Chapter Ten

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At first,  you made made me nervous, now you make me feel safe.  -Happiestsadness.

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Today began smoothly , I woke up early not early enough but somehow it's early, I did what I always do in mornings and I luckily even got to eat my meal within 10 minutes and now I'm standing right inside the bakery or like they say 'Pastry shop ' . Just like yesterday Claire was at the cashier, she showed me a room where I could get a white t-shirt that everyone working in this place wears, at the front of the shirt written 'pastry shop' and backwards written 'Can I help?' In bold letters.

Also she gave me a platename with my name on it I kept it on and thanked her.

Still early and no customer came in, i swip the place, clean the tables and chairs and moped the floor as well. I then turn on the tee, coffee, milk , and hot chocolate machines. The tables were still empty without anything onto it.

I walk towards the kitchen when I find a man banking different types of breads, donuts, and pizza. He must be the person who baked all the food placed below the cashier counter. These place smells heavenly and to think that I hardly eat pizza.

The man noticed me as his face played with different expressions.

"Who the hell are you? Who let you in? We don't let homeless people get in here. Didn't Claire see you? " He says, scanning his eyes all over me and his face frowns in a expression that clearly he hates what he sees.

My hands start to swear but I brush it away. "I'm not homeless, I'm the new waiters."

"What? How can Mrs.Williams hire a retarded like you? "

Homeless? I look homeless? No, he is a bully just like the others I know, i'm used to this. Used to insults because of how I look or dress. I heaved a breathe.

"You can ask her." I reply with a sarcasm smile.

"Get what you want and LEAVE. As you can see, homeless like you don't belong here. " He says rolling his eyes.

With that I didn't bother to say anything else, I grab the desert spoons, tee cups, tiny plates and stumbled out of the kitchen.
I place the dishes at every table and turn on the air conditioner ready to receive the first costumers.

After Six minutes later a costumer came in. A teenage girl dressed in a black long dress, firmly hair curled up like waves, sits at the center of the table. I take the paper slip and write #Costumer 1 and walk towards her.

"Morning, what would you like for today?" I ask.

" A glass of hot chocolate and three Chicken sandwich please. Oh, and please instead of one glass of hot chocolate, bring three. "

I give the order slip to Claire and in within minutes I place the sandwiches and Glasses of hot chocolate in costumer one's table as two boys enter the pastry shop.... Why do I keep on seeing this two? (The guys that indicated me class no.13 and they were also at the club.)
Perhaps they don't remember me anymore, I silently hoped.
They give me staring looks and the blonde haired said "Lookie lookie, look who is here, the new nurd girl and entertainer. "
Why doe's he speaks like that all the time like he has all the rights from the world. Wait... He said entertainer? Me?

"What are you talking about?" I asked, I couldn't keep quite.

"Bruh she doesn't remember. " He said to the other guy and girl who are smirking beneath their breathe.
He continued.. " You entertained the people at the club, dancing on the counter, and I surely know you entertained Silas the most. " He smirked.

I knew it, I Knew I'm gonna suffer the consequenceses for going to that club..Who ever Silas is, I'm sure he must think i'm a perverse person. My God... Could this day get more humiliating?.I'm never getting inside a club again and surely no drinking alcohol again, ever.

I swallowed embarrassed and leave their table to attend the costumers that were coming inside, I got so busy and focused so nobody could complain about any slow service.


Later after work I bought on my way home a Burger for my lunch. Before Walking inside my room I said hy to Kendall who was chit-chatting with Lucy, our neighbor, and mom who is now in her room sleeping, coming from work on Sundays.

I remove the sweaty clothes , take a shower, dress and do laundry. After an our , usually I would be reading a novel book by now but today I fell really tired so I burry myself in bed and fall into a heavy deep sleep.


Okay guys please don't kill me I know that this chapter is short and I'm sorry. Since the next chapter is going to be interesting in my side, I decided to give it a break and update the chapter soon.
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