Chapter Nine

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The sun rises strongly hitting the widow in my direction causing me to roll in another position then I go back to sleep. An hour later I feel a wet liquid onto my skin just on cheek, and I heard someone breathe. That's when I open my eyes I find that it's just my dog Jimmy trying to wake me. He is the cutest protecting dog.

"Hey buddy." I say to him playing with his fur then I kiss him on the forehead. "Thanks for waking me" I say to him. The alarm clock rings just few seconds after indicating me that it is now 09:10. With my left arm I reach to the clock and switch it off together with the air conditioner.

I panicked, now I remember i have jobs interviews today at 10 a.m . I can't fail them , I can't reach there late . I stand on my feet and quickly make the bed then I run to my bathroom to brush my teeth. After the shower I look up to the sink mirror noticing eye bags.

Always get eye bags. I gave my last look on my eyes and keep the brown contacts on. I the tie up my hair making a firm bun . I wear a white sleeve shirt and a long skirt till where my knees end.

I then keep my shoes and place my phone on the leather bag. I leave my room to mom's room and knock on her door. No one responded. Then i noticed Kendal's door room open and walk in. Kendal is bed reading a book.

"Sleep over ended?" I ask.

"Oh hy Pearl. Yeap mom went to pick me up at 08 ."

"Okay. How was it ?"

"It was fun. " She smiles.

"Thats great. Im going out take care. "

"Sis Where are You going? " She asks while i give her a hug.

"An interview. " She nods.

With Jimmy, i hurry downstairs to leave when I hear my mom say.

"Hey sweetie. "

I walk up to her close enough .

"Morning Mom." I say as she gives me a pinch on my check playfully.

"Where you going in such a hurry? And eat your breakfast young lady."

"I'm going for a job interview. "
Her eyes widened is disbelief and shame.

"Sweetie I told you not to do that. I told you i don't want to be a burden to you ."

"No mom please don't say that, I just want to help you please. "

Mom start crying for a long time i don't see her crying. Hugging her I play with her hair.

"Please mom." I beg.

"Okay my love. Go in peace okay. "

"Bye mom."

I walk on the railways going to the buss stop. From miles I could barely see it but I could see the empty seats. A bus arrived and few people droped out .

"Wait. Please wait for me." I shouted with all my voice but the bus driver did not hear me and closed the door.

"No, No. " I shouted again sadly. The bus left when I was just few steps away. I sit down on the waiting bus stop seats alone waiting, i 'm going to be late and loose a job I'm so stupid I had to run enough.Only after twelve minutes another bus arrives.


Staring at my phone my luck was increased, it's 09:57 and I'm now I'm standing in front of ' Pastry Shop.' Nervous I open the door. There was a girl standing at the cachier.

The cashier counter table up was made of crystal glass a very dark blue was the upper color of the furniture, but the front side was transparent glass inside it, there is a lot of different cakes, groceries , cupcakes, chips cookies and others And up on the counter table had other breakfast food.

The Customer tables and chairs where made out of steel but they are simple and pretty in plain color white green and orange as well as the walls. The girl saw me staring and said to me 'Come '.

'Hey miss, could I talk to the owner of this place please? I have an appointment with her." I said to her.

'You must be Pearl right? " I nodded my head in aproval. "So Mrs. Alice Willam isn't here at the moment, but she told me to give you this.' She hang me over a paper , the words where from a computer clearly and in bold letters.

"Dear Mrs.Grayson,

An emergency came up and I cannot show up but don't disturb your heart. For what I saw on your information paper and the last note you wrote at the end, I know that you are a good Person. I know when a person is bad or good .

However, for that you are hurried. You can start working tomorrow, from 3p.m to 8p.m what you have to do is be a waistress and clean up the shop always before leaving. Your salary will be 300 dollars per month for having to do two things at once .



There was I signature at the end. I could not stop smiling and wait to get home and tell mom the news. The salary is enough for me I think it's too much for a salary on the job I have to do, it's enough for my family eat a decent meal I'm sure and pay electricity and perhaps maybe water too. I can't wait to tell mom, she will be even more proud of me.

"Welcome to our shop. " The cashier girl says.

"Thank you miss. "

" hey girl, you can call me Claire." I assuredly smile down to her and leave the pastry shop.

I was so happy that I was barely not noticing the people who were passing close to me till a girl hit me.

"You low life ! Can't You watch were You are going ? Retard . " she scowls off looking at me in disgust.

"I'm sorry miss. " I say but that only made her look at me more in disgust like Im trash.She looks all over me and when her eyes lay on my clothes it was like she wanted to puke. She rolls her eyes and Walks away.

That made me feel bad why do people judge by the looks, and by the things someone is wearing? My clothes are cheep and oversized but im grateful for having clothes on and I'm not going to let her ruin my happiness today. I forget about her and smile wide down at the paper I was given by Claire.

I got in the bus and eat the Burger I bought on my way home. I was such in a hurry I didn't eat. But that doesn't matter because now I finally got a job and I can help my mom now.

I open the door with the extra keys and find Kendal and mom sitting at the dinning table eating lunch. It's lunch time. With a happy smile I sit on my place.

"What go you so happy? " Mom asks.

"Yeah, tell us. " says Kendal.

"Guess what mom?"


"I got hurried." I burst smiling. Mom stands up and so does Kendall giving me a group hug.

"Really? I'm so proud of you Sweetie, I know you would get a job because of you are kindness. Thanks sweetie. " Mom kisses my forehead.

"So, When do you start? " Kendal asks.


"Do you want to go for a walk with me and Jimmy ?" I ask Kendal it's been a while I don't spend time with him nor her.

"Sure let's go."
I call out on Jimmy and we all go for a walk.


I was actually supposed to study because I have a tight exams coming up but this chapter is for you guys because this book hits 900 hundred readers in just eight chapters it's a big deal for me! know you guys are amazing .I'm deeply thankful. ( 20 comments and 20 votes only you guys can give me. So for me, Comment and vote.

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