First Day of Hive Academy

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Richard sighed.

He looked down at the headphone he broke in his sleep. 

Yep, this day was going to be a disaster. Heavy on the dis.

Richard grabbed the messenger bag that Slade handed him yesterday. 

The messenger bag was black with a large orange 'S' in the left corner when he wore it, and a black and white checker board strap.

Today, Richard was wearing black and white converse high tops, black skinny jeans, a black and white checker board belt, a black shirt, and a black jacket whose sleeves went to his elbows.

His two stainless steel tracker bracelets were showing.

"I should've gotten a longer jacket." Richard sighed.

"I guess that'll do for today. But later, you'll be expected to wear your apprentice uniform." Slade informed him.

"Great." Richard rolled his eyes.

"Stop that. Now, get going. I expect you to show up in all your classes early and to get the best grades. I will not have a failure for an apprentice." Slade said sternly. 

"Well, it's too late for that." Richard said.

Slade grabbed him by the wrist and yanked Richard towards himself, "And what does that mean?" 

"I think it's quite obvious! I'm a failure of a hero; I can't even get away from you! And I've killed someone! Heroes don't kill people!" Richard yelled.

Slade pushed him away, "Get to school."

"You didn't deny it." Richard acknowledged as he walked out of the apartment. 

"Heroes don't kill. Villains do." Slade said. 

Richard heard it though.


Richard walked into his first class of the day.

Some students were already in the class, but not many.

Richard looked around before taking one of the desks in the back. 

He sighed as he checked his schedule.

1st Period: Villianry 101 with Amanda Waller (7:00 - 8:00)

2nd Period: Weaponry with Deadshot (8:05 - 9:05)

3rd Period: Gym/Combats with Black Beetle (9:10 - 10:10)  

4th Period: Tactics with Ra's Al Ghul  (10:15 - 11:15)

5th Period: Theavery with Catwoman (11:20 - 12:20)

Lunch (12: 30 - 1:00) 

6th Period: Psychology with Doctor Strange (1:05 - 2:05)

7th Period: Heroes 101 with Black Manta (2:10 - 3:10)

8th Period: Science with Mister Freeze (3:15 - 4:15)

9th Period: Economics with Lex Luthor (4:20 - 5:30)  

Dinner (5:30 - 9:00)

*NOTE: All students have had an official day after 9th period. After 9th period, they may do whatever they wish as long as it does not go against school rules or their mentor/master. 

Richard inwardly groaned.

It was going to be a long, horrible day.

He had fought all of the villains that were teaching at some point in his hero career.   

His stay here was going to be worse than being with just Slade and Wintergreen. 

Richard then noticed a few kids glaring at him.

Yep. If the teachers didn't kill him, the students would.

'How did Slade ever think this was a good idea?' Richard thought as he looked down at his notebook.

"Sit down class! Yes, we obviously have a new student. However, you're eyes should be on the board and your mouths closed. Welcome back to Villianry 101. I hope you've done your homework." Amanda Waller smacked a ruler in her hand. 

All of the kids had their homework out on their desks.


By the end of the class, Richard had two full sheets of paper on notes about villainry. 

As the bell rang and Amanda dismissed them, Amanda called Richard to her desk.

"Renegade. I don't care if you're starting classes late; I will not be lenient. You will do your homework or there will be consequences. I've put together all the homework and notes that you have missed. I expect all of this completed by the end of the week. And you will take any tests that pop up this week. Understand?" Amanda said sternly, pushing a thick file folder towards him.

"Yes, Ma'am." Richard nodded.

"Other than that, I'd be careful if I were you. You're not a hero any more, but not everyone will see it that way." Amanda warned. 

Richard nodded and picked up the file folder that Amanda pushed towards him. 

"Now, don't be late to your classes." Amanda said and then dismissed him.

Richard tried to get to his next class on time, but trouble came around.

"Renegade. That's what they call you now? Pathetic. The great, high and mighty Robin is now with us villains. Wonder what Batman thinks." Johnny Rancid mocked.  

"Johnny, lets not do this." Richard said, trying to defuse the situation.

"No, I think now is the best time to do this." Johnny cracked his knuckled, smirking.

A crowd was starting to form.

"Wait. That's Robin, from the Teen Titans?" one kid asked with a nasty grin. 

"Yeah. Goody-two-shoes Robin is now a villain. Or at least trying to be." Johnny smirked.

"I'm not trying to be anything. I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to be here." Richard said.

"Oh no. I want you here. Lots of people want you here." Johnny cracked his knuckles.

He punched Richard in the jaw.

Richard fell down, spitting out some blood and saliva. 

He didn't dare hit back though. 

Instead, he got up, adjusted his bag, licked his chapped lips, and walked away.

"Aweee. Is Robin ganna run to Slade? He certainly can't run to the Teen Titans or Justice League. You betrayed them! They won't believe anything you say!" Johnny laughed.

Richard gritted his teeth together, but didn't fall for it.

He needed to get to class.

*NOTE: Young Justice is a covert team, so that's why Johnny doesn't say them too. 

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