Chapter 6

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Three days had passed since Rumpel made his first move. He had managed to get a note to Adèle letting her know help would be on the way, but three nerve racking days had passed. His boss had talked him out of making a move too soon saying Kyng wasn't a stupid man and he might be on to him. So Rumpel had stayed away from the casino restaurant for the pass three days.

Now he stood outside the restaurant waiting in line. That was his first sign that Kyng knew he was a threat. Usually he would have been called ahead of everyone in line and seated at one of the finest tables, but instead of getting upset he patiently waited.

The restaurant was full. He looked around at the busy tables. An old couple sat at a corner table eating side by side, a glass of wine sat by each of their plate, while they bent over their meals. A group of young women in their twenties collapsing with helpless giggles while a stern woman dining alone nearby looked on and frowned. Businessmen in their grey suits smoking their cigars. Tourists, trying to decipher the menu. A group of young men looking like they expected to score as they eyed a group of women sitting close by. The noise level was high. The smoke level, too, but it didn’t bother him. He was used to it.

He ordered the lobster dinner and enjoyed his meal despite the tension that had him in knots. He was anxious to see if she was still alright. He got word that she was but he wanted to be sure for himself.

He didn't have to wait long though for in the next few seconds she came through the side door and walked to the stage escorted by her guards. She smiled at the crowd as she reached for the mic. When she saw him her smile died faster than wisps of smoke dissipated after a candle flame has been snuffed out.

She was upset.

It warmed him that she might have been wanting to see him too even if he was just her way of escape but it also annoyed him that he had upset her more.

When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said
No final kiss to seal anything
I had no idea of the state we were in

I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness
And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head
But don't you remember, don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before
Baby please remember me once more

When was the last time you thought of me?
Or have you completely erased me from your memories?

"She thinks I've forgotten her?" He asked himself

He pleaded with his eyes trying to tell her he had no choice. He longed to be able to go up to that stage and pull her to safety but Kyng was a dangerous man. Any wrong move could get her hurt.

He quickly scribbled a note to be delivered to her.

Before you say I DO, I will come and rescue you.

He waited for his moment. The minute she finished her song he quickly got up and headed for the side door. He reached for her just as she reached for him. The guard pushed him against a wall as the other one pulled her through the door.

"Okay, okay!" He snapped shrugging the guard off then straightened his jacket and walked out of the restaurant.

As he drove he finally allowed himself to think about his life. He wasn't close to either of his parents. As soon as he was old enough his mother had taken off. He couldn't blame her, his father was never a easy man to live with. He only wondered why she hadn't taken him with her.

His father had been a monster, a ruthless drunk. He had often taken his anger out on Rumpel in brutal beatings, his back still sported the scars to prove it. Rumpel never had any friends so he had always been a loner. As soon as he had reached eighteen he had left for school one day and never returned home. He had boarded the grayhound out of town and headed straight for Vegas.

He had worked in a grocery store and gotten himself a less than pleasant apartment. It was heaven to him. As the years went on he had finished his GED and signed up for the military, he served his time and then was instantly hired for a detective work in town.

Always a socially awkward person he still didn't have much friends but he was loved because he could be counted on to serve and protect. He was a workaholic, work was the only thing that kept his mind off life so he worked nonstop.  He loved a challenge and didn't rest until he solved his cases.

Adèle. This woman was a mystery yet looking at her was like looking into a mirror. Their souls seem to cry out for each other, kindred spirits.

The time was close, closer than she knew. It had been a while since they've wanted to take Kyng down but the man always seem to cover his tracks. This time faith had been on their side. His plan was already in motion and officer Rumple felt victory soar through him knowing this would be one more case solved.

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