Chapter 5

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Moonlight and Bigwig soon made their way back up to the Honeycomb chamber, greeted by Campion and Blackberry. 

Blackberry came up to Moonlight, "Are you alright, dear?" she asked softly. 

The white and gray doe nodded in return, "I am. Thlayli was just showing me the secret passage below the warren." 

Campion's expression changed to one of recognition, "Ohh. What do you think of it?" He asked. 

"Moonie here thinks we can dig a new tunnel around the boulder -- make use of that sneaky entrance back into Efrafa." Bigwig said. 

"You think?" Blackberry looked up at her mate. 

"The last thing Woundwort would be expecting is us using the same thing twice." Campion said with a contemplative expression. 

"What's this now?" Hazel asked as he moved forward. 

"Your friend here thinks we should re-dig the old tunnel that leads to the willows by the river." Campion said. 

"It's a good resource. Why waste it?" Moonlight spoke, "If Woundwort thinks it's out of commission, why not make use of his complacency?" 

Bigwig chuckled as he stared at her, "Always liked the way you thought, Moonlight." He bumped her with his shoulder, "Crafty as El-Ahrairah." 

Hazel hummed softly to himself, "Woundwort has been on his heels since our last battle," He looked up at the newcomer, "let me think on it, alright?" 

Moonlight smirked, "Of course, Hazel-rah." she winked teasingly. 

Hazel scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Moonlight." he chided, before he turned and hopped away, Primrose following after him. 

Moonlight chuckled softly as she looked over to the others, "Well then," she postured up a little bit, "Suppose I better get above ground. Keep an eye out for elil, aye?" She passed by Blackberry and Campion, "See you for evening Silflay." 

Campion watched her go, his ears twitching, "Smart mind, that one." He commented. 

Bigwig chuckled, "She used to run circles around us back at Sandelford." He said. 

Moonlight emerged into the afternoon sun, and made her way to the edge of the hill, gazing down at the patchwork of fields and forests that stretched as far as the eyes could see. She sat up on her haunches, scanning the country side, her ears alert and forward. Overhead, birds were singing, creating a beautiful afternoon melody. 

"Been here less than a day, and you're already on duty, eh?" 

Moonlight cast her gaze downward, seeing Hannah, the mouse, peering up at her with big eyes. 

Moonlight chuckled, "Its good to have a routine. And it feels good to help the warren as best I can." She turned her gaze back to the sky. 

"You known the rabbits for a long time, hmm?" Hannah asked as she sat beside her. 

"Some my whole life. Bigwig and I grew up together." Moonlight said, "I've known Fiver since he was a kit." 

Hannah smiled, "They all are so overjoyed that you're here, y'know." 

Moonlight nods wordlessly. Sniffing the air, she smelled the leaves, the grass, the flowers. It was all so peaceful. 

Hannah stared up at Moonlight, "Are there other does like you? Ones who joined the Owsla?" 

Moonlight looked down at her, "Not that I know of. I was often told that does couldn't fight. Couldn't patrol, or defend the warren. But, if the does are the ones that dig the warren, raise the kits, why can't I defend it? When Bigwig told me he was planning on joining our warren's Owsla, I  joined up too." She then got low, "And between you and me -- them bucks are about as smart as a pile of rocks." 

Hannah burst into laughter as she rolled onto her back, "Finally! Someone who gets it." She giggled, staring up at Moonlight with a warm smile. 

Moonlight smiled back, "I think you and I are going to get along just fine, Hannah." 

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