9, simply~

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Ussop's POV-
I sat down next to Sanji Trying my best not to tremble, I was so nervous.. "we're all really worried about you yah know, even zoro" sanji looked over at me with a certain look on eyes, it pained me to see him that way. "Is he really..?" "Y-you don't believe me..?!" He shook his head slowly "w-well I-.. I don't know how to prove it to you.." Sanji just shrugged "you don't have to, I don't see a reason you would.." "B-because Sanji, I-I-....!" I stopped. Sanji looked back up to me and we both stared at each others eyes for a while. I opened my mouth to try and finally say what I've been meaning to for a long time until-...

Sanji's POV-
"How well of a liar do you take him for.?" I looked up to see where the wretched voice was coming from and to no surprise the voice belonged to no other than the loss-head. "What do you want yah damn marimo.?" I looked down not wanting to look at the glare in his gaze before me. I hadn't wanted to talk to the bastard. Why should I? I don't see a reason to. "He wasn't lying when he said I cared, Sanji" now I looked up, usually he insults me and laughs at me when I'm like this but this, this was different. "I really do" he said, before I knew anything had happened I felt lips on mine. My eyes widened and my heart quickened what's going on with zoro...?!

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