Chapter 12: His and My Protection

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Chapter 12: His and My Protection


"It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you, you can trust us, we can help him and you but only if you let us," I looked into the dragon's eyes, they looked fierce and sharp but I made sure that mien were reassuring and kind as I looked at him. His gaze looked down at the boy he was protecting securely before he looked back upon me. I was afraid of what might happen next but my fears vanished as soon as the dragon's eyes diluted and his green eyes met my azure ones with trust; his head slowly nodded. I went out to him once more and this time, his teeth never barred so I reached out my head just as he pressed his nose against it. His body shifted making me get a closer look at the boy. He had shaggy chestnut hair and wore this shaded red tunic. "Guys come over and help me please," I demanded to the three behind me "But what if it eats us?" Tuff complained standing further back away from the dragon. "He's not gonna eat you now help me get them back to the Edge."

Each of them shared a glance before heading over to me. We shifted the boy onto the Night Fury's back and slowly started heading back up to the Edge. We walked into the clubhouse to see Fishlegs and Heather having a...having a moment it would seem. Their heads perked up in unison as they watched five people and a dragon walk into the clubhouse. "Is that a?" Fishlegs started "A Night Fury, yes and someone else was with him," the dragon's body shifted to reveal the boy led unconscious on his back. "Why did you bring them here exactly?" Fishlegs felt very uneasy with the situation as his gaze wandered from the boy back to me. "Snotlout shot him out of the sky!" I exaggerated my statement flying my arms up in the air. "Not my fault," Snotlout argued against me.

I shrugged it off and indicated the dragon to follow me, "Fishlegs send a message to Berk to ask Gothi to come here," Fishlegs nodded but asked no questions even though his face showed the question to why. I led the dragon back to my hut; I dragged my bed downstairs to save him going up and slowly placed the boy down on the bed. His head fell gently against the pillow as the dragon took a seat next to his companion. He cooed slightly at him, nudging him every now and again for any sign of movement. As he did so I noticed satchels connected to his saddle; wandering over to him I reached inside each noticing some contained food, some water and last a set of furs. I pulled one out immediately and placed it over the boy making sure that he was kept warm.

I looked back the dragon and noticed he started sharing a smile with me, it was small but I could still see it. It surprised me at first because he showed no teeth at all and I was pretty sure that he had some. "Toothless?" immediately afterwards his smile increased and I guessed that was name. My mind was swiped away by the motion coming from the bed; I watched as the boy stirred and his tunic moved releasing scars trailing up his arms. I could hesitate to hold back but I pulled the furs away and lifted up his tunic further and noticed scars and bruises all over his body. I felt my eyes expand in shock and tears warm up in my eyes and I slammed my hand against my mouth holding back the tears scarring my throat wanting to rain out. "Who did this to you?" was all I could cry out. I pulled the tunic back down and laid the furs back over his body. "You're safe here," was my final words before I let the two of them alone.

I knew there was no convincing Toothless away from the boy so I shut my door quietly so they wouldn't be disturbed. But the scars and the bruises I saw mirage through my brain. I couldn't reverse them. It hit me; his features, something about him reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. I shook my head as I walked back into the clubhouse hearing something that made me feel infuriated "We don't know who he is, he could be a spy of Viggo's or something!" Snotlout shouted towards Fishlegs and Heather "We don't know that for sure Snotlout!" the growl in Heather's voice made me feel better because they were gonna be shocked about what I was about to explain to them. "He isn't a spy or anything of a sort," all of them looked upon me in unison "He has scars all over his body and bruises like he's been beaten brutally."

It had turned everyone silent making them just stare upon me. We were all lost for words. But what could you say to news like that; there wasn't much that you could say except as the same questions such as, who did this? Why did they do this? What could he have done wrong? "Fishlegs did you send that message to Berk, for Gothi?" I questioned because now I knew the boy would need her help more than ever. "I did, she should be here in a few hours or so," I nodded immediately "Send her to my hut once she arrives cause that's where he is," Fishlegs nodded at my remark just before I headed back there carrying a basket of fish in my arms. I slowly re-opened the door to my hut and watched as Toothless's head shot up with his teeth barred.

"Don't worry, it's just me, I thought you might be hungry," as I spoke the words I held the fish in air. His tongue licked around his mouth and his smile was gummy. I set the fish basket to the side of him and fish by fish he started enjoying his meal. I grabbed a stool from across the room placing it next to the bed where the boy lay. He seemed okay as he slept peacefully but when you looked at him closely he just looked damaged and broken making me feel sorry and lost for him. I sighed heavily and waited or Gothi to arrive so he could get some help. I adjusted the fur over his body and laid his head neatly on the pillow so his neck wouldn't crane before I set my head down on the side next to his arm and slowly let my eyes close.


"Astrid...Astrid..." I heard a voice whisper my name but also felt by body being shaken. I opened my eyes vaguely and looked to the side to see Fishlegs, Gothi and Stoick standing next to me. Wait what was Stoick doing here? "Thank Thor your here Gothi!" I exclaimed I didn't say anything after that but just tilted my head down to the figure in my bed; Gothi nodded her head before shoving us all out the room. I heard a growl come from the dragon in the room, he showed protectiveness of the boy in the bed and now I could see why. I looked at him nodding my head mouthing "You can trust her, I'll be back later," he saw the honest look in my eye and sank his head back down next to his rider.

"Would you please explain to me what a Night Fury is doing in your hut looming over a strange boy led in your bed?" Stoick's eyes beamed down on me, his arms crossed with a vacant expression. "Well they weren't exactly meant to be here," I started my explanation only for Stoick to raise an eyebrow at me. "They were flying over the Edge and Snotlout and the twins beings the muttonheads that they are, thought we were being attacked, so in the end Snotlout fired them down," I finished almost feeling out of breath. Stoick sighed heavily shaking his head "I'll speak with him once he wakes if that is alright?" Stoick merely questioned me rather than made it a statement. I couldn't help but instead shake my head and disobey his question "Sir, if it would be okay, I would like to see him when he wakes up, I feel like it is more fitting, so he doesn't feel, out of place should I say," Stoick pulled on his thinking face before nodding at me. "That may be best."

Just after, my door of the hut re-opened revealing Gothi, she waddled on out leaving the door wide open for us to re-enter. I looked up at Stoick he stood still before I rushed back into the room to see if there was any change with the boy who lay in my bed. 

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