Chapter 3

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"How is it going, my friend.", Win asked through the phone call.

Dew smiled. It has been three days since he first come to that place. So many things happened. Since the first day he came,  there's nothing he doesn't like about that place.

"Good.", He briefly replied.

Win on the other side frowned. "That's all?"

"What else do you want me to say anyway?"

"Haven't found someone over there?"

Dew smiled. "Hey, Win. You desperately want me to move on, don't you?"

"Of course!"

"Sat!", Dew cursed.

"Ao?", Win question. "Is it wrong?"

Dew just shook his head. Thinking about Win's word, Dew think he's okay now. Suddenly Nani came into his mind. The times he spent with the guy he just met gives him so much joy. Dew couldn't help but to smile. The moment of the first time he met Nani still vivid in his mind. It was not a good start but he can say, now is much better.

"Hey. What are you thinking? You've been silent for a moment now.", Win said, killing Dew's thoughts.

"Huh? No. It's nothing.", Dew replied.

Suddenly a knock was heard from his door room. "Er, Win. Let's talk again later. Someone's in front of my room."

After bidding a goodbye, they end the call. Dew rise from his bed and went to open the door to see Nani is standing upon him.

"Ao, Nani. What are you doing here?", Dew asked.

"Are you busy?"

"Why?", Dew asked.

"Er, actually we're having a campfire party. All the guests are invited. Do you wanna come?"

Dew didn't quickly reply, but paused for a moment.

"It's alright if you can't come.", He said and was about to leave. But Dew quickly stopped him.

"Hey. I didn't said that I won't come", Dew said. "Let's go."

Nani nod. They walked together to the beach where the campfire were already setup with alot of fairy lights hanging around the place. All the guests and staffs were also there. Some musics were played at the background too.

"Wow. Everyone's here.", Dew said.

"Er. Every month, we will do this to strengthen our bond within the staffs. And by chance, the guests are usually  invited too.", Nani said.

"Really? I think it's my luck that I can join this time.", Dew said.

"N'Dew! You're here?", Mae said while approaching the two of them. Excitedly.

Dew smiled and wai to her. "Yes, phi. Nani invited me here."

Mae smiled mischievously. His eyes switched to Nani for a second (a teasing one, of course.). "Oi. I'm glad you're here. There's a lot of food and drinks. Suits yourself na. If you need anything just asked Nani."

Nani's eyes widen when he heard his name mentioned. "Ao, phi!", Nani whined.

"Alai? Stop complaining! I have to go greets the other guests. Excuse me na N'Dew.", She said and left.

"Khrub.", Dew said. He glanced at Nani's grumpy face. He couldn't hide his smile when Nani questioned him.

"What are you smiling?"

"Nothing.", Dew replied, pretend it was nothing. Nani shrugged.

The party went well. Everyone enjoying the moments. Singing, dancing and played some games. Dew was enjoying it but most of the time, his eyes were on Nani. There, he saw another side of the guy. He's really having fun, laughing and play along with everyone.  How come he never show that side of him all these time? Dew couldn't help but smiling at how he really attached to Nani.

At a moment where Dew couldn't take his eyes off Nani, suddenly their eyes met. Dew smiled at him. Nani noticed it before, that Dew is actually good looking and tall. When he smiled, his dimples makes him look more attractive.

Nani was a little bit shy when he realized he stared at the guy too long. He immediately looked away, shifting his eyes to Mae who's singing for everyone. He clapped his hands along with everyone there. After a second he looked back at Dew and surprisingly the guy was still looking at him. Nani's heart suddenly beats faster. He questioned himself.

What is this feelings?


The next day...

Dew just came out from his room and walked to the lobby. While on his way, he's thinking of how he wants to spend his last day at the resort.

Should I have a walk with Nani around the village? Nah.. he must be busy.

When he reached the lobby, he saw a few staffs were there. Meanwhile, Nani and Mae were talking to a lady who looks worried. Chompoo was also there but standing a little bit of their side with a guilty but also worried face.

"What's wrong, phi? Who's that lady?", Dew asked one of the male staff.

"Oh, N'Dew. Well, she's Nong Tep's mother.", he replied.

"Really? But what happen? She looks worried?"

"Tep ran away."

"Huh? To where?"

But before the staff could answer, suddenly Nani speaks.

"We have to find him. Before it's dark. We can't let him stay outside alone. It's dangerous.", Nani said.

Their eyes look outside the open lobby. It's windy and the skies started turning grey. Indeed, it's going to rain soon.

"I'll go find him too." Mae said. Nani nodded. "You can search him around the resort. I'll go find him near the forest. I think I know where he is."

"Take someone with you if you're going there.", Mae said.

"No. It's alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Don't worry.", Nani reply. "P'Jam, can help P'mae looking for him around here too. He might be around."

Jam agreed. After that they started leaving. Nani was about to leave when Dew suddenly blocked his way. The shorter guy looked up, to see Dew's serious face.

"I'll come with you. Just in case something happen, I can help.", Dew said.

"No. I'll be fine. Just stay here."


Nani left without intention to hear any words from the guy. Dew sighed.

Why is he so stubborn?!

After almost two hours, Dew is still waiting for everyone to come back from their search for Tep. Sometimes he sit down on the sofa then after a few minutes he'll stand up and walking back and forth. Feeling anxious. Worry about Tep whereabouts. Also worry for Nani who went out alone looking for the boy.

Dew took a deep breath. He shifted his eyes at the girl who's sitting next to him since earlier. Chompoo looked so worried too with a guilty face. Dew know the little girl know something but won't say anything. Dew took a seat besides her.


The girl slowly looked at Dew. She really can't hide her guilt feelings.

"Will you tell phi what happened to Tep? You know where he is right?", Dew trying to confront her.

It's going to dark soon and the weather, looks like it will be raining too.

Chompoo looked at him for a while before turned away his face to other direction. Refused to answer him. Dew sighed lightly.

What on earth actually happened?!

After a moment, Mae and the other came back. From their face expression Dew knew they still haven't found Tep yet. Tep's mother already shed tears. She almost fainted, luckily Mae and the other staff hold her and let her sits on the sofa.

"Didn't found him yet?", Dew asked, even he know what the answer will be. Mae shooked her head.

"How about Nani? Have he came back?", Mae asked.

"Not yet phi.", Dew answered.

The thunder in the sky started roaring. Even the wind is stronger that before.

"What should we do now, Dew? Seems like it'll be raining really soon. It's getting dark too. Nani haven't come back yet. I'm afraid something bad happened to them.", Mae said, worried.

Dew bit his lips. He looked at Chompoo. The girls was about to cry already. Dew kneeled down Infront of the girl. He took her hands.

"Chompoo. Are you worry about Tep and p'Nani?", He gently asked.

"If yes. Tell phi, where is Tep hiding? You don't want something bad happens to both of them right?"

Chompoo nodded.


That's it for chapter 3 everyone! Thank you for still waiting for updates from me. I've read all your comments and they touched me.

Btw, sorry if this chapter kinda boring, cringed and rushed. I've tried my best to write with all my might. Also please leave some comment and tell me if there's something I need to do better in the future.

Rak thuk khn mak mak ka!!

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