Chapter Seven

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"We must go, college starts at 9:30 , so you and I are going to dress up very quick and you are going to take us to college. "

"Why can't we just skip college today, come on it's college it is not a big deal. "

"I don't skip classes , nor want my mom to burry me alive. " That is a little too much , but of course she will give me the adult talk that there is a lot of people out there who wishes to go to college and I'm here skipping school and on and on.

Even though I never skipped school she told me that a hundred times. I don't want to skip college because I don't skip college and not specially this friday that my first favorite subject Engilsh is as third period.

"Well that's you and your mom to solve ." She shows off an evil smirk. I just roll my eyes and walk straight to her lifting her up.

'Come on get up and have a quick shower queen."

"Ugh fine. "She scoffs nodding her head in approval.

I head back to the room I woke up into and have a quick shower. After 10 minutes I was done because I'm late , i had to shorten my beautiful shower. I brush my teeth's we the extra toothbrush I found it looked you and still on its packet.

grabbing a white towel and rap it around below my shoulders , hopefully Harper's cloths fits me. Moving pretty fast I walk to Harper's room and find her dressed already , standing in front of a mirror combing her long blonde hair.

"Hey do you have any cloths that you think it could fit me? "

She looks at me through the mirror.

" Ahhh maybe , let me check ." Passing her mirror she puts the comb down , opens her wardrobe  and takes out blue demin jeans and a plain white T-shirt written in black letters "I'm grateful for our little infinity, I wouldn't trade to the world. " together with a pair of white adidas sneakers.

And that's when it hit me that the words in the t-shirt is a passage from the book the fault in our stars by john green.My all time favorite book. I take a closer look at the shirt and notice 'The fault in our stars, John Green Written in tiny letters .

"Actually the shirt is for you. I have been keeping it and I didn't get time to give you , I know how much you are obsessed with the fault in our stars." she doesn't really like reading books I was starting to wonder how she had such a shirt.

"Thank you i love it."
She also hungs me over a backpack containing three empty books and a pen. Since I didn't want to go back to the other room, I dress up right there.

Few minutes later we are all dressed, we walk out of the apartment making sure to lock the door .


We arrive school pretty first. Harper and I both walk up the stairs to the second floor and part ways. As I walk down the hall I look at the time in my phone reading 10:00 a.m i made it to my third lesson which is english and I love english. An english person sucks at math , well I suck at math, who in this world love maths? I'm sure that the man or lady who created math are long time dead. Not to be rude but I hope they are. Maths just gives me stress i do pass math exams but that's only because I have to , to get high grades.

Not needing any book on in my locker i just enter in class .

Gladly the teacher hasn't arrived yet. I sit at the back corner of the class. Everyone is in class , I feel strange glances towards me but quickly ignore. Finally the teacher arrives.

"Good morning everyone , I'm Mr Peter Frank , your new English teacher."

The room fills up with whispers and murmurs , thats because the teacher doesn't look like a teacher for his own good , not to lie , he is hot.

"How old are you Mr. Peter ?" A girl that was sitting in front of me just four desks away asks him. Her skin perfectly nourished, she looks highly classy , red hair , rich and very beautiful. Then the teacher clears his throat and says. "I'm 40. "

Everyone choked , even me , Who hires a hot teacher like him? Okay stupid question I know.

He continues , " And enough on asking me any other question, you do not get to ask personal questions or any information most importantly In my English lesson got it?"

I giggle but not too loud , that was harsh. The red hair girls nods her head embarrassed and furious but she tires to hind it.

"Psst hey isn't he hot ?" I didn't even know Harper is sitting next to me.


"I said isn't he so hot." She repeats.


"That yeah sounds too normal, girl you are too up straight."

"What I'm not. "

"Yah that I believe , not up straight when your drunk." She whispers more to herself and smiles. What is she talking about

"What are you talking about? "

"I didn't say anything. "

"You obviously did. Just tell me."

But then I shut my mouth when a boy sitting at at the corner of the class too, but at my right side six desks away was staring at me. Trying to figure me out. I looked away and concentrate on the teacher.

Then bell annouces and everyone rushed to leave as if they heard their favorite actors had just arrive for a visit. I shove my books into my backpack and walk out of class , luckily english was the only subject I have today, now I can eat and go home.

Going down the stairs since the cafeteria was in ground floor I walk into the cafeteria joining the long line to get my lunch. When its my time I grab two slices of pepperoni pizza, water,and mango juice. Once I'm done I look around looking for Harper. I spot her sitting at the back of the cafeteria surrounded by people.Three girls, two boys and her. She sees me and shouts "Come over here ! "

Luckly there is still a spare free sit so I place my food and sit. Again I ignore their glares. Have they never see a girl with braces and weird face or what?

Harper seems like she is about to talk and she does.

"Guys this my bestfriend Pearl. Pearl this is Amelia and her boyfriend Louis. I look at both of them with a polite smile . They both have the same hair color , blondes. Loius as dark eyes and Amelia's are hazel. Normal hazel.

"And , this is khloe , Julie , and rick. " She continues . khloe is Pale skin , light hazel eyes , and we have almost the same hair color but hers is light brown , straight also , while mine is darkish. Julie , julie as grey eyes like Harper , but her hair is mixture of dark and brown. As for Rick , he is as some muscles but not a lot , together with a little beard across his face, and light brown eyes.

They all look at me and say 'Tsup.'

"Nice to meet you all " I say giving them polite smiles. I grab a slice of pizza get a bite From it. They provide a nice meal.

"Harper talked so much about you " Julie said. I look at Harper who is looking at me fully aware.

"Dah , of course. She is my bitch for days " Harper says. I don't know why but I just winked at her and start eating .

The whole lunch time , Harper, julie and Khloe were telling me about the most popular people in school. They tell me that the people who sit at the center of the cafeteria are the most popular and rich. With the corner of my eyes I look at the center table. All i see is rich people by their appearance you can tell they are . Six boys and four girls were there . They all look too confident and highly classic wearing pretty expensive clothes plus I see the red hair girl who was sitting in front of me in English period I just knew she was rich. I also see the two guys I meet yesterday at the corridor.

"Too bad that Silas isn't here." Julie says her eyes dreamily.

"Too bad, he is so perfect " khloe replies everyone on the table start laughing noticing the hope in her voice.

I think I heard that name somewhere but since i do not remember where, I don't bother. I just Listen to them giving my last sips of the mango juice.

Once again the bell rings and since I do not have any other subject i say bye to the all crew and take a public bus to go home.

I take out the extra keys I always walk with and pray mom isn't home , well at this time she is never home so i'm safe.

At the garage Jimmy runs towards me making me fall, Licking me playfully. I kissed him on the forehead "I miss you too Jimmy. on Sunday I'll take you for a walk ." I say and of course dog's don't speak.

Just when Im about to get into my room I hear a noise in the dinning room, when I turn it was mom ,

"Where do you think your going ?" She asks. As if didn't hear her I open the door.

"Come. Sit." She orders . Basted. I'm basted.

"Start explaining young lady, where were you And Why didn't you send me a simple message?"


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