Chapter 5

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I have been sating in front of Matt's bed for the last two hours today is the day wane he will met his father for the first time in his life is it wrong to bring him on this trip to my old pack take him to the places that made my life a living hell a places ware they use to throw rock and stuff at me how will my parent's take the news at I'm still alive they are probably glad I'm no longer around how will they take knowing at they have a grandson how's father raped me beat me as well as have other people beat me up and left me near death and what of Justin I now he want to rip them all to pieces I'm brought out of my thought to the sound of Matt waking up. Matt- I wake up to see mom sating a cross from me how long have you been sating there I ask her as she comes over to me and gives me a hug. Clara- at lest two hours and I hope your not mad at me at the end of the day for to day you will learn thing at I hoped to tell you wane your ware older I say as I let go of him. Matt- what do you mean I ask her. Clara- there are something at I have not told you today some if not all of it you will learn to day like who your father is I now you have never asked about him but you will met him to day just promise me at you will stay close to me or Justin or at lest someone on his team wale ware there for he may want to take you from me now let get dressed and get some breakfast we leave in two hours I say to him as I leave his room. Matt- I get to met my dad today I now mom most hate him very much to never talk about him before today I say to my self as I get out of bed and get dressed after done I head out in to the living room and watch some tv. Clara- after leaving Matt's room I go to my room to cry for a bit after crying for a bit I head in to the bathroom to get a quick shower as I head in to my room I hear the tv turn on I guesses Matt is watching tv I go over to dresser and look for something nice to wear after finding something nice to wear I walk out in to the living room to see Matt sat at the couch watching I walk over and sat down next to him what you watching I ask him. Matt- I don't now I say to her I hand her the remote. Clara- after he hands me the remote I switch it over to Netflix how about Park & Recreation I ask him. Matt- at sound good to me. Clara- after watching at lest three episodes I turn it off time for some breakfast I say to him he just nod's his head yes as we go to leave I make sure to check and see are bags next to the couch as I shout the door as we make are way down stairs I see Justin waiting for us. Justin- I see them come down the stairs you guys ready I ask them they nod there heads yes now let get some breakfast I say to them as we get somethings to eat nerviest I ask Clara as we sat down at a table. Clara- just a little I say to him as I take a bit of my breakfast is it showing I ask him. Justin- it does it is ok to be nerviest going back to your old pack is a bit fright full but you have me and Matt going with you as well as the fact at if they try and hurt you it will mean war I say to her. Clara- I now that it just how will my parent's take the new at am still alive how will they react to you and Matt I now they will broadly mad at I never called or writ them and let them now just be care fully around them I now they will try to hit me the second they can I say to him. Justin- if they do just mind link me and I will be there for you as will Matt I say to her as Matt nods his in agreement with me now finish eating. Clara- after eating I tell Matt to wait with Justin wale I go up and get are bags as I walk in to get are bag Justin and Matt come up behind me and tell me to just relax and at they will get it as we get off the elevator we see Alpha Derek waiting for us. Derek- I don't have much to say but be care fully over there at is all I say to them Clara wait in now your having doubts but remember what at stake I say to her. Clara- your right Alpha I now what's at stake I say to him just before I get on the bus. Justin- are you all right I ask her. Clara- I am I say to him now come on Matt let find a sat in the back after finding a sat we sat down do you want to watch a movie I ask him. Matt- yes can I pick it I ask her. Clara- you sure can sweetie I say as I hand him my phone after handing him my phone I get some of the snack out have you found one I ask him. Matt- I have it's this I show her it . Clara- at looks like a great movie do you want some snack I say as I move the bag between us. matt- I take a look in the bag and pick out the one at I want after pick out the one at I want I zip the bag back up. Clara- you sure you don't want anything ales I ask him as I put my phone between us so we can watch the movie better. Justin- I look back to see everyone is doing there own things I see Clara and Matt are watching a movie I get up and go back to them so what you watching I ask them. Clara- I look up and see Justin standing there oh just one of our favored movie do you want something to snack on I ask him as I put the bag with the snack on my lap and unzip it so he can see what in there. Justin- well lest have a look I say as I look throw the bag after finding something at I like you still now my favored snack I say to her after leaving them to there movie I head to the front of the bus and get some rest before we get there. Clara- after we get done with the movie I look at the time and see at we still about two hours before we get there how about we take a nap before we get there I say to him. Matt- I am a bit tired I say as a blanket I put over me and mom I look up to see at it is Justin thank you I say as I trifle off to sleep. Clara- after I finish telling Matt at we should take a nap I see Justin throw a blanket over us I hear Matt say thank you as he fells a sleep what's this for. Justin- I figured you guy mite want to take a nap before we get there so I brought an extra blanket for you guys now get some rest. Clara- as he walk back to the front I close my eyes. All I can see is everyone from my old pack as I walk to the center I see my self being wiped and bloody where is Justin and Matt I now he cant do much but he still can fight but still where is he as I look around I see Justin laying on the ground at is wane I hear Roger say some thing I look over and see him standing in front of my self the crime of keeping a father from his son the punishment is death just like your mate at wane I see Matt standing next to him as Roger snaps my neck all I can do is run at him. Justin- after getting back to my sat I hear screams coming from the back of the bus I get back up and see at it is coming from Clara and Matt sat I rush back there as well as tell the rest to stay back as I get there I see at her screaming has woken Matt back up it all right I say to him I crouch down next to Clara it all right Clara it's just a bad dream I say to her as I hold her it all right I keep saying to her. Clara- I wake up to Justin holding me I look around and see Matt scared of something Justin what happened I ask him. Justin- you ware screaming bloody murder I say to her. Clara- I was having a bad dream I was being wiped and there was bloody all around me then I saw you laying on the ground life less at was wane Roger was in front of me Matt can you go wait for me up front for a bit. Matt- oh ok mommy I say as I get up and head for the front. Clara- after Matt heads up front I turn back to Justin he said the crime for keeping a father away from his son was death and then he killed me with Matt next to him at was mane I ran at him and the next thing I wake up next to you I say to him. Justin- I guesses a nap is out of the quotation I'll stay back here with you too. Clara- the look in Matt eye has me scared he has heard me screaming in the past but this is something new am I making the right choughs in going back at is wane I'm remember what Alpha Derek told us I have to be tough are more people will be taken from the one they love and stuff I say to my self. Justin- do you want to come up to the front with me and Matt I ask her. Clara- no I want to stay here with you too I say to him. Justin- wait right here I'll go and get Matt and bring him back here I say to her as I head to the front of the bus hey matt how are you doing I ask him. Matt- is mom alright I ask I have never seen her this scared before there ware some nights wale you ware gone at she has those nightmares but never this bad I say to him. Justin- she never told me at she was still having nightmares she wants us to sat back there with her don't warier I will be back there with you guys I say to him as we make are way back toward Clara is sating. Clara- after Justin brings Matt back I'm so sorry mommy scared you now at I say to him as I give him a hug. Matt- it's ok mommy I now your just scared about going back to your old pack I say to her as she hugs me. Clara- after get Matt and Justin sated I curl up next to Justin I'm sorry I say to him you need to be focused on the training retain not me. Justin- you and Matt are what's in portent to me I say as I move my fingers throw her hair as well as hold her for I now her wolf is more scared to be going back there I look down and see at she is asleep. Clara- as Justin runs his fingers throw my hair as well as hold me I hear my wolf say at she fell safe Justin has all ways made me fell safe in his arms a spatially wale I was in the pack hospital those nights he held me and made me fell safe as well as after Matt was born and I didn't now if I will be a great mom or not he took me in his arms and told me at no mater what I was going to be a great mom better then my own mom I say to my self as I start to fall asleep again this time I now it will be peace's full. Justin- as me and Matt sat there I look up and see at we are close to the Ruby-Rosie pack Clara old pack Matt I need to go up front can you watch your mother for me I say as I get up and head to the front of the bus. Matt- I sure can I say to him as he gets up I guesses we are getting close as he needs to talk to some of the couches before we get there. Justin- all right you all now what is at stack I say to them they all nod there heads in agreement after waiting a bit I see the welcoming committee as well as Alpha Roger I hate him for what he has done to my mate as for the rest of them all but Dr. Stewart and Clara brother as the bus comes to a stop I wait as everyone gets off and make my way back to ware Clara and Matt are at. Roger- welcome to the Ruby-Rosie pack I say to them as they get off the bus I do a quick count and see at there short three people Alpha Derek told me at there was a last minute change up and at one is brining her son with them I guesses at what there is three missing I say to my self so with one of you is Justin Allen I ask them he is still on the bus one of them tells me. 

Justin- Clara it's time to wake up I say to her. Clara- I was having a nice dream I say to him as trellises at he is standing in front of me instead of beside me are we here I ask him. Justin- ware here the rest have gotten off the bus ware all at left I say to her we need to get going. Clara- is he out there I ask him wile not looking. Justin- he is I say to her. Clara- lets get this over with I say to him Matt I want you to stay close to me out there alright. Matt- sure thing mommy I say to her as I take her hand but why. Clara- I just need you to stay close alright I will tell you later I say to him as we make are way to the front I take a beep breath let do this I stay as we walk exit the bus. Roger- I see what looks like Justin are you Justin I ask him. Justin- I am I say as I shake his hand wale my wolf want to rip him apart. Roger- after shaking hands with Justin I look and see someone at I never thought we would find getting off the bus Clara it so good to see you again we all wandered ware you ran off to I ay to her I look down and see a kid behind her at looks to be around five why hello there I say as I kneel down next him. Clara- I see Roger kneeling down next to Matt STAY A WAY FROM HIM I say to him as I pull Matt behind me I guesses Justin figured this would happen the next he is standing next to me. Roger- after hearing her telling me to stay away from him and why would I do at I just want to now his name at all I ask them. Justin- I hear Clara tell him to stay a way from Matt I move next to her after Roger say he just wanted to now his name he is not one of the trainers so you don't need to now his name I say to him with a tone. Roger- I guesses this kid most be of in portents for they want tell me his name I take a other look at him and see some resembles between the two of us can he be I focus on what's in portent right now your both right so sorry so Clara ware have you been these last five years I ask her. Clara- well lets see I found my way to the Blue- moon pack and found my mate I tell them. Justin- it is true she found her mate which is me I say to them all, you should have rejected her one of them say, yay she is not good an neff for you if you want a true mate I'm here for you handsome one of the female says to me sorry but I'm taken I say to them we just made it a officially I say as me and Clara show them our marks. Clara- the looks on there faces at I have found my mate proves them all wrong about me as I look out in to the crowd Justin, Matt over there it's my parents I go over to them mom, dad I missed you. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- we look out and see the people at are here to train our warrior as the last one get we see at it is Clara what is at worsts lest piece of shit doing back here and is at a kid with her we hope she doesn't think we will let them stay with us we are brought out of are thoughts with her and what most be her mate and kid. sweetie it is so good to see you and how are they we ask her. Clara- well this is Justin my mate and this is Matt my son I say to them. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- Clara it good to see you after what is it five years we say to her so this is our grandson we say as we look at him hi ware your grandparents. Matt- so your my grandparents at was mean and hurt my mommy I say to them with my arms crossed. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- what have you been telling him we ask her. Clara- just the truth I say to them. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- well that's all in the past why don't you guys stay with us if at is all right with Alpha Roger we say to them. Roger- it is I say to them so he mite be my son I say to my self and his name is Matt. Clara- I look around and see Dr. Stewart Justin there she is come on I say as I grab Matt hand as we make are way over to her. Dr. Stewart- I look over and see Clara and what looks like her mate he looks so strong and so does she I walk over Clara it so go to see you and how are these two. Clara- is one is Matt my son and this is Justin my mate at I told you about five years I say to her.  Dr. Stewart-  why Clara at is nice to hear and is Matt Roger's or Justin's I ask her. Clara- his father is Roger but Justin is a far better father to him. Justin-  hi I say as I shake Dr. Stewart hand. Dr. Stewart- so you most be Justin I say to him. Justin- I am Clara has told me a lot about you and thank you for taking care of her for all of it. Dr. Stewart- thank you I see you have been taking good care of her as well. Justin- well not for the last three year's but this guy has been taking care of her wale I was away I say as I places my hand on Matt head didn't you I say to him. Matt- I sure have I say with some pride in my voices. Dr. Stewart- at is nice to hear I say to him you most be proud of him I ask her. Clara- I am I say to her as I pick him up now let go to my parents house I say to them. roger- Mr. and Mrs. Martin can I speak to you I say to them as Clara goes over to Dr. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- yes Alpha what can we do for you. Roger- I want you too to find out who Clara son father is if not then you want see your son ever again I say to them.  Mr. and Mrs. Martin- yes Alpha my we ask why. Roger- you my not I say to them after leaving I head to my office as I walk in Stan, Magen are waiting for me we have a problem. Stan- what wrong I ask him. Roger- Clara is back and she has a son at look like me. Magen- well we will have to deal with her now I say to him. Roger- your right dare we will have to deal with her Stan will inform the rouges to take them wane they get back to the Blue-moon pack. Clara- this is my parents house ware they would throw stuff at me as well as hit me I say to them. Justin- we can stay with the rest of the team I say to her. Clara- no they should at lest spend some time with there grandson wale ware here I say as we walk up to the front door. Mr. Martin- well all we have to do is find out how the father is god this is torcher having at pathetic child under our roof again why didn't she just stay a way these last five years have been peace's full around here I say to my self I'm brought out of my thoughts to a knock at the door at must be them I say as I open the door to see them standing there well come on in I say to them. 

Clara- I look around and see at a lot has changed I look over and see some of my pictures are still up and some have been token down. Mrs. Martin- I walk out to the living room to see are guest's I have just got your room and the guestroom ready I say to them. Clara- I'll take my room and Justin and Matt can have the guestroom wait we never had a gust room before I ask them. Mr. Martin- well after your brother moved out we converted his room to a gust room. Clara- where is Jay at anyway I ask them. Mr. Martin- he is out on patrol a long the southern border I say to her. Clara- has he fund his mate yet I ask them. Mr. Martin- no he hasn't found his mate yet but he has not gave up hope in finding her. Clara- I was hoping he would get to met Matt wale we ware here I say to them after talking for a bit we head to my old room as we walk in to my room I hear Justin and Matt let out a growl. Justin- as Clara show us to her old room as she open the door all I see is an desk and on the floor a maîtres I let out an growl at the same time as Matt I have to stop my wolf from taking over. Matt- I now Alpha Derek has thought me on how control my wolf but right now it is so hard as I see what my mother old room looks like I let out a growl at the same time as Justin I guess we both don't like this I look up to see at his eyes are all blacked I hold moms hand a bit more tightly. Clara- Matt what's wrong I ask him all I see is hands point to Justin I see at his eyes are all blacked out he is fighting his wolf for control Justin not here I say to him. Justin- after I finish fighting my wolf for control I will take this room and you and Matt can sleep in the guestroom I say to them. Clara- you sure I have no problem sleeping in here it will be just like old time for me. Justin- I will not have you sleeping on an old maîtres I say to her as I take her bag and open the door to the guestroom you too will be sleeping in here, wane we get back why don't the both of you move in with me I now we had this talk five years ago. Clara-  I now we had this talk five years ago I say to my self you now want to move in but this is a family designee I say to him. Justin- your right we should ask Matt how he would fell about it. Matt- I do like that. Clara- you sure I now this is a hard choses to make but if your alright with this then I guessed I'm on bored with it you now we have been staying there some time over the last three years. Justin- you have but why I ask her. Clara- well I didn't want you to come back to a dirt houses so now and den I would clean it after we would get done training as well as stay the night I say to him. Justin- you now I love you I stay to her. Clara- I now you do I look at my watch and see at we have thirty minutes till we have to be down to the training grounds we batter get ready to train those people I say to him as I push him out of the room after I shout the door so you want to wear you training clothes or your regality one I ask him as I get my training clothes out. Matt- I'll take my training clothes I say as she get her training clothes out. Clara- after getting my training clothes out I sat them down and get his out Matt there is something I need to talk to you about. Matt- what mommy I ask her. Clara- well you now at me and Justin are now mated and we may want to start having a family and I just want you to now at you will still be loved and a member of this family I say to him as I give him a hug now get dressed I ay as I walk out of the room and head to my old room as walk in I see Justin getting dressed. Justin- after Clara pushes me out i head to her old room to put on my training clothes as I take off my shirt I head the door open I turn around and see at it is Clara what are you doing in here I ask her. Clara- well Matt is changing in to his training clothes and I wanted some time alone with you so we can go over how ware going to talk to Dr. Stewart later I say to him. Justin- well what do you have in mind I don't have a clue. Clara- well I have in idea but you and Matt want like it I say to him. Justin- what is it I ask her. Clara- well I will start a fight with them you now bring up the times ware they would throw stuff at me at sort of stuff and then i will leave and go to Dr. Stewart places and talk to her and see if she knows what's going on around here I say to him. Justin- your right we will be mad but it's the only plan we have is there something ales you want to tell me I can see at she has a look in her eye at wants to tell me something what is it. Clara- I had a talk with Matt and let him now at he is a part of our family at if you still want to have a family I ask him. Justin- we have talk about starting a family just before Matt was born and then the rouge problem happed accurse I still do your right for telling him at he is apart of this family I say to her. Clara- after we get back how about the two of us start on it. Justin- you sure you don't want to do it now. Clara- this places brings back a lot of pain fully memories I want us to do it in a places ware we have good one I say to him now let get dressed we have to get going I cant wait to get some payback. Justin- you now we are here to train them right. Clara- I now but hurting some of them in the process just makes it more fun. Justin- you now I love you right. Clara- I have the mark to prove it I say as I change in front of him I look at him and see the look in his eye not here I say to him after we get done changing I head back to the guest room to see if Matt has changed after seeing if he has I tell him at we need to get going he come out ready to watch mommy get some payback I say to him. Matt- I sure am mommy. Clara- I now you are now let getting go bye mom and dad I say as we walk out the door and head for the training grounds as we get there we see at the only ones there are the people from our pack after wait for a bit we see them all start to show up I look  around and see at half of the people here use to make my life a living hell well today they will see at I get some revenge. 

Megan- why do I have to go I say to Roger and Stan. Roger- me and Stan have work to do and it would be good for you never now wane the bed your in will need a new maîtres and who bed it is may not want to go and get a new one I say to her. Megan- your right I guesses. Roger- and it would do some good for the pack Luna to be seen at something like this. Megan- okay I'll do it I say as I walk out the door and head to the training grounds so I can get this over with I guesses I will get to beat Clara up just like some old times I say to my self as I get there I see at lest half of the pack is here. Justin- all right I say to them I am not here to go nice on Y 'all I will make the next week a living hell to you Y 'all I say to them all I hear are groins from them I look over to Clara and see a smile on her all right my mate will be in charge of training the she-wolfs I say to them. Clara- I step forward all right I need a volunteer I say to them none of them step forward who is the Luna I ask them if she is here step forward. Megan- I'm the pack Luna I say as I step forward. Clara- wow this has to be a bad joke I say to my self all right can the real one step forward I say to them she is the Luna one of them say to me all right I say as I walk up to Megan are you ready I ask her just so you now I have been training these last five years unlike you who has just jump from bed to bed I say to her as I take a fighting stances and wait for her to attack me. Megan- oh this will be fun she thinks she can just come back here and say at she has been training these last five years I say to my self as I charge at her. Clara- she just made her first mistake I say to my self as dodge her attack it gives me the opening at I need I quickly grab her arm and throw her to the ground should have been training in steed of sleeping with half the pack I say to her. Megan- at bitch you think your something just because you have your mate here well let me tell you something I will beat you, you little Runt I say as I attack her again. Clara- she thinks at attacking me like at again will just get her knocked on the ground again I say as I throw her on the ground and broke her arm and get her in a chock hold with my free hand I reach down and give her a Wedgie as I pull I'm shocked oh my god I say as I drop her to the ground you wear granny panties I say to wear everyone here can hear I hear a few of them say at they wear with her last night and at if they had now at they wouldn't have sleep with her all I now is just pull it a little hard her do you give up I ask her. Megan- I give up I say to her after she lets go I get up and charge at her in embarrasses me in front of my pack I will should you some repartee I say as I jump at her. Clara- as I go to walk away I hear Megan say something at is wane I see her jump at me I quickly grab her leg and slam it on the ground I hear some bones break dose anyone now why what she did wrong I ask them after they get done growling at me none of them answer me well first off she should stop jumping from bed to bed second she left her self open every time she attack me at is why she has an broken arm and leg now someone take this runt to the pack hospital I say as some of her friends come up and help her off the field as I turn around I see the smile on both Justin and Matt faces as I walk up to Justin and give him a high five there all your I say to him as I walk over to Matt did you like what mommy did to her I ask him. Matt- I sure did was she always mean to you I ask her. Clara- she sure was now she want I say as I look out and see at Megan and her friends lipping off the field well now she is the runt as well as the Luna I say to I him. Justin- I cant be more proud of her after watching her take down one of her tormenters as well as a Luna not a great one of the not so great one she makes every Luna out there look bad I say to my self, all right you just seen your Luna get her but handed to her and at was by my mate a former member of this pack I say to them now I want four of your strongest to step forward if they can beat me then Y 'all have the rest of the day off from training but if I win then it at lest 500 laps around the pack I say to them so all we have to do is beat you and we have the rest of the day off one of them ask me at is correct I say as four of them step forward. Harry- so you think Justin can take them I ask Clara a question. Clara- twenty bucks at he beat them. Harry- your on I say to her as I show her the money. Justin- I hear Clara places a bet at I will win well I guesses I'm going to win it would be wrong for me to lose to these people I now my wolf want to beat them to a pulp are we going to fight or have a staring contest I say to them as walk up to me. Harry- I see them walk around Justin begin I say. Justin- whoa they are weak they did not just watch there Luna do the same thing I say to my self as they come at me as one of them gets close to me I grab him by the arm and throw him at a nether one stay down I say to them just as I go to turn around one of them hits me in the faces oh your going to get it now I say to him as I jump at him and tackily him to the ground stay down I say to him just one more to go I see him chagrining at me I quickly dodge him and give him an uppercut to the faces I watch as he fells to the ground well it looks like Y 'all will be running 500 laps around this pack. Clara- I walk over to Harry pay up I say to him after he hands me the money I go over to Justin and give him a kiss I now you could do it. Justin- why don't you, Matt and Harry head back to the Packhouse wale me and the rest of the team take theses losers for a 500 laps around this pack. Clara- you sure you want me in at places. Justin- you want be alone you will have Harry there hey harry come over here. Harry- what do you need. Justin- I want you to keep an eye on both Clara and Matt all time do not let them out of your sight you under stand me. Harry- I do don't let them out of my sight I say back to him.  Justin- did you pack the drone. Harry- yes it back with my thing why do you need it. Justin- I just want to show them later how well they did on there run and it can give you three a chances to watch them now. Harry-after getting the drone and setting it up me, Clara and Matt head back to the Packhouse you sure you want to go in Justin told me what happen. Clara- it all right I now Justin told you to keep an eye on us wale ware in there so let get this over with I just want to see Justin run them raged I say to him as we walk to the Packhouse. Roger- as me and Stan get done with are work jack come in to tell us some thing. Jack- I rush in to Roger office hey have you heard at Megan in the pack hospital. Roger- who put her there I ask wale griping the side of my desk no one puts my mate in the hospital who did it. Jack- it was Clara she broke Megan arm and leg all by her self down at the training ground as well as gave her a Wedgie and she is mad about it. Roger- so the runt took her down my mate I will get my revenge on her ware are they I ask him. Jack- well Justin challenged four of are best warrior's and beat them now they are going for a 500 mile run around the pack two of the trainers are staying here wale the rest go on the run and Clara is one of the one staying here wale the rest ae on the run. Roger- well ware are they right now I ask him. Jack- I heard at they are coming back here and will be watching them on there run. Roger- this will give me a chances to see if at is my son or not I say to my self as we walk out my office and head to the dinning hall as we walk in we see them sating around at one of the tables what you guys doing I ask them. 

Harry- well I say as I turn around we are watching your pack members as the run 500 laps around of this pack how have Y 'all not been attack from what we have seen your warrior's are week I say to him. Roger- I just ignore him as I look at Clara son I decide to mind link my parents and ask them to come the Dining hall for I want there epinine on wither or not he looks like me wane I was younger. Mr. and Mrs. Baker- as we walk in to the Dining hall what is so important at you called us down here we ask him. Roger-I just wanted to now if I looked like at wane I was five I ask them. Mr. and Mrs. Baker- we look at the kid standing there he looks just like you did wane you ware five do you have something you want to tell us we ask him. Roger- well you both remember five years ago ware I decide to sleep with every she-wolf in the pack well some of them ware agented it Clara there was one of them she got away after and I guessed she got pregnant from it and had a boy and have been raising him along with help from her mate. Mr. Baker- you now we did not approve of what you did five years ago I now you have been paying rouges to kidnapped the one you have sleep with as well as there family's you better fix your mess  I say to him as we go to leave. Roger- after getting done talking to my parents I turn my antiacne to the laptop ware everyone is watching so Stan how are they doing I ask him. Stan- there on lap number 295 I say to him are you going to tell me why your parents ware here. Roger- I wanted to now if at is my kid or not that's why I say to him. Justin- I look back and see at some of them look like there about to collapse all right 350 laps down only 150 more I say to them I hear them wine at that good now you all now what Clara felt like all those years ago I say to my self let get going I say to them as I take of running. Clara- I now Roger asked his parents to come and see if Matt looked like him wane he was at age I mind link Justin and let him now at Roger will be asking to speak to me alone. Justin- after Clara mind links me she knows at if he get her alone he may kill her or worse that is all I can think about after we finish are run I tell them at was a great first day I say to them now tomorrow we are goin to do a lot of push-ups and sit-ups as well some jumping jacks I hear some of them groins after we leave the training grounds we head for the Packhouse for some food and some rest as we walk in I go strait  for Clara and Matt as I get to her did he say any thing I ask her. Clara- no after Y 'all finish running he said he was going to the Pack hospital to see Megan so now do we stick around here or go back to my parents places and let them spend some time with Matt I say to him. Justin- as we make it to Clara's parent house I now Clara doesn't want to be here But she wants Matt to now his grandparents. Mr. Martin- so Mr. Allen how did you meet our daughter I ask him. Justin- do you want to now. Mr. Martin- yes I would like to now. Justin- well it started five years ago I just got back from a training trip as I walk in to the Packhouse I smelt the most heavenly scent I now right away at it had to be coming from my mate so I followed it to Alpha Derek office and said Mate to him at is wane he told me at they found Clara and took her to the Pack hospital as I walk in to her room I saw her laying there unconscious and browsed up and I spend the next two weeks beside her hoping at she would wake up and she did after asking her name and telling her mine I want and got a doctor wale I was out talking to the doctor and our Alpha  I now she was in good hands wale I was talking to them Luna Beth was with her after the doctor told me at she was pregnant I told her at I still love her and at I would never reject her she asked me if they have any job opening after talking to Alpha Derek he got her on the cleaning and cooking staffs they all love her deserts I hope they don't run out of them before we get back after finishing the story I look at my watch and see at it is close to dinner time so what's for dinner I ask him. Mr. Martin- after listening to him tell me how they meet and all of her accompanists I just want to vomit all over them making friends, being liked for making the best deserts, training and learning to drive, finding her mate if she had just stayed away we would be happy I say to my self. we will be having BBQ rids as well as fries I say to them as we head to the Kitchen. Clara- as we get up after the couch I mind link Justin and Matt and let the now at the plan is on I say to them as we walk in to the kitchen as i go to sat down it smells good mom I say to her as we eat I say so what do Y 'all after dinner I ask my parents. Mr. Martin- well why don't we go and get some  ice-cream I say to them so Matt you most be proud of your dad it not every day at someone can take on for of our packs  best warriors at ones I say to him. Matt- Justin is not my dad but he is always there for us so in some way he is my dad better then my real one. Mr. Martin- so Clara how is his father I ask her with a stern look. Clara- well this is hard to say Matt why don't you watch some of your show I say to him as I hand him my phone as well some headphones. Mrs. Martin- we don't allow at the table I say to her as she hand him her phone and headphones after he put them in well are you going to tell us or not I say to her. Clara- well it started on my last day here Roger grabbed me by the throat and took me to the custodian office he told them to get out after he ripped of my clothes he raped me for half an hour then have the custodians chain me up and hit me with silver nightsticks an till school was over  and then have Stan and the rest of his friends do the exeat thing at he did to me I say to them still want to go for ice-cream dad you sure you don't want to throw stuff at me or hit me I say as I get up from the table and run out the door as I run out I make sur at I'm crying so they would believe it after getting to the end of the driveway I wipe away the tears and head to Dr. Stewart house thankfully she still live at the end of the street as I walk up I knock on the door and wait for her to answer it. 

Dr. Stewart- as I go to sat down I hear a knock at the door I wander who at is as I open it I see at it is Clara why don't you come in I say to her. Clara- thank you I say as I walk in I look around her living room and see the pictures at ware missing form my parents house so this is ware they end up I say to her. Dr. Stewart- they ware going to burn them but I stopped them and took them and put them up I was going to send them to you but I now at you didn't want anyone to now ware you ware why are you here I ask her. Clara- well I don't now if you have heard about all of those rouge attacks. Dr. Stewart- yes I have heard of them but why is at why your back here. Clara- Alpha Derek thinks Roger is paying them as well as take she-wolfs and there family's that's why I'm back here do you have anything at can help us to prove at he is behind these attacks I ask her. Dr. Stewart- your right to come to me about at I say to her come with me as we head to my office I go over to my desk and pull out the file on what Roger is doing I hope this helps you I say as I hand it to her wane this goes to the council I will take what ever punishment they give me. Clara- I look over the list of names wane I get to my name i see at it has a question mark next to it thank you for not telling them. Dr. Stewart- your welcome your like the daughter I never had I say to her. Clara- as I go over the list some more I see two name at I remember Dr. Stewart those two names they ware in your office five years ago the day I run away from here they ware crying you told me at Roger had his way with them ageist there will.  Dr. Stewart- I walk over and look at the two names at she is pointing at I remember them oh my god Roger has been paying rouge's to go and get them and bring them back here as well as there family's, Clara there is something ales you need to now he has killed the one's at ware pregnant with his kid he has both of them killed so at his and Magen kid can be Alpha with no one to challenge them for his title you and Matt are in danger I say to her also I'm proud of you for showing Magen her true places now you need to get back to them and take this file with you so Alpha Derek can sent Roger to the hangman and get some justice for the people at Roger has killed. Clara- and you need to go pack you cant stay here if they now you gave me this file then they will kill you too Alpha Derek is more then willing to get you out we have a plan for this I say to her as she leaves and head to her room to pack her suitcase met me and Justin by our bus and tomorrow you will be in a new pack I say to her just before I go to leave after leaving I head back to my parents house as I walk in I look around and don't see them I make a quick dash for the gust room after getting there I see Justin and Matt waiting for me I got it I say to him as I hand him the file. Justin- after Clara hand me a file I look it over half of these she-wolf are the ones at have been taken and the rest have not been taken we need to get this back to Derek and them I say to her. Clara- she is packing her thing and will be waiting for us by the bus so she can get out of here with the file now you need to let Roger now at our bus drive needs to head back and at an other one will becoming here don't kill him just yet. Justin- you now I have dreamed of doing at for the last five years. Clara- I now but put the mission first then after his trial then you can kill him your self. Justin- your right I say as I leave her and Matt alone with her parents after at outburst at dinner they have left to get some Ice-cream as I get the Packhouse I mind link our driver and tell him to met Clara and me as well as Matt at the bus as I walk in ware is Alpha Roger I ask someone after being told ware his office is as I walk in our driver needs to leave for a family emergency and at a replacement driver will be arriving in the morning as I go to walk out of his office how is your mate doing I hope she is better now as I get to the front door I hear something smash ageist the wall well at hit a nerve I say to my self you now I want to put you both on at bus and get you away from here. Clara- I now you do but I have to say here and train these weakling i say to him. Justin- your right now let get some sleep i say to them as we make are way back to her parents house. Clara- after we get back I hand Matt his pajamas at wane he ask me question at I now he would ask me wale we are here. Matt- who is my dad you said at I would meet him so who is he. Clara- I sat down on the bed and pat the spot next to me after he sat down next to me well you meet him right after we got off the bus he was to person at I yelled at Alpha Roger is your father I say to him. Matt- I heard what he did to you at dinner I'm sorry for listening to Y 'all conversion I just wanted to now. Clara- I'm not mad at you for listen I'm the one who should be saying sorry to you for keeping it from you. Matt- it all right I heard what he did to you and had done to you I say as I give her a big hug is at why Alpha Derek been training me him self. Clara- yes he now at your an Alpha son he just like me and Justin want me to see at you don't turn out like your father now get change it is almost your bed time I say to him as I walk out of the room to my old room as I walk in I go over to Justin he just asked me how his father is and I told him the trues and he heard me at dinner so he now just what kind of man his father is. Justin- it all right i have you cry as much as you want I'm not going any ware do you want me to talk to him I ask her. Clara- if you want I say to him but first let get ready for bed. Justin- after getting ready for bed I head to the guestroom as I walk in I see Matt waiting hey can we have a talk I ask him. Matt- sure what do you want talk about I ask him. Justin- well your mother told me at she told you how your father is and she is just worded at you may hate her for not telling you about him and you now at it is not nice to eardrop on people conversion you now wane your mother found out at she was pregnant with you she put you first she was scared at you would turn out like him but I told her at she will have me and my family there to help her along the way as well as Alpha Derek and Luna Beth. Matt- I now she scared at I may turn out like him I say with disgust in my voices but I still love her should I give her a hug. Justin- I now she would love it now come here and give me a hug I'm proud of you I say to him now go give your mom a hug. Clara- after getting ready for bed I sat on my old bed and wait for Justin to come back I hear a knock at the door I open it to see at it Matt how gives me a hug what's is this for I ask him. Matt- because I love still you mommy I say to her. Clara- I do to I look up and see Justin come here I say to him as join us in are hug after stand there for a bit okay it time for bed I say to them as me and Matt make it back to the guestroom with side do you want I ask him after he picks his side I get in on my side see you in the morning the next morning I wake up to see at Matt is still a sleep after last night let him sleep for a bit I say to my self as I get put of bed I grab my clothe for to day and go to my old room as I walk in I see at Justin is still asleep hey it time to get up I say to him. Justin- just five more minuets I say to who ever told. Clara- well wane we get back you want be get it I say to him knowing at will wake him up. Justin-I'm up I say to Clara what are you doing in here I ask her. Clara- well Matt is still asleep so I came in here to change and wake you up and have some time with you I say to him as I give him a kiss good morning now get dressed we have a long day of training to day after getting dressed I head to check on matt and see at he is still asleep it time to get up sweetie I say to him. Matt- can I just sleep a little bit longer. Clara- no we have training to do I laid your clothes out as I walk out I head to the living room as I get to the living room at wane my parents hit me as I fall to he ground why are you doing this. 

Justin- after getting dressed I head to the guestroom as I stick my head in do you now ware your mom is I ask him as I hear noises form the living room get your shirt on and met me in the living room. Matt- as I go to put my shirt on I hear a knock at the door come in I say to who every it is. Mr. Martin- why this is for the last five years we ware happy but no you had to come back here with your little runt he will never be the Alpha of this pack he is nothing just like you at is wane I fell someone push me to the ground I look up and see at it is Justin her mate. Justin- as I walk in to the living room I see Clara on the ground and her parents kicking her I push her father to the ground and at stops her mother from kicking her are you okay I say to Clara I say as I help her up. Mr. Martin- what is the meaning for this I ask him. Justin- at was for kicking your daughter I say to him. Mr. Martin- well we wanted have kicked her if she had stayed away and as for breakfast Y 'all will not be having any from here as I get finished something gets throw at me who throw at I ask everyone here. Matt- I throw it for you ware being mean to my mommy wane I become the Alpha you two are banished from here I say to him. Clara- Matt you should not have don't at. Mr. Martin- how dare you little runt your just like your mother a runt. Justin- you will not talk to them like at I say as I grad him by the throat and slam him ageist the wall do I make my self clear I say to him. Mr. Martin- yes I say to him after he lets go of me get out of my house and never come back here again I say to them as Clara walks out you are dead to us I say to her. Clara- as was get to ware the rest of our team is staying. Justin- as we walk in well Clara parents kicked us out I say to Harry after telling him what happened. harry- there are two rooms down the hall at are open to Y 'all after showing them to there rooms. Justin- me and Clara will take this one and Matt can have the other one so what for breakfast after we all get done I take Clara to the bathroom to see how bad did they hurt her. Clara- they didn't kick me to much I say to Justin as he looks me over. Justin- all be the judge of at I say to her. Clara- after Justin gets done checking me over can we head to the training ground now I ask him. Justin- sure now I want you to be care fully today wale we are down there I say to her.  Clara- I will be after we leave on are way to the training ground someone comes up to us and tells us at Roger wants to see me alone I see the look in Justin eye he doesn't want me to go I now you don't want me to go but I have to as I follow the person to the Packhouse as I walk in to Roger office you wanted to see me I ask him. Roger- well first off you will hand our son over to me his father your parents told me at he is my son if you don't I will kill you and take him. Clara- after hearing what he will do to me if I don't hand Matt over to him no I will not give him to you he is my son not your and he knows what you did to me and he doesn't want to belike you he will be a great Alpha for Alpha Derek will teach him how to be one now if you don't mind I have to train your weak warriors as I leave I hear him say something I just ignore him after getting to the training ground I go over to Matt and give him a big hug mommy loves you I say to him after hugging him I go over to Justin and tell him what Roger said to me and wait for him to say something.  Justin- after Clara tell me what Roger said to her my wolf just want to come out and rip him to pieces but I have to remind him at we need to focus on Clara and Matt, It will be all right  I say to her as I pull her close to me after we get done with training for the day Clara you and Matt go back with Harry and them and stay there till I get back after I leave them I head for Clara parents house as I get there I bust there the front door you told him I shout at them. Mr. Martin-  yes we told him he had a right to now at he has a son even those it was with her at last part I spit at we never should have had her as pathetic as she is. Justin- well you should now he treated to kill her if she doesn't turn Matt over to him do you want your on daughter to die because you guys hate her is at what you want I ask them. Mr. Martin- you don't now what is going on what she has cost this family I say to him now get out of my house. Justin- after leaving there I go back to ware we are staying as I walk in I see Clara sating there still alive I tell her.  Clara- that good you have to tell Alpha Derek about what Roger said to me he has to now I say to him. Justin- your right I have to tell him I say as I take out my phone and dial his number. Derek- as I go to get some work done at wane my phone goes off I look down and see at it is Justin yes I say to him. Justin- well I thought you would like to now at this morning Alpha roger treated to kill Clara if she didn't hand Matt over to him so what do you want us to do I say to him as I walk around the living room with everybody looking at waiting for him to give his answer. 

Derek- well at is a lot to take in well let me talk to him first after getting off the phone with Justin I call Alpha Roger after he picks up YOU TREATED ONE OF MY PACK MEMBERS I shout in to the phone at him. Roger - well she has my son and I want him here next to me I say to him. Derek- an till he turn eighteen he is under my protection so if you hurt him or his mother it will be war I say to him after getting off with him I call Justin and tell him to stay just one more day then come back here. Justin- well Alpha Derek wants us to stay one more day here then ware to head back I tell them.  Clara- as everyone go to stand up I just say to them I'm sorry at I ruined this training trip I say as I run out of the room crying. Justin- as Clara runs out the room do any of you blame her they all nod there heads no I look over at Matt and see at he want to go to her but looks at me to see if I want to or let him I got it just stay here as I make my way to our room I hear her cry Clara I'm coming in I say as I open the door. Clara- as Justin walks in they blame me don't they I ask him. Justin- they don't they now at this trip will be cut short. Clara- they don't blame me ware is Matt I ask him. Justin- he out in the living room with everyone he didn't now weather or not to come back here just think about it after tomorrow we will be back home. Clara- at does sound good but Roger he knows ware we are he will send people to get us we want be safe as long as he is around I guess I'm just scared for our family. Justin- I now I'm scared too knowing at he can hurt our family I say to her as I comfited her. Clara- before we go I would like to go back tp my parents and get the pictures of me at they still have so this way I can have some pictures from my childhood. Justin- your right I will go with you so they cant hurt you again. Clara- thanks as we walk in to the living room Matt come up to and ask me if I'm all right yes mommy and Justin have to do something I want you to stay here with Harry and the rest we will be back soon I say to him as we make our way to my parents house after knocking on the door my dad opens it and ask what we want I just want the pictures of me at you guys have so this way Y 'all can go back to pretending at I don't exist I say to him after he give me all of the picture with me in it and by all even the ones at I thought they got rid of as we make it back Matt mommy has some pictures of her childhood do you want to see them. 

Matt- I sure do I say as I put my game down and walk over to see them. Clara- after looking at pictures for hours I look and see at it is time for dinner after eating we spend so more time looking at pictures of my childhood. Roger- as I walk in to Megan room I see what Clara did  to her she is going to pay for it. Megan- as Roger walks in I don't care what you do just make her pay for this humiliations. Roger- don't ware were she going she will be begging for death seeing as she going to spend the rest of her life with the Rouge king and his forces her weak mate going to fell it every time one of them have there way with her he want get anything done  and with her gone I'll have my son by my side. Megan- just be sure to tell him not to call me mom the little basterd. Roger- now at no way to speak about my son even if he is one. Clara- as we get done eating I fell some dread about our future, I hope Ann is settling in well. Justin- I see the look on Clara faces  what is it. Clara-just thinking about our future. Roger- as I leave Megan room I call the Rouge king and let him now at his prize has been found and remind him to bring her back her as well as to wane he sends his warriors to get her to bring our son with her as I walk in to my office is the list secure I ask Stan if the council finds out what I been doing it will be war. Stan- I have checked with everyone at has accuses to it they still have there but one I cant find her it's like she disappeared. Roger- who is missing I ask him. Stan- Ann Stewart she one of the pack's doctor so she had a copy of the list. Roger- she is probably on her way to the Blue-moon pack by now we are so screwed if she tells them. Ann- as I get off the bus I'm greeted by the pack's Alpha as we walk in I smell the most heavenly scent my mate is here as we walk in to his office I see him . dr. Jorden- I smell the most heavenly scent as Alpha Derek walks in I see her my mate and from what I was told about her she is a doctor as well. Ann- Hi I'm Ann I say to him. Derek- doctor I'm told at you have have a list for me. Ann- yes I say as I get it out and hand it to him I look over at my mate so what do you do. Dr. Jorden- I'm one of the pack's doctor's and what also I'm told we are both Clara doctors. Ann- you helped her thrown everything. Dr. Jorden- yes I even delivered Matt as well. Derek- as I look over the list I now I have to inform all of the Alpha's. Roger- I call the Rouge king as he picks up we found her she is with the Blue-moon pack and there is one more thing she has a child at is mine bring him as well. Rouge king- it will be done I'll send my best to get them I say to him. Derek- after getting off the phone with the other Alpha's I turn to Ann Clara told me at you can have her old room for the time being. Ann- thank you Alpha as Dr. Jorden shows me to my room as I walk in I see the pictures of Clara and Matt as well as Justin I'm so glad she found him I just wish her parents hadn't started to beat her at an young age I do hope she get to spend some time with her brother I remember the first time he brought her to me as I walk in to her room I see a picture on her nightstand as I pick it up it most be from wane Matt was born she looks so happy. Clara- as we get ready to go home all I can think about is at I didn't get to see Jay the fact at they are having him patrol the south border they can even let him come and say good bye to his own sister. Justin- as we get on the bus you wanted to see him didn't you. Clara- yes it would have made this hole trip wort it just to see him again. Justin- I now you missed him so much who knows maybe your parents will tell him ware you are he is always welcome at our house I say to her.  Roger- as they leave see you soon Clara and my son after there bus leaves I head to the Pack hospital to see my mate as I walk in to her room she is in for a world of pain I say to Megan and my son will be here learning how to be a real Alpha. Megan- at good to hear at the runt will be made to suffer. Roger- oh how her mate will stuffer ever time they have fun with her he will be begging for death in a weeks time who knows we mite get to see him die. Clara- the hole ride back has been quiet with the three of us watching a movie and eating what snacks we have left, as the bus comes to a stop and everyone gets off I see Ann standing there with Dr. Jorden as she come up to me so what's is this all about I ask them. Ann- well ware mates and we have you to thank for us finding each other. Clara- as she tells me at Dr. Jorden is her mate and at it's be cause of me at they found each other, after tell Alpha Derek about everything at happen we head to Justin place I guess it is our places now at ware mated I lay the pictures of my childhood on my nightstand and then start unpacking are stuff and put what's needs to be washed in the washer. Justin- after Clara and Matt head to our places me and Alpha Derek have a talk Clara is scared at Roger is going to kidnap them. Derek- I'll assign some guards to her ok. Justin- at sounds good to me as I get home I see Clara coming down the stairs with a basket in her hands I have some news I say to her. Clara- as I get to the bottom of the stairs what's the news I ask. Justin- I talked to Derek and he is going to assign some guards to you just in case Roger try's anything. Clara- at sound like a good idea I say to him. Justin- how about me and Matt head to the Packhouse and start pack you guys thing so you two and fully move in. Clara- at sounds like a good idea. Justin- good I'll go and get Matt and we will head over as I walk to his room as I knock on the door I hear him say come in as I walk in I'm heading over to the Packhouse to start packing you mom things. Matt- do I have to pack my things as well. Justin- yes and she will join us wane she gets done with the laundry as we leave the house ware in my truck I say to him as we get there and go to there places do want the bed you have here or at mine and your moms. Matt- they both are good beds but I like the one at your places what's going to happen to the one here. Justin- well it will go in to storage an till it's needed is ay to him. Matt- can my future brother or sister have it. Justin- I'm token back to what he just asked me we can put it in the basement ok I'll call my dad and see if he can give us a hand in taking it apart now till he gets here you get your toys and pack them up I say to him. Homer- after getting off the phone with Justin I walk in to the living room I'm head to the Justin's to pick Clara up and then head to the Packhouse to help Justin and them. Jackie- be sure to ask if there coming over tonight for dinner. Homer- will do dear I say as I walk out as I get in to my truck I head to Justin and Clara places. Clara- as I get done with our laundry I hear a knock at the door come in I say to who ever there. Homer- I hear Clara say come in as I walk in do you need a ride to the Packhouse I ask her as she comes down the stairs. Clara- don't take he mattrees this the wrong way but why would I need a ride to the Packhouse. Homer- well your son wants to give his bed to his future brother or sister I say to her and Justin needs some help. Clara- I'll take you up on at I say to him. Homer- at good now let's get going as we get in to my truck so wane are we going to hear at ware getting some more grand pups I ask her. Clara- hopefully soon it would be nice and Justin has show at he is a good father. Homer- ware proud of you Justin told us what you did. Clara- what is at. Homer- at you took down a Luna. Clara- oh at it was great to put Megan in her places in front of everyone I just wish I got to see my brother. Homer- as we drive to the Packhouse we sat there in quit as we get there and walk in do you want to take the stairs or the elevator I ask her. Clara- lets take the elevator I say to him as we get to my old places as we walk in I see Justin staring at some pictures like them I ask him. Justin- just seeing with ones would go great in our room. Clara- those two would go would look great in our room. Justin- now at is staled now go get your clothes I say to her as we walk in to her room I open some draws just to get a slap on my hands what is at for I ask her. Clara- Justin at my underweare drawers I say to him. Justin- but ware mated so I'll get to see them any way. Clara- there are some at are for special acaciins I say to him now go help your dad I'll pack these up I say to him as he leave I get to work on packing up my stuff all I can think about is at we are finally mated after 5 years as I remove a special box I know after I found out at I was having Matt I made sure to be there for him as well as make sure he had clothes on his back and love I now wane Alpha Derek told us at he was calling Justin and his team back after three years of them being gone, Jackie told me at I need some time to my self before Justin came back I want to Victory secret and bought something for us at I now he would love maybe tonight I'll let him see it as I get done I hear them talking. Justin- as I walk in to Matt room I see at he is packing up his stuff as well as my dad clearing off Matt bed as we get the sheets and pillows off we move the mattress to the living room and get to work on taking it apart. Clara- as I get done with packing up my clothes and jewels I walk out of my room to see a mattress in the living room I go to Matt room I walk up to Justin and wrap my arms around him I have a present for you. Justin- as we get the last pieces taken apart I fell Clara wrap her arms and tell me at I have a present and wane do I get it I ask her. Clara- how about to night we just have to get all of this done first I say to him. Justin- I think I now what she is talking about come on dad we have to get this done I say as I grab one end of the bed. Homer- alright son I say as I pick up the other end knowing what Clara is talking about my truck or your I ask him as we make our way out front. Justin- mine I say to him as we put it in to the bed of my truck now to get the mattress I say to him. Clara- after Justin and his dad take the bed down to his truck I grab some of Matts box's and head down to his truck. Matt- as mom carry some of my box's down to Justin truck so to help them I grab one and follow her down to his truck. Justin- as me and my dad turn around we see Clara carrying at lest three box's I rush over and take at at lest two of them as I put them in the bed how many more I ask her as I take the one from Matt. Clara- at lest two more in Matt room and at lest five in my room I say to them. Justin- well Matt and my dad will get the box's from his room and me and Clara will get the ones in her room. Clara- as me and Justin walk in to my room you take those I say to him as I pick up two box's so what do you want for dinner tonight I ask him. Justin- it's been three years scenes I have had your cooking  so what ever you cook it fine with me I can take a guesses as to what dessert is am I right. Clara- you only get at if you behave. Justin- but I thought at was a present.  Clara- you do after get the rest of the box's as well as packing up the living room we put them in the back of his truck as we get in we head to our places. Justin- as we get home Clara why don't you go start on dinner wale me and my dad bring everything in and Matt why don't you go play. Clara- as I walk in side I go strait for the kitchen to get dinner started the fact at Justin told me at he is fine with what ever I cook I decide on a Lasagna I look out the window and see Matt playing I hope soon we can give him a brother or sister to play with. Justin- as we start bring the box's in I smell something good as I put the box down and walk in to the kitchen what are you cooking I ask. Clara- a Lasagna you should ask your dad if him and your mom are going to have dinner with us and after ward they can take matt out for some Ice-cream so you can have your present. Justin- I like at idea al go ask him as I walk out to my truck, hey dad do you and mom want to have dinner with us to night and afterward you guy take Matt for some ice-cream so we can have some. Homer- stop right there I'll ask her now take these box's up to Matt room. Justin- as I walk up to Matt room I ask him so Matt do you want a tv or do you want your Xbox down stairs in the living room I ask him. Homer- as Justin walks off I take out my phone to make a phone call. Jackie- as I go to get my self a drink my phone goes off I see at it homer yes dear I say as I answer it. Homer- as she picks up have you started dinner yet I ask her. Jackie- no I haven't why I ask him.. Homer- well Justin and Clara have asked us over and after word you and me take Matt out for some ice-cream wale Justin and Clara can have some alone time if you now what I'm talking about. Jackie- I do I'll be over soon and before you ask Thea is out with some of her friends after I get off the phone I head over to Justin and Clara places. Homer- as I walk inside as I places some box's  I walk in to the kitchen Jackie is on her way I say to Clara and ware do you want your box's. Clara- just put them next to the door to our room wait I say as he starts to walk off I look throw them an till I find it and put it on top. Matt- I know mom like to spend time with me I would scenes you both want to start a family and wane you do I want get to play it in the living room. Justin- well will talk to her about getting you a tv ok dinner is almost ready so go wash up as I make my way to the kitchen there is something I need to ask you. Clara- and what do you need to ask me. Justin- well I just talked to Matt about his Xbox if he wanted it up in his room or down in the living he said at as we start on making are family I think we should get him a tv for his room so wane we do have a little pup running around Matt can play it in his room. Clara- but I want get spend some time with him after work but if and wane you do get me pregnant I now there will be time ware I'll want some alone time will get him one after I reach the three month part ok but an till then he has to keep it down here. Justin- as we sat the table I hear a knock at the door at most be my mom I'll get I say as I open the door come on in mom Clara in the kitchen I go and get Matt. Clara- as I go to get the Lasagna form the oven I hear Jackie ask if I need some help no it just about ready I say to her. Justin as I get to the top of the stairs I see Matt walk out of the bathroom dinner is ready did you wash your hands. Matt- I just did I say to him so what did she say I ask him. Justin- will talk about it at the table I say to him as we walk in to the kitchen mom it so good to see you. Jackie- oh Justin I'm glad you and Clara are finally mated now lets eat I say to them. Matt- as mom put a pieces of dinner on my plate it looks great mom. Clara- why thank you sweetie as I sat down so me and Justin talked it over Matt and you will get a tv only wane I'm three months pregnant ok I say as I take a bit out of dinner. Jackie- so your both still want pups I say. Justin- yes mom oh mom, dad Clara took down a Luna all by her self wale we ware at the Ruby-Rosie pack the look on there faces. Homer and Jackie- we drop are fork Clara ware proud of you we say to her. Clara- it was nothing she was just weak one and we told Matt about Roger. Homer- so did he met Matt. Justin- he did but Clara yelled at him and told him to stay away from him and the look on there faces wane Clara took her down it was priceless my wolf was proud of her for it as was I. Matt- I am as well I say to them. Clara- thank you sweetie and the look on Megan faces was priceless as they took her way. Justin- and Roger was still mad later at evening as we get down and my parent take Matt out for some ice-cream I'll put the dish's away. Clara- good I'm going to get your present ready as soon as your done bed mister. Justin- yes my love  I say as she runs out of the room. Clara-as I make my way up the stairs after 5 years we can finally do this stuff I now at after I had Matt and then everything at happened as I get to our room I grab his present and rush in to the bathroom and strip off my clothes as put on the stocking and garter belt on as well as the matching corset as I look in the mirror I made sure to get it in our colors to let him know at I'm ready I open the mind-link and tell him bed now. Justin- just as I put the dish's in the dishwasher Clara mind-links me and tells me bed now I rush up the stairs as well as taking my clothes off as I get to our room I'm in nothing but my boxers as I jump on the bed I'm ready I shout. Clara- as I open the door the look on his faces as I walk out do you like it. Justin- as Clara opens the door I see what my present is I fell Apollo howl like never before like it I love it I say to her as she jumps on top of me as I reach for my nightstand she whacks my hand oh ware doing at now I say as I kiss her. Clara- I open his boxers well someone little friend is ready I say to him I see his hand reach for his nightstand I know what is going for I want his seed so I whack his hand as I plant kiss over his chest I know he has to be ready to claimant I know I am. Justin- as Clara moves over my little friend I know she is reaching her claimant as I reach my claimant I releases. Clara- I fell him release I follow suit as I get done I flop down next to him best second time I say to him. Justin- it was I hope you got some more like at I ask her as I cuddle next to her. Clara- no I know wane you ware coming home I should get you something. Justin- you never have to get me anything I say as I cuddle next to her. Clara- you sure I say as I rollover. Justin- I'm sure I say to her as I put my hand on her stomach. Clara- you like what you see I know at I'm not the most bustily person. Justin- I know what she talking about yes I do.   

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