Chapter 4

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Moonlight eventually made her way inside the warren, padding through the well-kept tunnels and admiring the workmanship that was used to craft the home. Moonlight soon came upon a large chamber, bigger than anything in Sandelford. Her ears perked forward as she sat up on her hind legs, taking in the space. 

Bigwig came up beside her, his ears perked forward, "We call this chamber the Honeycomb." he pointed his nose upward, "See the roots holding up the ceiling? They look like --" 

"A Honeycomb." Moonlight finished, as she looked around the space, seeing rabbits talking amongst themselves. 

Fiver and Hazel came up beside her,  "How is it that you escaped Sandelford?" Hazel asked, "We thought we were the only ones that got out -- aside from Captain Holly." 

Moonlight's whimsical expression -- her thoughts of peace, and rest -- came crashing down about her as Hazel spoke. Her posture stiffened, the scars on her body throbbing, reminding her of what had happened. Her eyes drifted to the packed earth beneath her feet as she sighed heavily. 

Other rabbits gathered around, all curious to hear the tale of how Moonlight escaped. Blackberry made her way to the front, with Campion at her side. She looked up at the larger doe, and gently nuzzled noses with her, "Its ok." She whispered. 

Moonlight sighed as her ears came forward and she began to speak, "It started with the rumbling." She said, "The earth began to shake. Then . . . man-things came. Creatures that were impossibly huge. Like hrududus, but bigger, with long thin arms made of metal." 

"Sounds right nightmarish." Broom quipped as his ears pinned back. 

Moonlight continued, her voice soft and distant, "The burrows were filled in, trapping us. I-" She sighed shakily, "I tried to get the does and kits out, but the man things tore open the ceiling and filled the runs with . . . something that made the air turn bad. Everyone panicked. I tried to guide them out -- but I was nearly smothered, by my brothers and sisters as they tried to claw their way out to freedom." She reached up and touched the scar on her cheek with a paw, "I -I don't remember much, just . . . the ceiling being opened, and I-I was scooped up by one of those man-things. Then .  . . dumped in a mound of dirt, amongst the bodies of friends and family." 

Moonlight's eyes got glassy as she stated out, past the others, through the opposing wall, "I-I . . . dug myself out and I . . . ran. I ran from that death-place. I ran until my legs gave out and I collapsed in a scrape far from Sandelford." A tears slipped down her cheek, staining her fur, "An Owsla -- Someone who is supposed to protect the warren. I ran.

"If you hadn't run," Hazel said, "you would not be here to tell the story." He reached out with a paw and placed it over hers, "You did all you could." 

Moonlight took a shaky breath as she lifted her gaze to his, "I remembered what Fiver had said -- about high and lonely hills . . . a place where Rabbits could be free. I-- I picked up your scent, and followed you here." 

Pipkin gasped as his ears perked up, "You mean to tell me you tracked us all the way from Sandelford?" 

Moonlight looked away, "It wasn't easy. Had to dodge Efrafran patrols." 

"Did they see you?" Campion asked. 

Moonlight shook her head, "No. No." She turned away from the group, "Excuse me." 

Bigwig watched her go, as Hawkbit spoke, "Hard to believe she was able to track us all the way here." 

Bigwig scoffed, "Not that hard." He replied, "Moonlight is one of the best." He then followed the doe down one of the side burrows. 

Moonlight wandered the burrows, her pace slow. Her legs felt heavy with the memories of that day. She soon came to a stop and hunkered down in the dirt, closing her eyes and bearing her teeth, trying to steady her breathing. Bigwig rounded a corner, and paused, seeing Moonlight hunkered down, her entire form shaking. 

He slowly moved closer to her, "Easy, las." He whispered, leaning down and nuzzling her shoulder, "It's alright, yea? It's over." 

Moonlight's eyes opened as she looked up at him, "I'm sorry. I-- the memories. Sometimes they just consume me." 

Bigwig felt his heart break for her, "I know. I know." He leaned down, lifting her head with his nose under her jaw, "But, chin up, las. It's alright now." He pulled away, offering a reassuring smile, "You made it. You made it home."

Moonlight stared up at him, before she pushed herself up onto her haunches and stared at him, "You're bedside manner needs a bit of work, Thlayli." She teased him. 

Bigwig snorted and rolled his eyes, gently swatting at her with his paw, "Oh, hush you. Come, I want to show you something." 

Moonlight followed Bigwig deeper into the warren, until they came to a steep drop into an open cavern. Moonlight picked her way down the rocks, before following Bigwig to the cave, looking around at the rock structures about her. 

Water flowed through the cavern, from a natural spring. Moonlight crept closer and sniffed the water, "It smells so clean." She said. 

"Comes from in the earth." Bigwig said, before he pointed to a massive boulder, that was blocking an exit to the large cavern, "See that boulder? Beyond that is a tunnel that leads right out to the boarder of the Efrafan warren." 

"Why is it sealed off?" Moonlight asked as she took a drink from the stream. 

Bigwig looked over, "Our last big fight with Woundwort -- their chief -- he tried to lead an invasion through the tunnel, but we had to collapse it. It's how Campion got his scars." 

Moonlight lifted her head, "I was wondering about that." She came up beside him, tilting her head, "Don't suppose we could dig out around it -- use the tunnel again." 

"Maybe." Bigwig concurred, "But it's risky." 

Moonlight gave him an amused smirk, "Who dares, wins." She quoted the old Owsla saying. 

Bigwig chuckled, his gaze softening, "Who dares, wins."

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