Chapter 25: Flash To The Past

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Chapter 25: Flash To The Past


We came back later than sooner after delivering the baby Deathsong to its home island. Along the way I think Tuff got too attacked to the little guy because it gave it a name, Garf. It took a while for the Deathsong to accept Garf and we didn't want to leave until we knew that he was safe. It was what was best that we did otherwise we would probably have regretted the decision and it would have played on our minds. Though the only way we got them to communicate was to sing a new song because the Deathsong wasn't too fond of the one Garf was singing, probably because it was a terrible song made by Tuff on the way there. And on the way back we had Snotlout singing the song we made up, I swear if I heard either of the songs again my ears would explode. I couldn't stand the noise which came out of both of their mouths. As soon as we landed I went straight to see Hiccup but he wasn't in the clubhouse so I started to search the island to make sure that he was okay. I understood that he probably was but I just wanted to make sure so I searched the best I could. I found myself stood at the front of his hut and knocked politely and waited for a response but I got nothing. Instead I heard and watched a great explosion erupt from the forge behind the area of his hut. I felt I was having deja vu from the other day because I found myself running towards the sound again.

I cut the corner abruptly and found Hiccup and Toothless stood next to the forge. I watched as Toothless was laughing at his rider and I wondered why until my eyes met the sight of Hiccup. He was covered in ash from the explosion the forge made so of course I found myself laughing as well. "What the hell happened to you?" I escaped the words through my laughter. He scrubbed some of the ash off his clothes and pointed at Toothless "He thought it would be funny to put more fire in the forge than needed so it blew up at me," he looked at Toothless and sarcastically said "Thanks bud," but you could find the humour in his voice he tried holding back a laugh of his own. "What did you need to the forge for anyway?" I questioned as I came closer to the scene of disaster. "You know how I used the knife to free chicken from that amber substance," he started off as I nodded to his statement. I found it fascinating what he did, it was ingenious how he lit the knife a flame to cut through the amber so I had a good idea where he was heading with this. "Well I figured, since all you guys have a weapon of your own I mean you have you axe, Snotlout and Fishlegs a sword and the twins each have swears, I figured I'd forge myself a weapon of my own and after that with chicken it gave me inspiration to make it into a sword."

You could see the proud emotion of achievement he had in his eyes and his smile which just made him look more beautiful than usual. "I'll let you carry on with it, be sure to show me it once it's done," I nodded at him as I started to leave slowly. His smiled widened at me as he replied "Don't worry I will do," and I cut back round the corner and headed back to my own ready to lie down and rest before dinner. I felt myself wander into a deep sleep after I felt my body collapse straight down on the bed and from it, I didn't realise it was on my mind but it was clear that it was, I let my mind take me back into the past and let events pass through my mind in chronological order.

There we sat with the dragons. I recognised Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins easily but the person sat next to me was the most recognisable of all. I would never forget his sweet and innocent smile, the way he would play with his father's dragon Skullcrusher and the way he always fell over when he tried running away from me when we played a game. But right now, he sat next to me with his feet crossed and legs pulled against his chest and he wrapped his arms around himself, this was the shy Hiccup we all loved and knew. I watched a montage of images pass through my mind of all the memories that we had with one another and it just made my heart melt knowing that we were so young but had so many great memories with each other only for them all to get destroyed. The one which hurt me the most was the upcoming one, it was something I made with my mother. I remember my mother's sewing skills so she held me create a small dragon toy which was shaped like a NightFury because Hiccup had always mentioned it being his favourite dragon from the Book of Dragons. As well as this, it was a gift for his birthday so I wanted to make it special for him and this was what I and my mother came up with.

His reaction that day when I handed the toy over was incredible. It was the look of pure joy and he absolutely loved it you could see it through his eyes even though he still acted shy whenever he was around people that day. You could say the attention was never his strong suit; he didn't like it so he always hid behind Valka's legs. I would never forget that day because that was the day we made a connection with each other a connection the both of us would never forget. From that moment on, everywhere I saw him I noticed that he always had the toy with him, sometimes I saw him carrying it within his tunic pocket. Seeing this always put a smile on my face. But each of these images was destroyed in my head as flames engulfed each of them and the day he was taken crossed through my mind. I didn't want to watch I didn't want to go through all the pain again, I knew that couldn't bear it. So I forced myself to wake up.

I opened my eyes immediately and let realism and reality seep back through my life. I laid there for a few minutes so that I could have a moment and let the sadness subside and feel back in present. It was a long time ago, I shouldn't be thinking about all this but I knew why I was. After all the connections I had made to Hiccup it was only a matter of time all the memories of the past would creep back through my mind. Even the this was even crossing my mind, why did everything seen like such a coincidence. I pushed myself up from the bed and started to make my way to the clubhouse ready for dinner, as I past Hiccup's house I figured he might still be there so I looked round back to find him but he was there so I knocked on his door again but there was no reply. I knocked again a little bit harder this time but in doing I accidently opened the door. I looked inside to see if was there but I couldn't get a good look so instead i stepped inside and searched for myself. I couldn't seem to see him anywhere so I decided that he was already up at the clubhouse.

As I went to make my exit from his hut, I accidentally knocked over his things on one of the desks in the room. I panicked quickly and started picking it all back up, setting it back in its rightful place. Though the last object I picked up, I picked it up slowly and examined it very carefully. It wasn't possible, it's smooth texture, the stitching, the fabric just everything about it, the detail all of was identical. The object I held within my hands was the shape of the toy NightFury I made all those years ago...all those years ago for Hiccup's birthday. This couldn't be the same one...surely not. 

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