Chapter 19: Revenge May Be Sweet But I Prefer Sawyer's D-- Dedication to Horses

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Chapter 19: Revenge May Be Sweet But I Prefer Sawyer's D-- Dedication to Horses

       I was finally able to stay off of the crutches now though my leg still hurt a tiny bit. As long as I didn't put too much pressure on my leg, I would be fine. 

       At least it was a lot easier for me to get down the stairs. I didn't have to stay cooped in my room all day. Not that I did mind that for the most part. Whenever Sawyer wasn't working, he did spend time there with me.

       Even though Kitty showed a clear hatred and disgust about the idea of me and Sawyer dating, she hasn't really done anything to me like I thought she would. I was just worried she was plotting something because both Sawyer and Lulu told me Kitty wasn't the type of person to let things slide easily.

       And her still being in love with her ex-boyfriend while he dated someone else, a more amazing person, clearly wasn't something she was going to just forget about.


       As much as I wanted to irritate the living hell out of Kitty whenever she was being a jerk, I also just wanted to live a peaceful life. Obviously that wasn't going to happen. I was just waiting for the moment where Kitty would cause it to turn into chaos.

       Since I was off my crutches, I found it a lot easier to spend time with Paint. I didn't have to have those stupid things under my arms the whole time. 

       Paint was happy that I was able to spend more time with him. Sometimes when I was in his field and he acknowledged it, he would still just trot around the field as well as stay around me. Now, he wouldn't leave my side at all.

       I was still so glad that he wasn't mad at me for bringing him into the forest during the storm. I still felt a tiny bit guilty about the fact that he got hurt because of it but at least he wasn't blaming me.

       While I was spending time with Sawyer, I noticed Mayor Ward's car pull into the driveway, causing me to sigh heavily. I bet Kitty was with her once again. Every time the mayor had to stop by to talk to Trey and Beth, Kitty tagged along.

       Either to check out Sawyer or to survey me and learn my weaknesses so she could take me down.

       And like I guessed, Kitty was with her mom. She got out of the car with Mayor Ward, causing me to roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Paint. I couldn't really do anything about Kitty coming here but I really hoped she just stayed away from me and Paint. Every time I was with Paint when Kitty came over, Kitty just had to walk over and make Paint run away to the other side of the field.

       She knew Paint didn't like people. Anyone who knew the Birch family and knew their horses knew that Paint wasn't particularly fond of humans. Or other horses. Or basically every living thing in general.

       Of course, Kitty did walk over once she saw me here. As soon as Paint saw her, he took off to the other side of the field.

       "Seriously?" I asked Kitty. "Why do you have to do that every time?"

       "Do what?" Kitty asked innocently. "I just wanted to talk to you about something."

       "Well, you're annoying and you made my horse run away so that's not happening," I said as I walked to the gate of the enclosed area.

       Kitty wasn't taking the hint that I didn't want to talk to her. No surprise there. She didn't seem to listen to anyone but herself. "I see your leg is better," she said.

       "No, it's not," I said sarcastically. "In fact, it got a lot worse. As you can see, I now have a cast on my leg."

       Kitty rolled her eyes. "Geez, I can't have a genuine conversation with you, can I?'

       "Why would I want to have a conversation with you?" I asked. "I literally just told you that you're annoying and you made me horse run away so I don't want to talk to you."

       "Fine, then don't talk," Kitty said. "I just wanted to know where Sawyer was anyway."

       I snorted. "Why would you think that I'll tell you where Sawyer is?"

       "Because my mom is the mayor?" Kitty said in an obvious tone as if that was a good enough reason for me to tell her where my boyfriend was.

       She needed a reality check.

       "Okay," I said. "So... What's your point?"

       "My point is that it's best that you should just do what I say if you want to save yourself the trouble," Kitty said.

       This. This was exactly why I knew I wouldn't be able to have a peaceful life with her around. If I didn't fight back, there was no way Kitty would ever just stop thinking she could walk all over people.

       "Then it's a good thing my middle name is Trouble," I said as I started to head towards the house but Kitty still wasn't taking the hint. She just kept following me, trying to continue the conversation.

       "I'm serious," Kitty said. "I always get what I want so it would be best if you just listened to me."

       "Still not going to happen," I said, stopping in my tracks so I could look at her. 

       "If you want to play it that way, fine," Kitty said. "Because I know my way around the town and I definitely know how to get what I want. I will take everything away from you. Every single thing or person you care about."

       If I rolled my eyes anymore, they would surely fall out of my head. Did she even listen to herself at times? 

       "Do it," I said. "I dare you. Because how can you take every person I care about away when they all can't stand you?"

       "I have my ways," Kitty said.

       "Unless your ways has to do with getting a complete personality transplant, I doubt that's going to happen," I said. "Can you go away now? You're annoying me. Like always."

       "Look, I just want to talk to Sawyer," Kitty said.

       "He doesn't want to talk to you," I said. "And I'll prove it." Since we were close to the house, I looked at my and Sawyer's bedroom window. "Sawyer!" Shortly after I called his name, Sawyer opened the window and leaned out. "Kitty wants to talk to you!"

       Sawyer's reply was the best one ever.

       He flipped her off before closing the window, the blinds, and probably the curtains as well.

       "There you have it," I said to Kitty. "Now can you leave me alone?"

       "Whatever," Kitty said. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

       "Warn me?" I asked.

       "Of the revenge I'm planning," Kitty said. "After all, you know what they say. Revenge is sweet."

       So were my innuendos that would only make Kitty hate me even more so I was totally saying the one on my mind. I would just have to simmer it down a bit so I didn't completely piss her off right now.

       Though I should.

       "I don't know about that," I said. "I prefer Sawyer's d-- Dedication to horses. Yeah, that's totally what I meant to say. It was nice talking to you."

       I walked towards the house, this time not stopping so Kitty could continue being as childish as ever. Revenge for what, exactly? For dating her ex-boyfriend because I actually cared about Sawyer and liked him for who he was? 

       She really needed a reality check.

       When I got to my bedroom where Sawyer was, he asked, "What exactly did Kitty want?"

       I shrugged. "Don't know. She didn't tell me why she wanted to talk to you. I kept telling her you didn't want to talk to her but she wouldn't listen so thank you for flipping her off. That made my day. Quick question, though. How much control does she have over the town with her mom being mayor?"

       "Not much," Sawyer said. "She likes to think she does and sometimes, her mom will do things just for Kitty's benefit but nothing too extreme otherwise people will call out the mayor for being biased. Why?"

       "Oh, no reason," I said. "Just the usual jealous ex. She, apparently, is going to take everyone I care about away from me. Don't ask how she plans on doing that because really, I have no idea. The only people in this town I care about is my mom and sister, your family, Lulu, and Beau. And they all hate Kitty and would take my side over hers."

       "Well, you're right there," Sawyer said. "I wouldn't worry too much about her. Yes, she does have a hard time letting things go and she might actually try something against you but in the end, if you don't care, she's just going to eventually stop."

       "I hope so," I said. "So I have another question. This one, Lulu keeps hounding me about."

       "She wants me to go on that senior camping trip with you, doesn't she?" Sawyer asked.

       "Yeah..." I said. "I want you to go to but if you don't want to go because Kitty will be there, I totally understand."

       "Jamie," Sawyer said as he walked towards me. "Of course I'll go with you if you want me to."

       "Really?" I asked with a smile.

       Sawyer nodded, smiling back. "Really. And as much as I would rather not rub our relationship in Kitty's face, doing it for one night won't hurt."

       "Doing it as in doing it or doing it as in rubbing our relationship in Kitty's face."

       "I seriously would like to know if I could get just one sentence out of my mouth without you turning it into an innuendo."

       "You probably can," I said. "But it might be difficult for you. Thanks, though. For wanting to go on the camping trip with me. Lulu is the one planning the date and now that I don't have to use crutches anymore, she said she'll start looking for a place to book soon. I'm actually going to have a lot of fun there."

       "Why? Because you get to rub our relationship in Kitty's face?" Sawyer asked.

       "Hey, you're technically the one who offered to do that," I said. "I just wanted you to come on the trip. We don't even have to be affectionate at all. We could just be two bros being bros."

       "Well, that would be a waste of a trip if we couldn't be affectionate."

       "Ooh, sounds kinky."

       "You're unbelievable."

       "You still like me."

       "That..." Sawyer gave me a lingering kiss. "I do."


oof did they just get married????? jk jk

jamie is a whole mood i swear. he's such a fun character to write and i love him so much <3

and i can't wait for the camping chapter because we get more beau and beau is the most precious thing about this book uwu

the camping chapter might even be next chapter woo

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