Chapter 5

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"Let go of me!" Adèle yelled as she struggled against Kyng's tight grip on her hand as he dragged her along.

"You're mine to hold, I can do with you as I please so remember that!" He told her.

"I'll never willingly subject myself to the likes of you!" She said angrily as he slammed the door shut behind then.

The backhanded blow to her cheek stung but she had also expected it. She staggered a bit but held her balance refusing to fall. She righted herself then turned to glare at him.

"You seem to have forgotten your manners girl." he said angrily

"And you seem to confuse yourself as an actually king because someone was stupid enough to name you Kyng." She replied

"You dare to disrespect my mother!?" He yelled

"Well she had you, that's disrespect enough." she taunted. She was far beyond caring what he would do to her. If she was going down she would do it with dignity and pride.

"You will respect me or I will make you." he threatened her

"I don't care what you do to me. I will never willing be yours." she replied

She braced herself for another blow but knitted her brows in confusion when instead he started laughing. A deep uncontrollable laughter. She listened until it disappeared down the hall with him as he walked away without a word.

She walked to the bedroom and closed the door behind her and pushed a chair under the handle just in case. Walking over to the window she sat down and stared into the night.. Some nights, she wished she still lived in the country, it was far from heavenly but it was better than this hell. Living in the city meant more people were out and about at night, cars drove around with their headlights on, businesses lit their fluorescent signs, she couldn't take it. She wanted to see the dark blanket called the sky littered with twinkling stars. She wanted shooting stars to be a normal thing. The beauty of the night sky is always masked by the artificial lights and airplanes soaring across. For just one night, all she wanted to see was the moon and a sky full of stars.

She wanted to stomp and scream, throw a tantrum even. Her life was about to be over. A man she could describe as nothing but a maniac, a beast was determined to make her his wife. So why then did she feel nothing? She simply felt numb. Her own father had literally sold her, nothing else could surprise her.

Adèle walked over to the bed and slipped out of the expensive dress. She left it in a pool on the ground as she climbed into bed. She lay still in her soft bed under the comfy duvets, gazing up at the glowing ceiling. Even though, she was in the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in she still could not sleep. She was clouded in her thoughts about what had happened today and tonight. Every time she tried to get to sleep it didn't work. She took some drowsy pills that made her drift off to sleep but she woke up screaming half an hour after. She tried to forget everything but it was no use. Crying herself to sleep was not an option for it seemed her tear ducts had dried up. So she lay there until night turned to day.

The routine knock came at her door for the morning's breakfast but she lay motionless still staring at the ceiling.

"Adèle get the hell out here before I come in and get you" yelled Kyng from outside the door.

She closed her eyes against the insistent knocking on her door. The knocking soon turn to angry pounding and then the door was kicked in, completely broken from its hinges. An angry Kyng stood glaring into the room.

She sat up and pulled the cover up to her neck to cover her naked form.

"Get up!" He ordered

"I will when you get out." she told him.

She didn't have time to react before he walked into the room and dragged her from the bed completely exposing her. She tried to drag her hand away from him but he held on tight stood there drinking her in.

"Your old man was right about one thing, your body can make a grown man cum on the spot." he said with a satisfied shudder.

Adèle felt bile rise in her throat and she dragged her hand away and raced for the bathroom to throw up.

"You've got five minutes to come to the table before I come back in here and get you." he called from outside the door.

"Go to hell!" She yelled then slumped against the counter as she listened to him laugh as he left the room.

She quickly washed her face then pulled on a jeans and T-shirt and put a robe over it just so the sight of Kyng getting pleasure from looking at her wouldn't make her sick again.

She walked out of the room and bumped into a guard.

"Excuse me ma'am" he said as he bent in front of her. "You dropped this." he said handing her a piece of paper.

"No I didn't" she told him

"Yes. You. Did" he told her as he pushed it into her hands.

She took the paper and pushed it into the pocket of her robe as she walked over to the table and sat down. She ignored Kyng's look and he chuckled and dug hungrily into his breakfast. She looked around the room and her eyes landed on the guard from outside her room. He wasn't smiling but his eyes looked friendly. She immediately reached for the paper he had handed her.

For far too long you've had to cry, so the mirror decided to reply

What you see? it isn't true
this misery will not consume you.

Don't lock yourself in a broken soul
For soon one day your world won't be so cold.

She was surprised at what she read, so surprised she reread it again. She lifted her eyes and looked at the guard but his face was guarded, it gave nothing away but that alone was enough to tell her: help is on the way.

Double update for you guys today! Remember to comment and vote! Thank you!

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