Chapter 16: I Don't Trust Him, And You Shouldn't Either

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Chapter 16: I Don't Trust Him, and You Shouldn't Either


Hiccup seems to be settling in on the Edge pretty well surprisingly. He spends most his time with Fishlegs, and nearly at the end of every day Fishlegs comes back to me and Heather and starts hyperventilating almost about all the new facts he learned about dragons...and it all comes from him. It surprises me on how much about dragons he actually knows, it doesn't bother me but, then deep down somewhere I know and feel that it does. I feel I should understand and learn more about him but he's very secretive in his ways and very nervous around quite a few of us. It makes me wonder if he has ever been in the presence of people his own age before because, he acts like he's never known people like us before. His fascination to every little thing that we do and his knowledge he won't share to anyone...except maybe Fishlegs. Oh well, I'll just let it pass and see what happens because no one can predict the future.

Over time, Hiccup started to feel bad for staying in my hut day after day. He kept claiming that it was unfair for him to take over a space which is my own. I always told him that it didn't matter, but he was too persistent. In the end he told me he would build his own place, only if it were okay, I couldn't say no to him, I didn't want to be rude so that's what he did. It was weird, I watched him build the place as if it was nothing new to him. He knew exactly what he was doing, he had it all mapped out on pieces of paper and the way he pieced it all together was genius piece of work, even Fishlegs was gobsmacked at how intellectual it all was. He was able to build his own place in a matter of days and couldn't help but be surprised at how he did it, especially all by himself. He refused work from anybody and said it would be easier to do it by himself in case something went wrong and that way he could blame himself rather than us.

He seemed very kind in his nature and didn't want to cause any trouble with anyone but, the more I took all these factors in, the more I knew there must be something else going on underneath the surface that he didn't want us to know about. That just made me want to know more. I wasn't gonna force it out of him because there must be a reason to why he wouldn't tell us but sooner than later it was sure to come out. I'm sure of it. At the moment, I, Heather, Snotlout and the twins were grouped in the clubhouse. I'm sharpening my axe, Heather reading some of the notes on Viggo's whereabouts, the twins arguing like always but then there was Snotlout. He had his head buried in his hands and was staring into the centre of the fire, but the un-natural thing about this was that he was thinking and Snotlout never thinks unless he positively has to. "Snotlout, you have your thinking face on, what's the matter?" I dropped my axe down on the table to sit normally facing him.

His head shot up immediately to face me, his eyes were clouded slightly. He had a look of hesitation within in his eyes like he wouldn't tell me and the more he hesitated the more eyes he had upon me because, at this point everyone had eyes on him. "Okay fine; doesn't anyone else find it quite odd about Hiccup, we don't know anything about him yet he can do all this stuff unexpectedly and know so much about dragons but have those scars all over his body as you mentioned when he came," I feel as if he actually read my mind; I didn't know how to answer, my mind went completely blank "See you can't answer," I sighed heavily at him "Snotlout, maybe it's not our business to know, maybe there's a reason he won't tell us and even if he does let it be in his own time alright." But he obviously wouldn't take no as an answer.

"Yea but that raises questions right? Where did he come from? Is he a spy? Is this all an act?" Immediately, feeling with rage and anger, I slammed my hands down on the table and glared directly into Snotlout's eyes making him cower backwards slightly. "Don't talk about him like that! If there is something wrong with him we'll figure it out, we always do now just drop the matter!" Snotlout pushed himself up off the ground "I just don't trust him and you shouldn't either, so don't come back to me saying we should have believed you when it turns out that I was right," with that he made sure that his exit was known leaving us with bewildered gaze to his empty spot. But it sat there in my mind, was he right? Everything that I mentioned before, I couldn't just let it sit there and believe that he was this good person. I can't judge him on his looks, I have to know him for myself, and so as much as it kills me, I have to take on what Snotlout says and snoop around.

I stormed out from the clubhouse, venturing towards his newly built hut I slowly went to make my entrance. I knocked firstly to see whether or not he was in there "Hiccup? You in here?" but thankfully I caught no response so moved further into the hut. I know this was bad, but I couldn't help myself so I began my search to find something, anything which could identify him. I couldn't find anything. I searched and searched but nothing. Releasing all my frustration I kicked over the first stool that was on front of me; landing in my sights was one of the satchels which was attached to Toothless the first time he came here. I sighed picking it back up but as I did so something dropped out of it. I looked down at it, a cylindrical object which looked very familiar to me. I picked it up immediately and analysed it for myself and it was exactly what I suspected that it was...The Dragon Eye.

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