Chapter 4

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5 year later 

I'm woken to the sound of feet running in to my room, mommy today the day I to her it is I say as jump on her bed. I wake up it is to day I sat as I wake up you now Justin will be teaching it I hear him growl Matt what have I told you not to growl at mommy mate. Clara-  now why don't you watch some cartoons wale I get dressed and with at he goes out to watch some cartoon after he leaves I head to the bathroom to get a shower. Matt- as I go to watch some tv I hear a knock at the door as I open it I see at it is Justin what do you want. Justin- is your mom up yet Matt I say as I walk in. Matt- she in the shower I say to him. Justin- I can wait so today the day you now at I'm glad you are join the over ten training course it not ever day someone at the age of five makes the class. Matt- I now mom tells me at I'm gifted at all. Justin- if only you now I say to my self. Clara- after getting a shower I hear Matt telling to someone after putting on a robe I walk out to she at it is Justin wane did you get back I ask him. Justin- around five last night Derek want us to brief him on some of the rouge attacks at we fought in wale we ware out train some of the pack at we ware sent to help train and by the time we got done it was near eight clock and I now you two ware getting ready for bed so I want home I had a lot of work waiting for me but I'm here now I say as I give her a kiss you don't now how much I missed you guy Gamma Ryan told me at you both are doing very well in your training as well as your weapons training you now I can never be more proud of you both. Clara- you are I say to him. Justin- I am I say as I give her an other kiss now you both go get change I say to them. Clara- as I walk in to my room Justin come in behind as I go to take my robe off can you turn around please. Justin- you now it's been five year go can disrobe around me I can take seeing your scars I say as I turn around. 


one week after Matt was born

Clara you don't have to do this you came come back tomorrow I say as the rain continue to come down even more harder think about Matt he needs you I say to her. Clara- I now Justin but I have to finish this obstacle course even if I get sick I say to him. Justin- I don't care you are done I say to her as I go to stop her. Clara- no I have to do this I say as I swat his hand a way and continue running the obstacle course as I continue running I hear him say something. Justin- will you stop I say as she continue to run the obstacle course I now she wants to show at she is not weak but she needs to now her limits and stop pushing her self to hard I say to my self as I get in to my car and wait for her to get done. Clara- I look back and see Justin has gone to his car I now at I'm pushing my self a bit hard but after last week wane I held Matt for the first time I now at I need to be strong for him and not have him see me as a weakling so I have to finish this I say to my self as I clime the wall after climbing the wall I continue running it even with the lighting and thunder I just push throw it after I finish it I go over to Justin car to find him waiting for me. Justin- so did you finish it I ask her as she get in. Clara- yes now ware are the towels I ask him. Justin- there in the trunk I tell her we can go back to my places. Clara- your places I need a shower. Justin- all right I say as I put the car I drive as we get to my places I see my mom waiting for us as we run up to her. Clara- is Matt asleep I ask her. Mrs. Allen- he is I say to her as the steps I just put him down a little bit a go so he should sleep for a bit. Clara- at good I say as we walk inside what smells so good. Mrs. Allen- oh thought I made a roast with some corn and mashed potato's I say to them. Clara- I'm going to get a quick shower I say as I walk up stairs to mine and Justin room as I walk passed the nursery I debate whether or not to stick my head in to check I'll check on him after my shower after getting a shower I put on some nice clothes and walk over to the nursery as I walk in and go over to him he is so peace's fully as he just sleeps as I get to the bottom of the stairs I smell the wonder full food at Mrs. Allen has made as I walk in to the kitchen Justin hands me a plat of it. Justin- I now how hungry you mite be so I fixed your plat for you I say as we sat down at the table. Clara- this taste wonder full I say as I take a bit after eating I tell Justin at I'm going out for a run. Justin- I look outside and see at it has quit raining are you sure you want to go for a run at a time like this. Clara- my wolf has been itching for the last 8 months to be let out so I'm am going for a run. Justin- Dr. Jorden told you eight months ago at it was safe to change before month 3 of the pregnancy. Clara- I now but my wolf still needed time to heal before we would change and by the time she was ready and healed I was in my four month so at is why I'm going for a run and with at I head out back I take my clothes off and fold them up and places them on the chair at is dry and with at done I let my wolf take over after eight months of not changing it is a bit more painfully as I get done we take off running after at lest ten laps around the pack I head back to Justin places as I walk around I let the change flow over me this time it is a lot lest painfully after getting my clothe and outing them back on I head inside I walk in to the living room to see Justin sating on the couch and going over some papers what you doing I ask him. Justin- just going over some training schedule for the next month as well as an training trip I say to her. Clara- as I go to say something we hear a noise over the baby monitor I'll get it you stay and do your work as I walk in to the nursery what's got you I say as I pick him up and walk over to the rocking chair are you hungry I say as I open my shirt so he can get some milk from me I hope you never hate me your the reasoning I'm pushing my self so hard I don't want you to think I'm weak I want you to look up to me and see someone who is strong next to Justin and his family your all I have mine didn't even want me after he gets done I burp him all better I ask him as I put him back in to his crib. Justin- as I do my work I hear Clara talking to Matt so at why she was pushing her self on the obstacle course after listening for a bit I go back to my work as Clara comes down the stairs so at why you have been pushing your self so hard these past two days I say as I get up and walk over to her and pull her in to a hug. Clara- yes I don't want him to see me as weak or helpless I want him to see me as someone who is strong and so at little girl at got locked out of her parent's house just after she turned five who had to sleep at night in the cell meant for the worst kind of rouge at is why I'm doing all of this so I never have to go throw at again. Justin- did they lock you in at cell ever again and he will see you as someone who is strong you never need to feel weak ever again I say to her. Clara- wane my parent's felt like locking me out or if the pack warriors felt like doing it. Justin- well you now at will never happen here I say to her and how was you run I ask her. Clara- it was great my wolf loved it we ran around the pack at lest ten times I say to him. Justin- I guesses she had a lot of energy to do at  lest ten times after finishing my work let get to bed I say to her. Clara- at sound good to me I say as I follow him up the stairs.

                                                           end flashback 

Clara- I now it will take sometime to get yeast to the idea I say as I put on a shirt how do I look I say to him. Justin- your lovely I say as Matt comes in to her room. matt- after getting dressed I head in to mother room to see wane we are going down to eat at wane I hear Justin say at she your lovely mom wane are we going to eat I'm hungry. Clara- so I say to him. Justin- I talked to your boss on the cleaning staff and she said you can come in late if you want. Clara- at sound great. Justin- good because I'm take Y 'all out for breakfast I say to them. Clara- I like at but ware are we going I say to him. Justin- at is a surprise but first we have to stop by my office to get a few thing as we head down stair we go to my office as I open the door the look on there faces make this all ware it. Clara- as I we walk in I see to boxes on his desk with mine and Matt name on it you didn't have to do at I say as I walk over and unwrap my present form Justin. Matt- as I walk in to Justin office I see a box on his desk with my name on it can I open it I ask him. Justin- you sure can I tell him. Matt- after opening it I see at he got me I love it I say to him. Justin- I now you would Clara do you like your present. Clara- after I open it I see at he got me a very nice dress I like it. Justin - I now you guys would like them sorry at I wasn't here for Y 'all birthday these last three years rouge attack have sky rocked with them taking woman at first and then there mates and now there family at the started are is one of at lest four at have not been attack by rouges after three years Alpha Derek call us back so we can spend sometime are family's I now no one on my team will argue with at being away dose take it toll on us so wane we got the call to come home we ware all glad to becoming home so who ready to go eat I ask them. Clara and Matt- we are. Justin- at all I wanted to hear from you guys. Clara- I just have to take are gifts up to are room. Justin- leave it you can get it later as we get outside we head for my car as we leave we head for the local Denny's after we get there I tell them at I'm paying so get what you want after ordering are breakfast so Alpha Derek has told me at me and my team are going to be staying home for a bit to get some R & R. Clara- you and your team need some of at I say as I take a sip of my drink so what are you going to do wale your here. Justin- well for starters I'm going to ask out the most pretty lady in the pack on a date if she will let me and then go down to the training ground and whip them down there in to shape not at Gamma Ryan is a bad teacher I now with all of these attacks I want the pack to be in great shape to fight them off. Clara- you think I'm pretty. Justin- a course you are. Clara- and to answerer your question I will you out on a date with you I say as are food arrive I see the look on there faces as they put are food on the table after eating and Justin paying we head back to the Packhouse how is going to watch Matt wale ware on are date I ask him. Justin- what about Lindsay I ask her. Clara- she found her mate and they are trying to start a family and before you forget Heather is at college how about Thea I ask him. Justin- I'll call her and see if she can now don't you have to get to work and I'll take Matt to his training I say as we leave as we get to my car after we get in I ask Matt what is your problem with me I ask him. Matt- you have been gone for near three years. Justin- your right but I'm back for how long the Alpha allows and I plan to make up for being gone I called, video chatted I say to him. Matt- after are talk we get to the training grounds ware do I go. Justin- over there I say to him as we go over I see at we have a lot of people this year all right listen up I now you all ware expecting Gamma Ryan thanks to Alpha Derek calling me back so I can  train you guys well if you think this is going to be easy well your wrong it is going to much worst then wane Gamma Ryan thought this class I say to them as I get done speaking I hear one of them ask why there is a five year old in the class be cause he has show to be a fast learner and there is not thing more he can learn in the under ten class so he is in this class I say to them now I want to see Y 'all running at lest forty laps I say to them and after at I want to see at lest one hundred sat-ups and after at ninety push-ups I say to them after a bit someone comes up to me and tells me at Alpha Derek wants to see me after telling my assistants to take over as I make my way to his office I cant stop wandering what does he need to see me for. Roger-it has been five years and no one can find Clara Martin I say to Stan how are the rouges doing in there search for the other women I ask him. Stan- it's going well but there may be a problem it starting to get some an wanted attention some of the other pack's are starting to get worried because of the rouges are attacking them. Roger- I now there is a report out of Alpha Derek telling all pack to be on high alert some have asked for help in training the warrior's so no one thinks ware behind these attacks I will ask him if he can send his team of trainer's just to make it look like we want to be prepared in case we get attacked I say to him as I pick up the phone Alpha Derek hi was wandering if you can send your team of trainer's I now we have not been attacked yet I just want to be ready in case they should attack us. Derek- I look at my phone and see at it is Alpha Roger from Clara old pack what do you need I ask him after he tells me why he is calling I now this will give us a chances to look around for I now they are behind all the rouge attacks I just don't have any prof there behind the attack sure I'll my team to help get you guys ready in case they attack after getting off the phone I tell my sectary to get Beta Peter, Gamma Ryan and Justin and his team as well as Clara she may be of some help with her old pack. Clara- as I go to clean the Alpha and Luna room a guard comes up to me and tells me at Alpha needs to see me in his office I'll need to get someone to cover me I say to him after getting someone I head down to the Alpha office as I walk in I see Justin and his team as well as the Beta, gamma and Luna you wanted to see me I ask him. Derek- yes Clara pleases have a sat. Clara- after finding a sat next to Justin he tells me what going up to the point ware I walked in. Derek- Clara I now this will be hard for me to say but we need your help your old pack is up to something. Clara- what is it they are up to I ask as I move my hand over to Justin's. Derek- well me and some other Alpha's believe they are behind the rouge attacks these last three years an so be it Alpha Roger has asked us to come over and train there warrior's I have asked you here because we need someone from there at now the places is there anyone at can help you. Justin- after hearing at name all I want to do is rip him to pieces for what he and them have done to her. Clara- Dr. Stewart can help us with what we need but how will we explain me wane we get there. Derek- well it just happens there is an opening on Justin team we will just say at last person had a medical emergency and at is why your there as they all go to leave Clara, Justin can you both stay for a bit I now you will not like this but I think you both should take Matt with you scenes he has a right to be the Alpha of at pack some day it would be good for him to see the pack at he will lead one day I now you don't want to go back there but nowt this she-wolf's are being token from there packs as well as there family if Roger is behind this we need all the help to stop him. Clara- after being told at I may have to go back to my old pack as well as take Matt with me but being told at she-wolf's are being taken from the family's and at Roger may behind it all I can say is I'm in Alpha. Derek- at is nice to hear your team will leave in two days Clara you have the next two days off. Clara- can I head to the kitchen and make some of my fames dessert at you now everyone like. Derek- your right if I let you go and we have none here it will be a riot so do go make a lot. Clara- I'll see you later I say as I give him a kiss. Justin- Clara wait I say as I hold her hand you don't have to do this you now. Clara- I now but can I do with she-wolf's being taken from there homes and family's and if Roger is behind this then I have to do something if not for me then for Matt how can I look him in the eye's knowing what his father is doing to she-wolf's I say to him. Justin- your right you now at I have to get back and see how he is doing. Clara- after getting done talking to Justin I head to the kitchen as I walk in I head over to the head chief and tell him after getting done telling him I head over to the dessert section and get to work making a lot for wane I'm gone after getting done I look over and see at the hole section is filed with dessert's I guesses I over did it after putting them away as well as labeling them with what they are and wine to use them I tell chief ware I put them I head back to my places as I walk in I head to my room and get a quick shower and change in to something more comfy after get changed I head down to the training grounds to see how Matt is doing. Justin- after leaving the Packhouse I head down to the training grounds to see how they are doing as I get there I see at they are ready for some sparing practice as I walk up I tell them to find a partner I tell them as I watch them find a partner I see at Matt has not fond one after telling someone to be Matt partner I see at they all have fond one all right you may begin and with at they start sparing at wane I see Clara coming over to me finish making dessert's I ask her. Clara- I did so how is thing going I ask him. Justin- they are just about to do some sparing practice as we watch him I can see what Ryan was talking about wane he said Matt is advances for his age. Clara- I cant believe he is doing so well I say to my self as he flips someone over and bend his arm behind the guy back I guesses at the Alpha in him at is letting him do it are you sure he going to be all right I ask him. Justin- he will be if your talking about the guy at Matt is sparing with den no but if your talking about Matt he is doing great I say to her after they finish for the day I tell them at I will be gone in two day and at gamma Ryan will be in charge wale I'm gone I hear them shout out I joy at I will begone after they all leave I turn to Clara and Matt so what do you guys want to do I ask them. Matt- I look up to see my mom standing by Justin I hope she is proud of me. Clara- well I have some shopping to do I say to him oh Matt before I forget mommy and Justin and his team are going on a training trip and you can come along I say to him. Matt- ware are we going I ask her. Clara- well this is tough for me to say but my old pack. Matt- are they the one at hurt you I ask her. Clara- it is you will have to have to behave your self wale ware there I say to him. Matt- I'll try but if the hurt you I'll hurt them I say to them. Justin- at is my job to protect her I say to him. Clara- alright boys I say to them now Matt do you want to come with me or stay here with Justin I ask him. Matt- ware are you going I ask her. Clara- the mall I say to him. Matt- can I go I ask her. Clara- alright but first a shower I say to him are you coming I ask Justin I say as we start back to the Packhouse. Justin- accurse I say as I catch up to them as we walk in to Clara places I take a sat on the couch you now I have been thinking how about we go on are date tonight in stud of tomorrow night I say to her. Clara- well we do have at trip in two days so I think it a lovely idea I say as I give him a kiss you better call your sister and see if she can watch Matt tonight. Justin- alright I say as I get up off the couch and call Thea and see if she can watch Matt tonight as I wait for her to pick. Thea- I look at my phone to see at it is Justin hey bro what can I do for you I ask him. Justin- was wandering if you watch Matt tonight I ask her. Thea- it short notice but I can do it may I ask why. Justin- well me and Clara are going on a date so we need someone to watch Matt at why I say to her. Thea- well I guesses that is why I'll do it I say to him. Justin- after getting off the phone with Thea I turn to Clara and let her now at Thea will watch Matt to night I say to her. Matt- after getting a quick shower I go to my room and put on some fresh clothes as I walk in to the living room I ask who I watching me tonight I ask them. Clara- well aunt Thea will be watching you tonight I say to him for me and Justin are going on a date tonight scenes we are leaving in two day's we felt this ay we can get it out of the way now for tomorrow we have some packing to do as well do some shopping to do I now you would like some snack's for the ride there and back I say to him. Matt your right I say to her can I pick them out I ask them. Clara- you sure can I say to him but first we have to go to the mall. Justin- as we go to leave I pull Clara close to me as we get off the elevator I have missed your scent these last three years I say to her. Clara- I have missed your 's I say to him you should text your sister and have her pack a bag for I mite let you do what we should have done at lest four years ago I say in to his ear. Justin- I like at a lot I say to her. Clara- after we get to the mall I ask Matt if he wants to go with me or go with Justin. Matt- ware are you going I ask her. Clara- well mommy is going to try on some dress's I say to him. Justin- I'm just going to walk around the places and see what they may have I say to him. Matt- I'm going with Justin I say. Clara- now you boy have fun I say to them as I head to clothing store after looking around I find the dress at look's very sexy on me I now Justin will love it I say to my self. Justin-as we walk around the mall so has anyone tried to ask your mom out I ask. Matt- there have been some but she told them no. Justin- at good to hear I say to him after we walk I see a game stop how about I buy you a game system I ask him. Matt- are you sure mom will approve of you buying me a game system. Justin- I'm sure she want disapprove of me buying you one I say as we inter the store go have I look I say to him. Matt- after being told to go have a look at what they have I look at some of them after staling on an Xbox one I tell Justin at I have picked one. Justin- I look at what he picked out an Xbox one I say to him are you sure I say to him. Matt- I'm sure. Justin-alright go pick out five make sure one of the is kid friendly I say to him. Matt- after picking out one of the Lego games I pick one my other four I  head over to Justin and show him the games I picked out. Justin- are you sure theses' are the games you want he nod his head yes alright I say to him after paying for them how about some lunch I ask him. Matt- at sounds good to me . Justin- okay let's go get something to eat as we make are way to the food court I mind link Clara and ask her ware she at and at we are heading to the food court after closing the mind link I tell Matt at she is going to meet us there. Clara- after Justin tell me at there going to the food court I pay for my dress I now he will ask about it but he will have to wait to see it to night as I get there I look around and don't see them so I head over to a nice Chines restaurant and get me something to eat as I go to sat down I see them coming I wave them over. Justin- as we get to the food court I see Clara waving us over so you find anything I ask her. Clara- I did but you want get to see it an atoll tonight I say to him what do you guys get I say as I look at the bag in Justin hands. Matt- Justin got me an Xbox one I say to her. Clara- he did I say as I take a bit of my food are you guys going to eat I sat to them. Justin- I guesses your right come on let get some thing eat I say to Matt after getting something to eat we head back to ware Clara is sating as we go to eat Clara ask me why did I get him an Xbox one well I figured he should have one I say to her after we all get done eating we head back to Clara car hey do you now been cleaning my places theses last three year I ask her as we get in to her car. Clara- I have been doing it I say to him. Justin- so you are the one how been cleaning it for me. Clara- well I figured I should do it not someone also plus you gave me a key before you left after we get back Justin helps Matt set up his Xbox do you guys need some help I ask them. Justin- no we got this why don't you go get ready for are date. Clara- after getting done putting on my make-up I walk over to the dress I bought as I look at it he will go wild wane he see it after putting it on and looking in to the mirror I think to my self dame I look hot in this as I walk out I hear Justin heart rate increase like what you see. Justin- I hear Clara walk out of her room as I look at it my heart rate increase like what you see she ask me I get up and walk over to her if Matt wasn't here I would take you back in to at room and have my way with you. Clara- I now but first dinner and then later at your places I say to him. Justin- oh I will I say as I pick her up. Clara- remember to be in bed by nine I say to Thea as she walk's in. Thea- as I walk in I hear Clara telling me at Matt needs to be in bed by nine before I can say anything there gone I turn to Matt what was at all about I ask him. Matt- beets me I say to her do you want to play with me Justin got me a Xbox one today I say as I show her it. Thea- sure but remember  your bed time I say as I pick up the other controller let's play. Clara- Justin put me down I say to him as we get off the elevator. Justin- not an till we get to my car I say to her. Clara- after we get to his car so ware are we going I ask him. Justin- at is a surprise I say to her . Clara- after driving for a bit we stop in front of a very nice restaurant Justin you shouldn't have I say as he opens my door. Justin- I now but only the best for you I say to her table for two I say to the waiter as we go to be sated I pull out her chair for her after she set's down I push it back in for her as we look at the menu so what looks good to you I ask her. Clara- the steak look's good to me I say to him. Justin- the steak dose look good as the waiter come back to take are order two steaks I tell him after he leave so we are doing it to night I ask her. Clara- yes why would I buy this dress I say to him after eat we head out to Justin car as we get back to his places I cant take my hands off him as we make are way to his room we leave a trail of clothes as we get there I push him on to the bed are you ready I say as I up on top of him. Justin- I have been scenes the day we met I say to her as we lock lips I start to kiss her neck all the way down to her collar bone you sure you want to do this I ask her as I continue to kiss her collar bone. Clara- all I can say is a moaned yes and with at Justin sticks his canine in to my collar bone and lick's away the blood at wane the wave of bliss falls over me after at passes I stick my canine in to his collar bone and give him my mark after licking the blood away after we get done best night ever I say to him as we warp are self's under the blankest. Justin- it is the best night was it good for you as it was for me . Clara- seeing as this is my second time you are the best and the one I will remember for all time I say to him as I fall a sleep I wake to see Justin still asleep I rap my arm around him time to get up I say to him as I give him some kiss's. Justin- you now if you keep doing at I may have to keep you here all day I say to her. Clara- no your not I say as I get and walk in to the bathroom and grab a quick shower. Justin- I'm token back she never let anyone see her scars on her back I guesses last night changed things I say to my self hey don't use all the hot water I say as I up out of bed and rush in to the bathroom as I join her in the shower I start to kiss her some more after we get are shower I grab some fresh clothes as I go to put mine on I see Clara grabbing a tank top and put it on. Clara- as I walk back in to the bedroom I see Justin getting some fresh clothes out of the dresser I now I have some clothes here but for now I want everyone to see the mark on my collar bone so all the males now at I'm Justin's and no one ales as we make are way down stair how about a nice run to the Packhouse I say to him. Justin-  I now you want everyone to see your mark I say to her how about this I will race's you to the Packhouse and later we let are wolf have some fun. Clara- your on how about Matt joins us as well he can change now to before you ask he learned last week ok I say as I start running toward the Packhouse. Justin- wane I get ahold of you your going to recreate at I say as I take off after her. Clara- as I make it to the Packhouse Justin comes up behind me and grabs me hey I say as we go to fall to the ground I land on top of him I guesses I won I say to him. Justin- no way you had a head start I say as we get up off the ground and make are way to the dinning hall. Clara- as we walk in I look around for Thea and Matt at is wane I hear Justin say something.  Justin- they must still be asleep I say to her. Clara- I asked Lindsay to drop by and make sure Matt want to bed at nine I say as I spot them I see them over near the corner as we walk over I see some of the male turn away I guesses they seen the mark as we walk up to them I motion to Thea not to say a word as I tiptoe up behind Matt guesses who I ask him. Matt- mm mommy I say as I turn around and see her what's at I ask her as I point to the mark on her collar bone. Clara- at just means Justin has mark me as his mate I say to him and how was your night I ask them. Thea- well we played some games on his Xbox an till eight and then he got a bath and was in bed at nine o'clock I say to them so does this mean what I think's it means. Justin- it sure does I say to her  as I grab two plat and fill them with food after doing at here you go I say as I places Clara plat in front of her. Clara- thank you I say to him as I take a bit of my food after eat I'll see you later I say to Justin as me and Matt walk back to are places I now your mad at me. Matt-- I'm not mad at about it I just don't now why you did it. Clara- as we walk in we walk over to the couch wane I found out at I was having you I was in very bad shape I now you ware my first concern so we put it off we ware planning to do it after my eighteen birthday but then the rouge attack's began and Justin had to go and help train the other pack at needed help so we had to wait those three years to do it and with the trip back to my old pack it was now or never wane we get to my old pack I want you to stay close to me or Justin or him team member for they may try to hurt you or me so I need you to be very carefully on who you talk to do you under stand. Matt- I do I have grandparent's there I ask her. Clara- you do but I don't now how they will react to us I say to him. Matt- what do you mean I ask her. Clara- well after I turned five they would hit me smack me and all other of stuff and have the pack do the same things to me they never gave me a reason why ware doing it and so  wane I ran away was the happy' s day of my life and two week's later I found out that I was having you and at is the same time me and Justin met for the first time and he stayed by my bed those two weeks at I was in the pack hospital. Matt- at is a lot to take in I say to my self is at why you let Justin mark you last night. Clara- yes I say to him I now you may be mad at me I under stand. Matt- I am mad but not at you but them I say to her. Clara- I'm glad to hear at I have must be raising him right I say to my self now I have to go put on a good shirt and then we can go and get some snack for the road trip I say to him. Matt- at is alright with me I say to her. Clara- after putting on a nice shirt I head out to find Matt and Justin waiting for me I look at them and see at Matt is inset giving Justin a mean look for one's I guesses what I told him has made him see at Justin does care about me are you two ready I ask them yes they say to me. Justin- as I go to knock on there door Matt open's it and give me a hug he never gave me a hug is ever thing all right I ask him. Matt- it is I just wanted to give you a hug and to say I'm sorry for being some what mean to you I say to him. Justin- at all right I say to him as we go to sat on the couch I'm sorry for marking your mom last night just then Clara walk's out of her room and gives us a weird look and then ask us if wear ready to go yes we say to her as we go to leave how about we take my car I say to them as we get in so ware do we want to go to get some snack's I say to them. Clara- how about Walmart I say to him as I places my hand on his after we get there me and Matt go in to the store after getting an naff  snack's we head back to Justin car. Justin- I see them come out with at lest three bag did you guy leave them with anything I ask them as they get in. Clara- Matt need some new clothe so after we got are snack's we want and got him some training clothes for the trip as well he may be able to show some of the kids there how to fight I say to him. Justin- at sounds like a good idea why didn't I think of that oh wale you guys ware in there I was thinking maybe you guys should move in with me I have the room at lest think it over I say as we pull up to the Packhouse and see Alpha Derek standing outside waiting for us Alpha what can we do for you I ask him. Derek- come with me I say them as I head back inside to my offices shout the door Justin you mist be wandering why I asked you both here wane you guys get there and ask Dr. Stewart if she now what's going on if she has anything at can tell us who are being targeted then your to put her and it on the bus and send it back here and I will have a new driver sent strait away I see them nod there heads in agreement and by the way congratulation I ay to them and mite I say it about time you two did it. Clara- after leaving Alpha Derek office we head back to my places as we walk in I places the bags with the snack's I places them on the table and hand Matt his clothes go put them in your room after he goes to his room as to what you said in the car I would love to move in with you but I don't now if Matt is ready. Matt- after putting my new clothe in my room I walk out and hear mother say she would love to move in with Justin but doesn't now if I ready I m I say to them. Clara- you are I ask him. Matt- I run up to her if it makes you happy then it makes me happy I say to her. Clara- I guesses it straddle I say to him. Justin- how about after we get back I say to them. Clara- at sounds wonderfully I say as I hug him I look down and see Matt joining the hug now how about at run you promises me this morning. Justin- well your on I say to her as we go to leave we run in to Luna Beth how are you doing to day Luna we ask her. Beth- it is going well and congratulation you two I say to them I hope we will be hearing at you two are having pup's soon I ask them. Clara- we haven't talked about at yet Luna we just want to get throw this trip first I say to her. Justin- after we leave the Packhouse we head back to my place are you guy ready I say to them as I places some clothes on the back table after we change in to are wolf's I mind link them and tell them at lest seven laps around the pack and after at I'll take them out for dinner and with at they take off running. Clara- after finishing my seven laps I walk up on to the desk and look for at the clothes at Justin put there and see at he grad me a dress I take it with my teeth and walk in side so I can change back before they get done as I get done putting on my dress I hear Justin and Matt outside I walk out and hand Matt his clothes and tell him to go change back in the bathroom as he goes inside I walk over to Justin and kneel down in front of him and rob him you now I missed this I say to him now change back so we can go for dinner I say to him after handing him his clothes I turn around and let him change back after he changes back so ware are you taking us for dinner I ask him. Justin- I was thinking about golden corral seeing as we just ran seven laps I think we mite be very hungry I say to her. Clara- your right I am very hungry I bet you Matt is too I say as we walk inside. Matt- after changing back I put on my clothes I walk out to see them ware are we going for dinner  I ask them. Justin- how does golden corral sound to you. Matt- it sound great I say as I head to the car. Clara- I think you have your answer I say to him. Justin- your right I say as we head out to my car so what do you guys want to do tomorrow I ask her. Clara- well we have some packing to do I say to him as I get in to his car.

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