke up again ─ directing her words at Clarke ─ after a few moments of silence, "Hurry up and save the world. You're just like your mom."

Gabriella flinched at the comparison, knowing Abby became a sore subject for Clarke after she found out what she did to her father.

"I'm nothing like my mom." Clarke said sharply, keeping her face neutral.

"Relax. That's a compliment. Abby's a badass." Raven chuckled to herself. "The pod was her idea. It broke her heart not being able to come down here with me, but she never stopped believing you were alive."

"Yeah." Clarke sighed and moved a branch to make her way further into the woods. "Mother of the year."

"Well, my mom was awol most of my life." Raven explained, sounding like she was talking to herself rather than the two girls. "When she did show up, it was empty-handed. Pretty sure she had me just to trade in my rations for moonshine."

Gabriella was familiar with Raven's family background. Her father was absent and her mother was only there when she needed something. She knew Raven always tried to brush it off with a big smile and acted like it was not a big deal but no one would be okay with that. Gabriella would know.

"How'd you survive?" Clarke asked once they finally reached the door of the bunker. She reached down to brush the leaves off the door on the floor and opened it.

"Boy next door. Finn." Raven shrugged with a fond smile. "He shared his rations, remembered my birthday, saved my life. He's my family."

Gabriella didn't exactly see Clarke's expression while hearing about Raven and Finn's relationship but she could pretty much guess what it was. The poor girl was heartbroken.

"Well, there's also Sinclair. I think I can speak for both El and me when I say he's like a second dad to us. He's the Chief Engineer, he taught us everything we know." Raven added, making a genuine smile appear on Gabriella's face at the mention of her mentor and the only person who came to visit her in the sky-box. "Also introduced Ella to her first and only boyfriend."

"Kyle was not my boyfriend." the Kane quickly defended herself as she followed Clarke into the bunker. Her face scrunched up at the mention of her ex. She would hardly call him an ex-boyfriend because they were never official but they were also not friends. Friends with benefits was a light term because, at times, she did feel like they were dating. He was definitely an ex-something.

"Right, because Gabriella Kane doesn't date." Raven mocked behind her. "Because she has major commitment issues."

"Shut up." Gabriella rolled her eyes but laughed at her teasing nonetheless.

What Raven said was true, Gabriella never liked the idea of tying herself into a relationship if she knew she was going to get hurt so she stuck to one-night stands or casual flings on the Ark. Kyle Wick was the closest thing she had to a relationship, ever. And she liked him but not enough to actually make it official. The two stayed friends of course since they worked together and there were no hard feelings after their fling ended.

There was only one exception when it came to her no-dating rule but it didn't matter anymore since he was who knows where now.


The three girls took the car toy controller Gabriella told them about, along with the car it came with, and hurried back to camp with it.

Raven and Gabriella got everything they needed on a table in the dropship and sat down on the ripped-out seats. The duo was ready to start working on the radio when Gabriella remembered they could get extra help and get the work done faster.

"I'll go get, Monty. He'll be able to help us work faster." She announced, breaking the silence and getting up.

"Monty Green?" Raven asked, "I didn't know he was here."

"Yeah, he and Jasper got arrested for getting caught smoking." Gabriella chuckled at her own words. "You can start without me, Rae. I'll be back in a second."

On her way out she passed Clarke walking in and gave her best friend a smile, having no idea what was about to happen between the two of the closest female friends she had.


"Clarke! Where's Clarke?"

The sound of Jasper and Finn's urgent yells interrupted the work on the radio. Everyone hurried out of their tents or the dropship to see Finn and Bellamy carrying an unconscious Wells Jaha who had a knife sticking out of his stomach in their hands.

Clarke gasped in horror and tears immediately filled her eyes at the state her childhood best friend was in. "Wells? Wells."

She quickly hurried to his side while muttering a series of silent 'oh my god's under her breath. The blonde put her hand on a place under his jaw and felt his pulse. It was slow but it was there and that was enough for now.

"He's alive." Clarke said loud enough for everyone around her to hear.

"Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out." Jasper told the two co-leaders present.

"No, that was a good call." Clarke nodded before hurrying the three boys to get him inside "Get him in the dropship, now. Go!"

Gabriella noticed her best friend's breathing getting quicker. Sensing the symptoms of an oncoming panic attack she put her hands on her shoulders and turned her to face her. "Hey, listen to me. If anyone can do anything to save him, it's you. You have to stay strong, for Wells. You can do this."

"I can't." the younger girl cried. "I need my mother. I need to talk to her."

"Okay." Gabriella squeezed her hand, "Raven, Monty and I will try everything we can. Just try to stay calm. Take deep breaths. In and out . . . "

Clarke did as she was told, closing her eyes for a few seconds before wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"Good. Now let's go save him."

Clarke had much more chill than anyone that Gabriella knew but in the moments when Wells' life was in danger, she could feel her slipping. There was nothing she could do about it other than to help her save Wells before it was too late.

A/N: since I made the big decision of keeping wells alive (since he did not deserve to die that quickly) I thought it would be better for him to get stabbed instead of finn because it creates more pressure for clarke and makes the incoming chapter easier to write


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