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Richard walked into his next class; Weaponry with Deadshot. 

Soon, the class was full of students.

"Well, everyone, we have a new student. Renegade...or as you know him, Robin!" Deadshot smirked evilly and gave a deep laugh.

Richard clenched his fists and took a deep breath. 

He wasn't going to start a fight with a teacher.

"So, how did the high and mighty hero, Robin fall and become a dirty villain?" Deadshot asked.

Richard held his tongue.

"Humm? That was a question boy! Answer!" Deadshot yelled.

"Deathstroke took me as an apprentice." Robin said, his voice serious. 

"Wait. Slade is your master?" Deadshot stood up straight not leaning on his desk any more.

"Yes." Robin's eyes narrowed and his teeth clenched.

"Oh man. How much abuse have you gone through?" Deadshot asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Robin asked coldly.

"Shit." Deadshot's eyes were wide.

"Class, quiet down! Today, we are learning..." Deadshot took all the attention off of Renegade at once.


"Renegade, a word." Deadshot called him back as he was leaving the classroom.

"Yes?" Richard asked as he re-entered the room.

"Does the Justice League know where you are?" Deadshot asked.

"No. I was kidnapped a few months ago." Richard said truthfully. 

"Listen kid, I may not like you. But, you don't deserve what Slade can dish out. I'll get the League to find an anonymous tip about you being here. But for now, stay away from the other teachers. And stay away from the kids as much as you can." Deadshot said.

"Why are you helping me?" Richard asked, taken aback by the kindness.

"Kid, Slade shouldn't be around children. Heck, he shouldn't be around anyone. He's a monster. He'll do things you could only dream of. I'm pretty sure he's unstable." DS said.

"Yeah...well, so am I." Richard said.

Deadshot's eyes were wide, "What did he make you do?"

"What hasn't he?" Richard asked.

"Kid...we'll get you out." Deadshot promised.

"That's what I'm afraid of. Who do you get out? Robin, Richard, or Renegade?" Richard asked.

"What?" Deadshot asked, confused.

"Nothing." Richard gave a grimace. 

Deadshot let it go, but decided to watch Robin a bit more closely for now on.


"Get into pairs. Anyone left out will be with me." Black Beetle said as he walked into the big gymnasium. 

Quickly, everyone got into pairs.

But, Robin was the unlucky lad today.

"So, the new student is the odd one out. His first day too. Pathetic." Black Beetle sneered.

"Well, come here!" Beetle yelled at him.

Robin walked to where Black Beetle was standing.

"Now class, we are going to practicing that kick you learned yesterday." Black said.

No one moved.

"Well? Go!" Beetle yelled.

Suddenly, everyone was practicing a round-house kick.

 "Kick." Beetle said, watching Robin.

Robin did a perfect round-house kick.

"Do it again until I tell you to stop." Black said.

Everyone worked on the kick for the rest of the class.

"Okay, class, stop." Beetle said.

Everyone stopped at once.

Some of the kids were dizzy, but paid attention anyways.

They knew if you didn't, you'd suffer some serious consequences.

"DID I TELL YOU YOU COULD STOP?" Beetle yelled at Robin.

"You just said that the class could stop." Robin said.

"I said class! Not you!" Beetle yelled.

Richard immediately knew what was going on.

It happened with a few of his other teachers during his school years at Gotham Academy.

A few of the teachers didn't like his heritage, so they treated him like a dog and segregated him from the rest of the class.

And that was exactly what Black Beetle was doing to him.

Richard sighed, but went back to kicking.

He knew it was best to just lay low otherwise face the consequences that Black Beetle had set up.

He'd talk to Slade about it later. 

He may not like Slade, but he sure as heck wasn't going to be treated like this again!

Should Deadshot be sincere, or should he plan something else?

Serious, I can't decide if he should be sincere or not. 

Also, sorry it's short. I'm trying to get back into writing this certain fanfic. It might take a few chapters to get back to my groove. 

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