Chapter 24: Dragon Egg

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Chapter 24: Dragon Egg


I was grateful. Completely grateful for all the help that Astrid was giving me to help make sure that I am able to defend myself. I felt lost without the ability to have at least strength within my own self; I understood how I had Toothless and I knew that he would always protect me but what would happen to the times when we get separated, what would happen then? As always, when the question rolls round inside my head, the flashing of images just flood back into my head of when I was in each of those towers, when I was locked in the room on the ships every time we departed an island and then the time I tried helping those guys out when the Edge was attacked. If they are able to grab me as easily as they did then how am I going to survive? I couldn't let everything that Aryan and Ashley do for me go to complete waste. That just doesn't seem fair; so the fact that Astrid took out her own time to help me train with weapons I was incredibly grateful for. There was something different about Astrid compared to everyone else, something that I couldn't put my finger on. Every time she smiled at me I could swear that I have seen it somewhere before, or at least a similar one to it. Every time her eyes flashed in my direction every now and again, the sparkle of light and innocence with its glimmer of blue I could have sworn I knew them from somewhere else. A different life perhaps.

But that wouldn't make sense because, if I were talking about a different life then I would just trail back to the life back with the Grimborns and class that as the different life of mine. It was already clarified that the person I saw against the flames the last time I left to a different island with them was Astrid but that didn't make me believe that was the first place I'd seen her from. Not with all the features I was beginning to recognise about her. Every time it crossed my mind like right now at the end of it I would just release a huge sigh and run my hand through my hair as if I were trying to get the thoughts to escape my mind. Sometimes it would work, other times it wouldn't and the only other option to get rid of it was to take a ride with Toothless. Which I had no exceptions with, riding with Toothless was always amazing and I always felt safe with him near me. With the wind slapping against my face and running through the creases of my hair followed by the feeling of absolutely free, my thoughts always did wander. Right now though, I was just sat in my hut coming up with new designs for Toothless's tail design. It wasn't until I started to hear this loud screech come from outside. Immediately, I clasped both hands to my ears, turned round to see Toothless cup his ears with his own paws while digging his head into the ground. The sound was continual and it just wouldn't shut up.

I stood away from the desk and headed to the opening of the hut. I looked around to see where the sound was coming from; my eyes finally landed on the clubhouse and I noticed numerous figures stood inside. I decided to go over there and see what the entire fuss was all about but left Toothless where he was, I didn't want him to suffer through the pain of noise anymore than he already was. I closed the hut hurriedly behind me as a device to drown the sound out the best that I could for him before I ran towards the clubhouse. As I entered everyone had their hands clasped against their just like I did. My eyes wandered on each of them individually, Snotlout was leant up against the wall, Fishlegs and Heather were sat around the table, the twins had their heads banging against the wall I'm guessing trying to make themselves black out from the noise, while Astrid stood at the table with her hands now held against the table tightly as her knuckles began to turn white. I screamed at them over the noise "What is making that noise?" Snotlout stepped forwards screaming back at me "I'll tell you what it is!" He stood next to me and pointed just behind Heather and Fishlegs a small baby dragon sat crying.

I walked over towards it and looked at it carefully though still with my hands pressed against my ears. He was beautiful; he was a pure amber, peachy colour with few red markings on its head. He was amazing apart from all the crying of course. I picked him up in my arms and started to rock him back and forth slightly like he was an actual child of my own. I got completely lost in the moment that I started to hum a tune to him and his cries slowly started to die down; I soon felt someone to my side and a voice started to sing sweetly and next to me was Heather. "The sky is dark and the hills are white, as the Strom King speeds from the north tonight. And this is the song the Storm King sings, as over the world his cloak he flings. Sleep, sleep, little one sleep. He rustles his wings and gruffly sings. Sleep, sleep, little in sleep," I stopped humming just as Heather stopped singing and in my arms the dragon seemed to be asleep. "How did you do that?" Snotlout piped up and said. I kept rocking the dragon back and forth so that he wouldn't wake back up. I just shook my head at him as I wasn't entirely sure how to answer him, until a flash entered back through my mind and I could see myself back at the Grimborns.

It was a small image but I noticed myself with Viggo's father and in front of him he held a dragon just like the one I was holding this very second and he reflected the same actions that I took with Heather and that explained everything. "It's just something I learned when I was a child," I smiled down at the dragon then up at the others "Yak-dung," Snotlout whispered under his breath trying to cover it with a cough at my comment. Though in doing so, the dragon in my arms woke up and cried our ears to deaf once again. "SNOTLOUT!" everyone screamed at him but he just threw his hands up in surrender. I took the dragon to the stables as the moon started to shine up in the sky and replace the suns ultimate beam with a sparkling glow instead. I laid the dragon down in one of the stools as the others walked in with their hands clasped back on their ears. "We can't keep singing to it we'll be hear all night otherwise," Fishlegs stated the obvious but no one knew how to answer because there was no obvious solution to the case. But the crying soon stopped once again, though it was only for a second as all our eyes met Tuff's chicken stand in front of the dragon and 'sing' I guess towards him. But automatically afterwards, he shot something at him. Just as Tuff picked up his pet I got a closer look at it I noticed it to be some sort of amber substance which cocooned the chicken inside it. I was astounded about the remarkable ability that the dragon had because I was never aware of its capabilities.

As I looked round at the others though it was clear they were aware to what this dragon was "You have got to be kidding me, we took a Deathsong egg from the hunters. Perfect, just perfect." Snotlout complained as he walked out of the stables and left the dragon to cry. I couldn't leave him alone so I made the hardest decision to stay with him just as the others left one by one to go sleep. It didn't argue with them to why I was staying, I just felt an obliged responsibility to take care of him considering that no one else would only due to the noise. I'll admit it wasn't comforting but it was all it could do considering he doesn't understand anything but singing. So from that the night was long, but from time to time when I was in and out of sleep, I noticed that the dragon had laid it's down on my legs and purred slightly just as Toothless usually does. But then other times he would be crying again, my guess was sometimes he got tired of crying and drifted off to sleep only to wake up crying again. Once the sunlight finally lit through the doors of the stables, I took the baby Deathsong into my hands and walked back to the clubhouse with him making sure that I rocked him back and forth to keep him and calm as I hummed a tune to keep him quiet and it seemed to be working. Entering I noticed Astrid trying to get chicken out of the amber substance just as Tuff was freaking out pacing back and forth in front of her.

"Tuff I don't know how to get him out, I'm sorry," Astrid was on the verge of breaking her voice into anger I could tell but she held it in nicely. "You know if you had some Monstrous Nightmare gel she'd be out of there in no time," Snotlout piped up and said and that got me thinking. "You keep that Monstrous Nightmare gel away from her, how dare you think about cooking her alive!" Tuff screamed at Snotlout holding him in a tight headlock just as Snotlout screamed back 'no' towards him. My thinking started to thicken as I placed the baby dragon into Heathers arms as she came and stood next to me, she repeated the same procedure as I was taking to make sure he wouldn't wake up as I picked up a small knife from the table and walked over to Hookfang. "Uh Hiccup what are you doing?" But I didn't say a word to Astrid's question instead just scraped some of the gel off Hookfang who let me willingly, before letting Barf and Belch set it a flame. "No don't do it Hiccup, don't singe her little feathers," but I carried on blocking out everything they were saying and neatly started to carve through the amber making sure I didn't go anywhere near chicken.

I beckoned one of the dragons over and gestures them to cut the amber neatly and they did so and just like I suspected the amber broke apart and chicken was fine. "Hiccup, you saved him!" Tuff yelled in enjoyment raising chicken in the air. A smile was put on everyone's faces until Snotlout piped back up. "Okay so that's one problem solved, what about problem number two," and he pointed to the Deathsong in Heathers arms. "I think it's best that we take it to be with his own kind," Astrid suggested and no one argued. So that was the plan and that was what everyone decided to. Everyone got everything they needed before they set off to deliver the dragon home. As they did that, I looked at the knife burning in my hands and it gave me an idea. With this in mind, I headed straight back to my hut and got my idea down and started planning on what to do with it hoping that it would. 

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