Chapter Six

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Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than the stories and people we are quoting. ~John Green and Others.

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pearls pov

I open my eyes and find myself in an unfamiliar bedroom laying on an unfamiliar bed and my body covered in white bedsheets , my head resting on a comfortable white pillow.

Oh Holly..

I close my eyes trying to remember any memories of last night. Failure, I can't remember anything. I start to freak out and immediately look down at my body under the bedsheets. I'm not naked but my clothes are changed into pajamas.

Crap! who changed me ? No no no this can't be happening.

I struggle in the sheets , jump off the bed and arrange it even if I don't know who's bed is this. I feel knocks in my head ,pain, my head hurts a little I wonder why.
I walk around the room, it gives me no clue whether its a guy or girls room. I open the door to get out and I let out a relieved sigh discovering that this is Harper's apartment.

I know where her room is , so I walk my way passing the dining room which is also a sitting room , finally in the her hallway right where her room is I don't bother to knock. I find her in bed talking on the phone .

Noticing me, she says bye to whoever she is talking to hangs up and pays her attention to me.

"So how's your head doing ?" She chuckles like she knows everything going on with me at this right moment .

"It hurts a little, what happened , why does my head hurt?"

"Obviously you don't remember" she let's out tiring breath and continues " You passed out yesterday in the club I found you laying on top of my car , I have no idea who kept you there , I asked Raphael to help me carry you inside the car , Pearl you vomited on my car, then you passed out again ! When was the last time you got drunk jeez." Instead of scoffing or jump on me to nag me already for what i did, she started laughing.

"OK not funny. God how did I pass out just like that, I hate hangovers."

"I did pass out too , but that was after removing you from your stinking vomit cloths. " She laughs , again.

"Could you stop laughing UGGHH" I grown out loud and throw myself into her bed covering my head in shame.

Memories of last night flash back in to my mind , i remember drinking a lot of JUICE , then I remember seeing two familiar guy , I remember Harper dragging me to i dont know where but then a guy took her away from me. That's all I remember , how did i get on top of Harper's car ? was it me ? and How did i get drunk from drinking juice 

Furthermore I ridiculously hit my face on bed , this is so not good i didn't even tell mom that I was gonna sleep outside yesterday. Where is my phone ? This sucks , not to mention how shitty I feel Perhaps I must have dropped it somewhere or worse, left it at the club.

"Where is my phone? " 

" I think we left your phone at the club ." She said "Just kidding just kidding , it's here. "

She laughs again straightening out her arms she opens the bedbroad drawer at the left side of her bed she takes out my phone and gives it to me.

I glance at the time its 9:33 a.m What in the world! Dammit this cannot happen again , can't never, not on weekdays .

"We are late for College!! "

"I know" She responds with a smile forming at the corner of her lips giggling "Please don't go home right now I'm going to be alone In this  awful day please stay." She plead.

Mom is out for work surely by now and Kendal at school

Dead And Toasted, that's what I'm when mom gets home ,she would understand right? It's my first time doing such thing ,I'm planning to not do that never ever again.

"Then we both go to your home."


(Authors Note)

If you like this chapter don't hesitate and comment ,vote ,share , your comments inspire and gives me strength to keep on writing ,thank you.

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