Chapter 1

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Third P.O.V

The manor was bustling, one in the many throwing a party this week. The upper class was all dolled up in their pristine white gowns a suits, a show of purity in their otherwise ravaged world. Music was playing softly, an orchestra that was barely louder than the low murmur of chatter. Two young men entered and casually surveyed their surroundings. One towered over most of the guests, his long black hair slicked back into a low pony tail and his crimson eyes seemed stuck in a permanent glare. His companion, slightly shorter, had salmon pink hair that was styled into careful spikes, and a white scarf clung to his neck. " Alright Gajeel, you stay here. I'm gonna find the doc." The pink haired man said. The man nodded and leaned against a pillar on the far side of the room.

Entering late to the party, two women looked around, white fans held in petite gloved hands. They both wore matching white gowns, bodices tied tight enough to make breathing difficult.  The shorter of the two fanned herself slightly, already uncomfortable in the ridiculously poofy gown. Her sky blue hair was pulled back with a white headband, her companions blonde hair was braided and tied in a white ribbon. " Alright Lucy, keep an eye out. I'm going to find the doctor." Lucy nodded and wandered into the crowd, smiling sweetly at those she passed.

The small bluenette walked around the edge of the party, looking for the man she was after. She spotted his long green hair and smiled softly as she made her way to him. She gently touched his shoulder with her fan, causing him to turn. " Good evening Freed." she said with a smile. The young man smiled softly in return. "Miss.Levy, a pleasure." He said as they both made their way to the edge of the room. Once they were away from the main crowd of guests he opened his white jacket and pulled two small cases out. They were no bigger than his hand and a sleek black.  She carfully took them from him and frowned slightly. "This is it?" she asked as she looked at him.

He sighed softly. " It's gotten risky Levy, they've started to suspect me. They have been bringing sniffers to every party in the last week, trying to hunt Runners down." He said as she untied the ribbon around her waist. She unzipped a small hole in the side and slide the cases into a belt hidden beneath her dress. " Iv erased anything they could trace, but if they catch you here, it's over for all of us. The two of you need to leave before they get here." Levy nodded as she retied her ribbon and gently touched his arm. " Thank you Freed." she said with a smile before heading back to the party.

She looked for her blonde haired friend, spotting her near the table of food. She walked over to her, continuing to look at the doors. She gently grabbed Lucys arm, "Lu, we need to go." She whispered. Before either woman could move, the doors to the manor were flung open. The two turned and tried to stifle their gasps.

Five men in deep red uniforms entered, clutching the chains of five snarling beasts.  They were canine in shape but hairless, their skin a tight gray over over muscled forms. Twin tails whipped out behind them, razor sharp and their teeth snapped at the air as they sniffed. " What do we do Levy" Lucy whispered frantically as the animals were lead through the crowd. " Lu you head for the entrance. You can pass unnoticed. I will try and get out through the bathroom window." Levy whispered quietly. Lucy nodded and the women quietly parted ways.

On the other side of the room, the two men were as tense as the women. "Now what?"Gajeel growled quietly. " I'll go out the front. They know me, so they won't suspect me. Maybe you can get out through the bathroom window." The pink haired man whispered. Gajeel grunted before splitting with his friend. He remembered casing the manor, and knew their was a bathroom just up the stairs. He climbed them quietly, keeping an eye on the gray skinned beasts, but one was following through the crowd. He hurried down the hall once he was out of sight, he could hear the sniffer closing in.

He quickly opened the door, watching down the hall before closing the door. " Occupado! "A small voice cried and he tensed. He quickly turned, his mouth gapping. In the window was the backside of a woman's dress, her white boots kicking frantically. He could hear the sniffer just outside and quickly flicked the lock before rushing to the window.

" OK Boots, I need the window." He growled. " I'm busy!" she snapped. He could see where her dress was caught on the loose frame and quickly unhooked it, freeing the girl to crawl out the window. He followed her out and slid the window closed before hurrying after the small bluenette. As they rounded the corner, two figures met them. Lucy and the pink haired man. " Let's scram Natsu." Gajeel growled as he headed towards the other end of the street.

Levy and Lucy head the opposite way, and as they ran, they she'd their skirts, revealing tan wind breaker pants underneath. Levy easily scaled a near by wall, before reaching down to Lucy, easily helping her up. They ran across high rooftops, leaping from one to the next, going farther from the center of the city, towards the slums. Several blocks away, the men were leaping from roofs, sliding down sidings and swinging from flag polls. They could see the drop point ahead, a single man sitting on a park bench that had seen better days.

They men landed a few feet away before casually walking up to the large red haired man. " Oi Gildarts!" The pink haired man shouted with a toothy grin. The man grinned and stood. "Gajeel, Natsu. You guys made it!" Gajeel snorted. "Course we did old man." He said as Natsu pulled out two small black cases from his jacket and handed them to the man. He opened them, five small brown vials in each, and checked for damage. As he did, the click of boots reached their ears and the men looked up as two women came into view. "Ladies!  Glad to see you made it as well!" he grinned as the women stopped, Levy freezing mid way from handing over her own cases. The four stared at each other as realization clicked.


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