Chapter 17: The Story Must Be Explained

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Chapter 17: The Story Must Be Explained


There it lay in my hand, the cylindrical object which we call the Dragon Eye. It felt smaller than it used to be but that was probably because I hadn't seen the damn thing for how long now. I couldn't remember, the last time we saw this object it was at Viggo's base when it was the first time we met him face to face. I can just remember the cruel way he used us to lure the Flightmare into his grasp and then again to get his hands on the Dragon Eye, all to use its gel to unlock the Eye's secrets and it was the last time we ever saw him and the Dragon Eye. So of course, that left the question: Why does Hiccup have the Dragon Eye? Inside me I could feel my blood start to boil from pain and betrayal running through my brain. Who would know if they were true or not but it's the ideas that would seep through anyone's brain. Is he actually working for Viggo and the hunters? Was Snotlout right, can we trust me? But as these thoughts run through my brain I could just feel my hand tighten around the Dragon Eye as if it related my processing ideas.

Here I stood, in the centre of his hut holding the object in hand, frozen. I didn't know what to do or to think. I trusted this guy, most of us have trusted this guy when in reality I should have trusted Snotlout, someone who I've known since growing up...I can't believe I just said all that. What was I to do? Confront him about this; I could imagine the others would have different ideas on how to approach this. Fishlegs would probably believe we were all crazy and there was something else going on which may be the case, Snotlout would probably wanna beat the yak dung out of him until he tells him the truth, but I think Hiccup would probably tell the truth anyways...although that depends on if his nature is the truth. The twins probably wouldn't care so there's no point even trying to think of a scenario. Heather would probably agree with Fishlegs and that left me, what did I think of this and what should I think?

Taking a deep breath, slowly but surely I went to leave the hut carrying the Dragon Eye with me. I started to make my way up towards the clubhouse, But I waited outside the door as I could hear his voice come from inside followed by a few laughs of his and the others. This is what I'm talking about, I witness this amazing person with such an amazing personality even sometimes he acts shy and doesn't want to be bothered with, but where is the harsh side underneath all that and why am I thinking he is as such. For everything there is a logical reason for what they do and I'm always willing to hear it which is what I'm ready to do with this. I've accepted it, and I'll give him the chance to speak but I have to hear it from the others first before I go ahead and do anything. I took a deep breath and heard the final words come from the clubhouse "I'll see you tomorrow, come on Toothless...night everyone," I heard the flap of the Nightfury's wings take off into the twilight night with the sparkling stars as it's only comfort before I gazed upon them entering the hut and I knew that was my chance to enter the clubhouse.

Immediately, I felt a brush of the cold wind contrast with the heat from the fire make contact with my skin and all eyes land on me. I had no idea what expression was written across my face, anger, lost, confusion, just something that indicated an emotion which reflected the object in my hand. I didn't need to say a word before all the eyes landed on where it lay in my hand "Astrid...where did you get that?" Fishlegs was the one who broke the silence between us all, sure at first it was deafening but I figured that this conversation would be worse and maybe I should have just gone to speak with Hiccup myself. Waltzing over towards the clubhouse table I slammed the Dragon Eye down before quickly moving back away from it just as everyone began to crowd round it and me. "It was in...Hiccup's satchel bag..." I told them slowly waiting for an erupt response and have an explosion bomb in front of me. But nothing. Nothing happened and we all just stood there without a single word to say.

"But why would he have it unless..." Surprisingly, it was Ruff who spoke, but her voice seemed timid, as if she had a connection with someone close to her and she had been betrayed. "I told you we couldn't trust that guy but none of you believed me did. You just had to believe that he was all innocent when in reality it was all just a big act," Snotlout complained raising his arms in the air creating multiple gestures and pointing outside the hut obviously indicating towards Hiccup's hut. The anger was present through Snotlout and it was clear that he couldn't contain himself, it was making my blood boil once again and this time I wanted to protect Hiccup rather than be against him. No matter how deep my bad emotions went towards him I still had this urge to help him...maybe it was only to find out the truth. "Alright Snotlout enough!" I slammed my hands down on the clubhouse table moving back towards it "We don't know why he had it and the only way to know is if we ask him," Fishlegs stepped in past my anger because I'm pretty sure that he could see my fury spiralling.

"Don't you guys see it, the only way he could have that Dragon Eye is if he's working for Viggo," Snotlout carried on spreading what could be lies. "Snotlout please just listen, can we just ask him, don't you remember what he looked like when he first came here, there has to be a reason for all of this," I tried reasoning with him but I don't know if any of this will actually enter his brain. Instead I watched him sigh heavily and I knew that he understood what I said. I picked up the Dragon Eye nodded with the others before we all made exit and started towards his hut. 

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