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"Sit down." Ra's Al Ghul said harshly as he entered the classroom.

"Well, well, well. Robin." Ra's sneered slightly.

Richard and Ra's stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes.

"Today, we are going to be learning how to stealthily sneak into a highly guarded vault." Ra's said as he looked away.

He pulled up a picture of blueprints onto the whiteboard. 

"This is a vault inside the nearby city bank, Star City Bank." Ra's said.

Richard's eyes widened. 

HIVE Academy was in Star City?!

He could easily get to Green Arrow.

But first he had to get out of here.

Ra's smirked as he saw Renegade start planning.

'Good. The plan is working.' Ra's smirked.


"Hey there, kiddo." Catwoman smiled as he walked into her class.

"Hey." Richard smirked.

Catwoman was on her own side. Or at least, whatever side helped her.

"I don't envy you." she said as she handed him a few pieces of paper and a textbook.

"Great. What I need is for people to envy me." Richard huffed.

Selina laughed.

"Don't worry. Stick to your own path. Don't trust the others here." Catwoman said.

Richard smirked, "Thanks. As if I couldn't tell not to trust people who were my villains."

"Hey now, sarcasm isn't becoming of you." Catwoman lightly punched his arm.

Richard winced as she hit a bruise.

Selina's eyes widened. 

"How bad is he?" Selina asked.

"Bad." Richard whispered, closing his eyes.

Selina had fire in her eyes, "That bastard."

"It's fine. I had it coming. Back-talking him isn't the greatest thing to do." Richard laughed a bit.

"You're still a child. He should be locked up for child abuse. If only Adeline knew-" Catwoman stopped talking.

"Adeline? Who's Adeline?" Richard asked.

Catwoman stared at him for a few minutes, "No one. Don't worry about it."


Gosh! Lunch couldn't come at a more perfect time!

He was starving!

He also had some information he needed to find out.

Who was Adeline? 

What would she do if she knew Slade was treating him like this?

What was she to Slade?

Those questions racked around Renegade's brain as he grabbed a tray and stood in line.

"What'cha want honey?" the lunch lady asked.

"Salad, please." Robin smiled.

The lady put a salad on Richard's plate. 

Robin then went and grabbed an apple juice bottle.

He paid for his food and then turned to find a seat.

But every group was sitting at a separate table.

He decided to take his chances with the kids that were quiet and meek. 

"Really, Robin?" Johnny Rancid laughed.

Richard ignored him as he tried to eat his lunch.

"HEY! I'm talkin' to you!" Johnny yelled. 

Robin still ignored him.

"Fine. Play it that way, you big baby! Now that you're here, you're afraid of fighting because you're outnumbered. What a coward!" Johnny laughed.

Richard's hands clenched into fists, but he didn't take the bait.

"He really is! Robin's a coward! Robin's a coward!" Johnny mocked.

Most of the other students started mocking with Johnny.

Robin, having had enough of this, threw his fork so fast, it was a blur.

The fork embedded itself into the table by Johnny.

Richard just took a few sips of his apple juice while the other kids shut up immediately.

Johnny stared in shock.

"Next time, Johnny...It won't miss your head." Richard said as he got up and dumped his tray.

He was NOT looking forward to Psychology with Doctor Strange. 

I think you guys can see where this might be heading with Johnny.

And I think two more chapters to finish the first day at HIVE. Maybe one. I have to see. 

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