Chapter Eleven

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This chapter is dedicated to @nailaaax123 , lot's of love to you.

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pearl's POV.

The alarm clock wakes me up with it's horrible sound. It is only horrible for the fact that I have to wake up from my comfortable dream.

When I'm done showering then brushing my teeth , I dress into a black oversized blue jeans and a tight plain black blouse. I put on one of the shoes i always wear, Converse, out of the four other pairs I have. I drag my backpack and spun down the stairs finding Kendall more like stuffing sandwich inside her month rather than normally eating.

"Well somebody is hungry Today" I. Proclaimed.

She looked up at me with a smile."Starving and excited. " She corrects me.

" Sure, New High school teenager ." I smirked.

"Yap. Oh, i aslo prepared a sandwich for you." Kendall says pointing at the sandwish and coffee cup on the kitchen counter . She is really so lovely, glad I have a sister like her.

Me: "Thanks."

Kendall: "Anytime Si. So, How was work yesterday? "

Me: "aside from the insults i got, it was okay. "

Kendall: " Whaaat, who insulted you so I can jump on them and break their nose!"

That made me laugh.

Me: "So then you get hurt?"

Kendall: "Well it will be worth it, no body insults you big sis. "
I laughed again.

"It was um... It was The Chief That works there. He insisted on calling me homeless while I said I wasn't, He also called me retarded. " I huff, he really is so arrogant and had no mannerism .

Kendall: "He is really stupid, I think your facial appearance is Beautiful sis. Even with the braces... and eye bags, your amazing form inside. And no one here looks homeless. People are so judgmental ."

"I know, let's go now ." I tell her when I finished my breakfast and keep the empty dishes on the sink .

She grab her backpack from the couch and we headed out side on the bus stop seats making sure to lock the door. While we are seated, i give Kendall an extra keys for home just in case. After moments her school bus is the first to arrive. She goes in and waves bye at me.

Mine arrived a couple minutes later, I spot Harper away on the back seats, her lips forms into a big croaked smile. Here we go...

"Bitch I have been texting you and not a single reply i got !" she complained as i sit next to her.

"Sorry , my phone was off since yesterday, my work was tight. "

"No way... you got a job! " She yelled.

"Shh. , keep your voice down."

But no , she is too much, She highers her voice and yells even louder. My eyes furrowed in disbelief.

"I Dont give Fucks to ever is listening. "

I heaved a sign.

"I got the job just on Saturday."


"It's a Bakery called pastry shop. "

"I know that bakery, Dad always goes there to get his daily bread sometimes he sends some to us."

"Aha. " I muttered in a voice lower than usually because of the Chief that despises me.He as no sympathy, he preffers to show how awful He is towards people. I know I'll get used to it.

When the bus stops we both part ways. I climbing the stairs to second floor, i head to my locker to take out my pen when i here a few group of girls ten steps away from my locker talking. One black haired said 'He came toady. '

I shrugged my shoulders get down the stairs walk inside the cafeteria and sit on the back tables to wait for the Third period. There is Some few students here, everyone budget doing their own thing as I just sit here waiting.

I glance at my phone screen that displays 11:30 which meant that is time for my history Lesson .I thank God i have history, I love the knowledge that history gives me, to me, it's literally an interesting subject , listening to behind pasts i don't ever mind that it takes 1 and a half hour to end.

Now Inside the class, its empty so im the first studdent getting in. Climbing the stairs, I sit at last row , really at the back so i can get a clear vista of the whole room. The bell rings and students make their sit. At last, Mr. Lucas, our history teacher comes in and the lesson begins.

When the lesson ended. Mr.Lucas left loads of homework assignment to do to present them on our next History lesson that is on Thursday. Not to mention the stares i got from a person wearing all black and face covered with a Hood. Probably it's just my imagination. But Crap. Why did the person made me feel uncomfortable ?
And why was my palm itchy?.

Furthermore, I'm inside the cafeteria once again, now fulfilled with hungry teens. I join the line and this time I take a Burger, and mango juice. The meal here never fails. That is why mom really wanted to keep me here.

Like last Friday i make my way to wear Harper always sit with the rest of the people.

My friends I guess?

Harper is like always the one to talk to me first.

"Si. Are you aware of how famous you are?"

I look at the others who are looking at me waiting for me to speak. Crap what is it this time? More humiliation?

i Nod my head meaning no.

"Well smart cookies, some people have been talking about how the new nerd danced at the club. "

I gasped from my drink. "What? "

"uh -huh " Kloe says.

Harper: "But dont worry ,it is not the whole school that knows and For me Your the kindest nerd Si..You know that. AND hell no! Next time I hear someone saying you are a nerd in front of me, they gonna get it. "

Me: "That's why I love you  "

Khloe: "Girl you so damn lucky you danced on SILAS! I wish I was that lucky cause he is so full of himself he doesn't like talking to most of the girls. "

My mouth drops open. I am staggered by the lack of humility.

My God, she calls that lucky ? Its horrible! That was just not me. It was the alcohol. And I want nothing to do with that whoever Silas is, how am i Iucky for that ?

"Guys please don't talk about that. it wasn't me, it was the awfully side effects of alcohol. "

Khloe: "Si you need to teach me how to grind like that."

Julie: "Yah me too! ". She says agreeing with what Kloe said.

"Guys! " I yell embarrassed.

"Fine. " Both Khloe and julie say at the same time. While Harper, Rick, burst in giggles .

After that we all start to eat when Julie breaks the silence.

"I saw him today Khloe."

Kloe stops eating and asks "Who? "

Julie: "Silas. "

Khloe: "You are not the only one. I saw him too."

"You two. " Zoe says when she pulled a string from both of their hair.

Kloe and Julie : "Why you!" They both yelled at Harper.

Everyone laughs.

Khloe: "What?we never talk about the strangely relationship you have with Raphael!"

Julie: "True. True". She says nodding her head.

Harper rolls her eyes at them.

Me: "Raphael is your boyfriend. I knew it! "

Harper: " Shush , he isn't."

Me: "No? Why? "

Harper" It's complicated."

Me: "Oh . Okay. "

The bell rings and we dismiss the cafeteria as everyone went back to class. This time i get inside of the Mathematics class where Harper, Khloe, and Julie are. I take my seat and
sit next to Julie As the maths teacher arrives.


Once the lesson finished, i and Harper get of out the college to catch the school bus. She is so protective of her car to the point she prefers taking the bus. When We were inside the bus finally, zoe asks me, "How is your Sis. "

"She is lovely" i reply.

Suddenly the students were shouting at the bus driver about how could he not see a rock that's when the bus collapse with a heavy object and rolls overall twice.

I cried in pain like all the rest of the students. Four of the windows broke because of the destroyed bus. Everybody screamed in pain .

" are you okay? " I shout to Harper.

"Yah I'm okay , are you okay?" She shouts back. I try to move my body but I couldn't, crap crap crap! My leg is stuck. I didn't want to worry her so i lie.

"Yah I'm okay! "

Some of the students managed to break the automatic door , the bus driver like everyone else has some bleeding spots, he is trying to get the students out. When it was Harper's time she yelled at me coughing saying to grab her hand. I told her that it's okay she can go first .

Now it was only me and a blonde who was tearing ,left inside .

"PEARL COME ON COME OUTSIDE THIS SHIT IS GONNA BLOW OFF IN MINUTES, COME OUTSIDE! " I heard Z shouting but I couldn't move, neither me nor the other girl with me inside.

"GO! I'LL BE OKAY! " I shout back my voice cracking in pieces.

Oh lord is this my end? I'll not get married, I won't see mom get another lover or see Kendall get marry, I'm going to die a virgin is that it! And in that moment my world collapsed, I wasn't going to survive , I cried but cried so hard . NO! I can't die, IT'S NOT MY TIME!

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US!!" The blonde girl shouted but she was crying already just like me.

i lowered my head on the ground , Just when I wanted to cry even more I hear a voice of a man. I look in front of me and it was not a man, it's the guy wore all black and stared at me in history class . His hair is silky ,light brown and extremely long ending before his neck, His eyes so Green shining and expressionless yet made eye contacts with mine.

"It's okay, im here." He whispered.

"Grab my hands. " He said but
I couldn't breath due to the excess of smoke. I Pass out.


I hope you guys loved this chapter. And also Thank you beautiful people for Making This book hit 1.01k reads yesterday. Tysm from my heart. (Vote, Comment,and Share.) Thank you.

( what would you do if you were in a crash accident situation? )

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